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James Joyce

About Me

I thought I would study and learn as much as I could, in order to teach - in order to enlighten. What happened to me, however, is a most gruesome affair; I decided to be a writer. Cursed universe, Cursed street corner - I knew them to be one and the same, but to prove it . . . therein lied an adulthood of absolute insanity.Do not write, Do not speak, just act. That is my lesson.

My Interests

I am interested in all activities which seem to have no meaning. Like this one: Zichpowwwwtooey.It is a wonderful and spiritual journey when one takes upon themselves the charities, health, and associated sufferings of mankind. This is the true path of any intelligent creature. I, as I am informed at least, seem to lack in the intelligence department.I find it more enlightening to relish in the obscure and inane, the passing moments that endure for me eternally, yet seem to others a nuisance in their daily routine, and present to me a clarity and presence I feel as devine.This of course is still me just being a wrtier, and so you see my curse.

I'd like to meet:



Im drunk usually, so it's all pretty darn clever.


It sounds like a pretty neat idea.


far off vision? What are you saying? Interesting word, I mean, used in a different context could signify a spiritual vision, or some medium by which we see events happening remotely.Whats probably likely, given the dull and self-absorbent creatures we are - is that we'll someday use this word to signify an activity which nulllifies our ego and fills our lives with vicarious meaning and empty fulfillment.


Well, my autobiography was a smash hit, 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man', although vilified by the European community. I'm sure you heard of Ulysses by now . . . but what's most important is that you let 'Finnegans Wake' disturb you for a few of its 1000 pages - because I don't really understand what I meant in that one either.

