"Heaven is closer when you're wearing high heels."I luv to just hang out and have fun--from clubbing to 5AM to sitting in the bookstore on a Sunday afternoon catching up on all my favorite fashion mags. I'm in luv with all things that stimulate the senses--sight, sound, touch. I luv art, music, and people." I may not be perfect--but parts of me are EXCELLENT."Just because I wander--doesn't mean that I'm lost...ChelseaMS
Free-spirits, Fashionistas, Intellectuals, Hell Raisers, Shit starters, Go-getters, Slackers.....if you're cool, then I'm wit it.....oh yeah, and Sade.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowRide or Die chicasSunkissed HunniesThrowback pic--me and the sis scootin' around Miami. Now THAT's a Miami tan you see us sportin'. hahaLIFE AS I KNOW IT
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I listen to everything from rap to reggae to R&B to neosoul to pop to bossa nova to house to ambient to trip hop to salsa. You name it--I own it. I'm currently stalking Van Hunt...hahaOne of my fave places to be... and ChelseaMS
"Who Jah bless--no man curse."ChelseaMS
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