Whats up! My name is Jamie King. The Basement Recording is in reference to the audio engineering and production services that I provide out of my basement in Winston-Salem, NC. Ive been recording bands and individual musicians since about 1996. I started recording on a 4-track, then moved on to a couple of Adats and now I use a Protools system on Machintosh computer with some top of the line industry standard outboard gear and microphones. I generally specialize in recording and producing amateur to pro rock and metal (with all the relative genres) bands and musicians. My primary goal is to help bands and musicians (along with their respective label and or management) achieve an audio product that is professional sounding while incorporating the artists personal tastes in tones and audio production at the most affordable price possible. My experience as a musician in bands and previous dealings within the music industry have enabled me to provide advice and insight on many aspects of engineering and producing records for bands and musicians with many different goals. Ultimately, I feel that the commissioner of a record has final say on how the record should sound so I work really hard to give them the product that they want. I am continually striving to improve my abilities and sound quality while maintaining affordable rates. I feel that my product speaks for itself so feel free to check out other projects that Ive done to get an idea of what Im capable of. Check out some artists in which I have done work. You can find links to their myspace pages in my friends section. I will provide a list of bands that Ive worked with on this site. Please contact me for any questions and or booking. Thanks for considering my services.
Jamie King
The Basement Recording NC
Contact Jamie King at:
[email protected] (email works best for me as Im rarely available for phone calls)
Cell. .. (336) 407-0609 * Please don't call unless you don't have email access.
201 Oak Summit Rd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
-$40 an hour for producing, recording, editing, mixing and mastering done within the regular prescheduled 40 hour work week. It's about as cheap as it gets for the quality.
-$60 an hour for overtime and special hours like late nights and weekends
-$80 an hour for priority booking. Relative to the price for the quality, I tend to stay booked up 3 months or more. I offer this service as I understand that some bands and artists cant wait that long to record (pariticulary bands and artists on labels working with deadlines).
-$60 an hour for mastering as mastering is generally done during overtime hours. $40 an hour for mastering projects that can be worked into regular business hours. *In general, mastering takes an hour for 0-15 min. worth of music, two hours for 15-30 min. three hours for 30-45min. and 4 hour for 45-80min. As you can tell, mastering with me is extremely less expensive than with other mastering providers that work with industry standard mastering gear.
-A %50 deposit is required to schedule dates.
*Important notice about my payment policy:
Unfortunately, due to a lot of payment issues in the past, I've been forced
to change my payment policy. I require %100 of estimated payment upfront
before recording. Of course any unused money will be refunded. I'm willing to create and sign an invoice/general agreement with the label and/or artist for both parties legal protection. Contact me for the recording estimate and any questions or concerns about this policy.
Recording Specifics
The new studio is located at 201 Oak Summit Rd.. Winston-Salem, NC 27105. It's in the basement of the brick house with White trim and Black doors and shutters at the corner of Oak Summit Rd. and Dogwood Dr. The basement entrance and parking is on Dogwood Dr. I usually record Sunday through Thursday. I generally record from 1-10pm Sun.- Wed. with a one-hour dinner break. Although, the times are flexible for both the artist and myself. The goal is to get in 8 hours of work in a day. Or at least 40 hours a week.
How It Goes Down:
The first thing to be recorded is generally the drums. You load in, set up and we tune the drums to achieve the desired tones. This generally takes the first 2-4 hours of a project that is to be fully produced. Then, the drummer will track thier parts. Sometimes, the drummer may track by themselves (happens most often when planning to record to a click track). Many times, someone (if not everyone) will play while the drums are being recorded on the first day. These tracks are generally concidered scractch tracks with fully produced projects. Usually, guitars, bass, etc. are to be re-recorded after the drums are completed. The vocalist being present for drum tracking can often be helpful as they can conduct the band and to make sure that there are no parts of songs left out (this actually happens with about one out of every five projects). The drum and the tones will be worked up and drum tracks should be recorded on the first day to three days of the recording. Generally, the drums will need to be quantized to a click track with full production record. This can take an hour per 1-3 min. of audio depending on hour complex and progressive the drum tracks are. If this is to be done, it obviously must be done before tracking anything else. I prefer that the rhythm guitars be tracked next if the band is a guitar driven band. Bass if they are a bass driven band. Keys, Horns, Percussion etc. can be recorded after the primary rhythm tracks are done if there are no parts that rhythm tracks have to sync to. Only the performers that are actually recording need be present to record their parts. No one needs to be present for the digital editing. Although, any member can attend at any time. I prefer that we keep guests to a minimum. A digital editing reference will be given to the bands for the approval of all editing and reconstruction. Samples can be added after the songs are mixed down unless there is a sample with a rhythm to sync to. It is also not necessary for anyone to be present for the mix. It is up to the band as far as who attends the mix session. I recommend that only one or two people attend the mix session. Select the person(s) that is the producer of the band. Someone who will listen the mix and not individual instruments. Someone who understands the collective compromise on how the band should be mixed. The mix can be done remotely by uploading references for the client to download and sending adjustment list. This is generally the best method to use for ensuring the mix sounds it's best outside the studio. I don't produce the band unless requested but I do produce the sounds and the mix because my name is going on it. Ultimately, whoever is commissioning the project has final say so with me so make sure that you guys and that person or those people are in an agreement with one another on how the project should sound.
Studio Rules
-No Smoking inside the Basement. Food and Beer and such is fine but no smoking or drugs of any kind inside. Just keep any food and drink away from eqipment for obvious reasons. You can smoke outside no problem.
-Park only on studio property. No pulling into or parking in neighbor's driveways or yards. If parking seems difficult upon arrival, consult me about the options. There should be plenty. Keeping vistors to a minimum and carpooling when possible will keep this from being an issue.
-No coming before the scheduled session or hanging out after the scheduled session unless I am present.
-I do not provide sleeping space. Not inside or outside. No exceptions. Please don't even ask.
-Keep noise to a minimum if session go after 10:00pm as I have people sleeping upstairs. No loud instruments, TV or discussion.
-No loitering around the neighborhood. People tend to wander while talking ..phones and such which freaks some of the neighbors out for some reason. haha
-There is no provided lodging at the studio. There are many local hotels. Some are really affordable. Some are nicer. Just inquire if you are in need of lodging and I will give you the info.
-Sorry no band laundry. There is a washer in dryer in the lounge area but that is for personal use only. There is a great laundry mat a half a mile from the studio.
-Have fun and don't try to take it all too seriously. I think we all got in to music for the love and enjoyment of it so we should try to keep it that way even through the business aspect of things.
-I really hate to have all these rules. Just a too many inconciderate, disrespectful give and inch, take a mile type people in this business. A few have ruined it for all. Please, just be conciderate and respectful to me, my family and the neighbors and everything with be cool.
Recording Suggestions
The recommendations and requests that I have are as
-discuss the sounds, production and mix that the band, producer and commissioner are collectively going for and bring CD examples if possible
-have guitars and bass set up to eliminate problems with intonation, fret buzz and noisy pots and switches if possible
-make sure tube amp tubes are not too old
-buy new strings for both bass and guitars
-buy new attack heads for drums (have the drummer contact me about the proper drum head selection for the desired sound)
-check resonant heads (make sure they are matched single ply like Remo
Ambassador and don't have any dents or holes) (snare side ambassador for
-check snare strands (no broken or loose strands)
-no broken cymbals (Ihave studio cymbal but I have a break it, you buy it policy)
-nylon tip sticks are probably best for heavy styles of music to get attack out of rides cymbals and such.
-get plenty of rest the nights before tracking (especially for vocals.
People's vocals sound best for a span of six hours after the person has been up for three hours)
-have everything worked out (have completed lyrics and vocal melodies and/or patterns worked out,
have guitar solos worked out, samples and extras worked out and collected) (impoving can run into hours of uncalculated recording time)
-record the material prior to coming into the studio on anything including a jam box, four track, hard disk recorder or computer recording software to point out weaknesses in performance and the material.
-Above and beyond all, come in with an open mind. Try to be as descriptive
about your sounds as possible and let me do what is necessary to get those sounds even if that means tuning the drums and tweaking the amp tones.
Equipment List
-Digidesign Digi 002 with ProTools Software with numerous industry standard plug-ins
-SSL VHD 4 Channel Preamps (x2)
-SSL Alpha Channel Channel Preamp EQ
-SSL Apha Link D/A Converter
-DBX 160 A Compressor/Limiter
-Mackie HR824 Monitors with system sub
-Sony MDR-7506 Headphones
-Alesis XT20 ADAT
-Tascam Porta Studio 464
-1 Neumann U87
-1 Shure Beta 58
-4 Shure SM58
-10 Shure SM 57
-1 Shure Beta 91
-2 Shure Beta 52
-2 Shure SM 81
-1 Sennheiser e609
-4 Sennheiser MD421II
-2 Sennheiser e614
-Peak Mastering Software
-Manley VariMu Tube Compressor
-Aphex 204 Aural Exciter
-BBE 882i Sonic Maximizer
-Marshall JMP-1 Preamp with 9005 Poweramp
-Marshall JCM900 Head
-Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Rack Mount Head
-Peavy 5150 Head
-Marshal VS100 Valvestate Head
-Roland Jazz Chorus 77
-Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
-Mashall Master Lead Combo
-Marshall 1960 B Vintage 4x12 Guitar Cabinet
-Marshall 1960 B Modern 4x12 Guitar Cabinet
-Mesa Boogie 4x12 Guitar Cabinet
-Line 6 POD XT (Guitar and Bass)
-Boss ME 50 Effects processor
-Boss Noise Supressor and Compression pedal
-Maxon TS9 Tube Screamer
-Ampeg SVT 3 Head
-Hartke HA3500 Head
-Ampeg 4x10 Classic Cabinet
-Amgeg 1x15 Classic Cabinet
-Hartke 4x10 with Horn 4200 Pro Cab
-Sansamp Bass Driver
-Roland RS50 Keyboard
-Yamaha Motif 7
-Mac Powerbook with Reason and Garage Band
-Behringer Powered Mixer with JBL Speaker (small PA)
-Gibson Les Paul Studio
-Gibson ES 339
-Fender American Strat
-Ibanez Prestige S
-Taylor 614CE Acoustic
-Yamaha Classical
-Fender American Jazz Bass
-Ibanez Sound Gear Bass (5 string)
-Zildjian 14 A New Beat Hi-hats
-Ziljian 16 A Med. Crash
-Ziljian 18 A Med. Crash
-Ziljian 20 A Rock Ride
-Wuhan 16 and 18 Chinas
-Pearl Prestige Session (9 piece) (including two kicks)
-Ludwig Snare Vintage (one steel, one wood)
-Pearl Snare Standard Steel
-Pearl Snare Brass Free Float
-Assorted Hardware and Percussion
-Assorted drum heads in stock
-TV with VCR and DVD (Bring your gaming system!)
-Dell Laptop (for intenet access)
-Wireless Internet access
-Sony Jam Box and Walkman
-Abduksion-Demo E-P-M-Master
-About Face-LP E-M- Master
-The Academy-Demo E-M- Master
-The Academy-LP E-P-M- Master
-The Academy-EP E-P-M- Master
-Acirema-EP E-P-M- Mastered
-Adira-MCD E-P-M- Master
-Advent MCD (Solid State) E-P-M- Master
-Aegis of Athena M- Master
-After Elegance- Sampler E-P-M- Master
-Against Your Will-LP E-P-M- Master
-Alesana-LP E-P-M- Master (Tragic Hero/Fearless)
-The All Conference Ninnies-LP E-M
-Allmighty Flying Machine-MCD M- Master
-The Ammend-LP M- Master
-American Gothic-EP E-P-M-Master
-Amercian Plague-LP Master
-Analyst-Demo Master
-An Hour Before Daylight EP E-P-M- Master
-Anything on Fire-MCD E-P-M- Master
-Apollo Called For Me-EP Master
-Apostacy Confessed-Demo E-P-M- Master
-Aria-Demo (Seventh Dagger Records) E-M-Master
-Aria-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Aria- EP E-P-M-Master
-As Legend Has It-EP E-P-M- Master
-Ashwin-MCD E-P-M-Master-Master
-August-EP E-P-M-Master
-August-Demo Master
-Averneen-EP E-P-M-Master-Master
-Azazel-EP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Azazel-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Chase O'neal-Demo E-M-Master
-Banshee-LP E-P-M-Master
-Behind The Veil-LP E-P-M-Master-Master
-Beloved-EP (Vindicated/Solid State Records) E-P-M
-Between the Buried and Me-Demo E-M-Master
-Between the Buried and Me- Between the Buried and Me LP (Lifeforce Records/ Victory Records) E-P-M
-Between the Buried and Me-Alaska LP (Victory Records) E-P
-Between the Buried and Me-The Anatomy Of LP (Victory Records) E-P-M-Master
-Between the Buried and Me-Colors LP (Victory Records) E-P-M-Master
-Black Rose Mourning-MCD E-P-M-Master
-Blindsight-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Bloodjinn-Leave this World Breathing LP (Goodfellow Records) E-P-M
-Bloodjinn-EP (Frosaken Records) E-P-M-Master
-Bloodjinn-This Machine Runs on Empty (Pluto) M-Master
-Blue Industry-LP(Forsaken Records) E-P-M-Master
-Bombshell-LP Master
-Bone Sirkus-EP E-P-M-Master
-A Bridge Called Life-EP Master
-Bull Durham-MCD E-P-M-Master
-Burn The Blood-Demo Master
-Burn The Sky-EP E-P-M-Master
-Bush Hogg-Sampler E-P-M-Master
-Bush Hogg-EP E-P-M-Master
-Bush Hogg-LP E-P-M-Master
-Brand New Disaster-LP E-P-M-Master
-Breakthrough LP Master
-Brown 25-EP E-P-M-Master
-By Morning-EP E-P-M-Master
-Caffeine Superstar-LP E-P-M-Master
-Called To Arms-EP E-P-M-Master
-Called It Quits-EP E-P-M-Master
-Cambridge-EP Master
-Canvas Solaris-LP ..1 (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Canvas Solaris-LP ..2 (Sensory Records) E-P-M
-Canvas Solaris-LP ..3 (Sensory Records) E-P-M
-Canvas Solaris-LP ..4 (Sensory Records) E-P-M
-The Cardinal Effect-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Casadyne MCD E-P-M-Master
-Casualty LP Master
-Chapter 11-LP E-P-M
-Chase Oneil-Senior Project E-P-M-Master
-Chase Preston-Single M-Master
-Chase Theory-LP Master
-Choke Chain-EP E-P-M-Master
-Class Action-EP E-P-M-Master
-Classic Case/He Is Legend-Split Master
-The Classic Struggle-LP (Ironclad/Metal Blade Records) E-P-M-Master
-A Closing Skyline EP E-P-M- Master
-Cluttered-EP E-P-M-Master
-A Cold Winters Kiss-LP E-P-M- Master
-Collosus-LP Master
-Common Effect-EP E-P-M-Master
-Couch Boy-Sampler E-P-M-Master
-Crawlspace-LP M-Master
-Curse Your Name-LP M-Master
-Cynder-LP E-M-Master
-Dakota Darling-LP Master
-Cluttered-EP E-P-M-Master
-The Damascus Intervention-EP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Damona Waits-LP E-P-M-Master
-Darkness Remians-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Dead Man in Reno-LP (Candlelight Records) E-P-M-Master
-Death Blow-LP (Tragic Hero Records) E-P-M-Master
-Death Ridge-EP E-M-Master
-Death Ridge-EP ..2 E-P-M-Master
-Death Runs Silent-Demo E-P-M-Master
-The Demonstration-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-The Demonstration-EP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Die As One–EP E-P
-A Different Breed of Killer LP (Rise Records) E-P-M-Master
-Diminished By You EP E-P-M-Master
-Dismembering Nightmare LP Master
-Downcast-LP E-P-M-Master
-Down on Luck LP E-P-M-Mastered
-Dreamscapes of the Perverse-LP Master (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Dreams Weight-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Dreams Weight-EP E-P-M-Master
-Each Passing Moment-EP (Forsaken Records) E-P-M-Master
-East 23 LP Master
-Eldora MCD E-P-M-Master
-The Elegant Honkies-LP E-P-M-Master
-Emissary-Demo E-M-Master
-Emissary-EP E-P-M-Master
-Emotion Sickness-EP E-P-M-Master
-End of All-Demo (Tribunal Records) E-M-Master
-End of All-LP (Tribunal Rocords) E-P-M
-Engaged In and Open Casket Standoff Demo Master
-Jonathan Ensley-Demo E-M-Master
-Epitome-Demo E-M-Master
-Epsilon Zero-LP E-P-M-Master
-Esoteric-EP E-P-M-Master
-Even if it Kills You-EP E-P-M-Master
-Everafter-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Everafter-MCD E-P-M-Master
-Fallen-EP E-M-Master
-Far From Forgiven-Demo E-M-Master
-Far-less-EP E-P-M-Master
-Far-less-LP (Silent Uproar) E-P-M-Master
-Far-less-Turn to the Bright EP (Tooth and Nail) E-P-M
-Far-less-A Toast To Bad Taste Demos (Tooth and Nail) E-P-M-M
-Farwell-Bonus Track (Forsaken) E-P
-The Fastest Kid Demo Master
-The Fight Between Frames-EP Master
-Fillaedelphia-MCD Master
-Filter-Single (Pulse Records) Master
-Firenze-MCD E-P-M-Master
-The Fire the Flood LP (No Sleep Records) E-P-M-Master
-The Fire the Flood Demo (No Sleep Records) Master
-First Line-MCD Master
-The 5 L's-EPE-P-M-Master
-Fiveskin-EP E-P-M-Master
-Fiveskin-LP E-P-M-Master
-F.I.X-LP E-P-M-Master
-The Flamming Skunks-Demo M-Master
-The Flamming Skunks-Live LP E-M-Master
-The Flamming Skunks-LP E-P-M-Master
-The Flamming Skunks-Extras E-P-M-Master
-Fletcher-Demo Master
-Flojo-EP E-P-M-Master
-Floorbored-EP E-P-M-Master
-Flowers For Faye EP Master
-FNP-Demo E-P-M-Master
-For Hope and Revenge-EP (Divisional Media) Master
-For Hope and Revenge EP (Divisional Media) E
-For Today-LP (Face Down Records) E-P-M-Master
-From Graves of Valor EP (Tragic Hero Records) E-P-M-Master
-From Here On-EP (Tribunal Records) Re-Master
-From Idle Hands EP E-P-M-Master
-Gadrel-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Ghost in a Shell-LP E-P-M-Master
-Ghost of a Fallen Age Sampler (Tragic Hero Records) M-Master
-Giles-LP (Victory Records) P-M-Master
-Glass Casket-We Are Gathered Here TodayLP (Century Media/Abakus) E-P-M
-Glass Casket- LP 2 (Century Media/Abakus) E-P-M-Master
-Will Goodyear-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Will Goodyear-LP (Lifeforce) E-P-M
-Goldstar-EP CoE-CoP-M-Master
-Goldstar-LP CoE-CoP-M-Master
-Brook Gwyn-Demo E-M-Master
-Harness Demo E-P-M-Master
-Harper’s Ferry EP Master
-Headsnap-Demo E-M-Master
-Heartscarved-EP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M
-Heartscarved-EP Remix (Tribunal Records) E-P-M Master
-He Is Legend-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-He Is Legend-Third Eye Blind Cover song (Solid State) E-P-M-Master
-He Is Legend-Industry Demos Mastered
-Hello Tokyo-LP Master
-Hereafter an Odyssey EP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-A Hero A Fake-Demo Master
-Heroes Will Be Heroes- EP Master
-The Hottness-LP (Tragic Hero) M-Master
-Hour Glass Minute-EP E-P-M-Master
-Hour of Chaos-Demo E-M-Master
-How Far Weve Fallen-Demo Master
-The Human Abstract-LP (Hopeless Records) E-P
-Husky Rock-LP Master
-I Am the Messenger-EP Master
-Idea Of Beauty-EP E-P-M-Master
-IFM-EP Master
-In Gabriel;s Name.-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Implicit-EP E-P-M-Master
-Implicit-EP..2 E-P-M-Master
-Infected-LP E-P-M-Master
-Infected-EP E-P-M-Master
-In the Way that Machines Can-Demo E-M-Master
-International 85-LP E-P-M-Master
-International Drive-EP M-Master
-International Drive-EP Master
-Jared-EP E-P-M-Master
-J Theory-LP Master
-Jacob Rogers-EP Master
-J Theory-LP Master
-Jonas Sees in Color-EP (Right Hook Records) M-Master
-Jonas Sees in Color-MCD (Right Hook Records) CoM-Master
-Jonin LP (Tribunal Records) M-Master
-Killing Theory-EP Master
-Kill Switch-EP E-M-Master
-Kim-EP E-M-Master
-A Kiss For Jersey EP E-P-M- Mastered
-A Kiss For Jersey LP (Tragic Hero) E-P-M- Mastered
-The Knife Trade LP Co E
-Knives Exchanging Hands EP E-P-M-Master
-Knives Exchanging Hands EP (Tragic Hero) M-Master
-Koria-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Koria-EP E-P-M-Master
-KWD-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-KWD-LP 2 (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-KWD-LP 3 (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-KWD-LP 3 (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-KWD-LP 4 (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Last Chance To Reason (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Livewire MCD (Right Hook Records) Master
-Last November-EP E-P-M-Master
-Level Up-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Level Up-LP E-P-M-Master
-L.D.X.-EP E-P-M-Master
-Liferuiner-LP (Uprising Records) E-P-M-Master
-The Lineage EP Master
-Line of Fire-LP (Tribunal Records) CoE-P-M-Master
-Lost-EP Master
-Love And Reverie-LP Master
-Lunacy Driven-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Malbolgia Sampler E-P-M-Master
-Malicious Mischief-EP E-P-M-Master
-Makeshift-Demo E-P-M-Master
-The Manhattan Project- LP (Forsaken Records) P-M-Master
-The Manhattan Project-EP E-P-M-Master
-Mauntebanks-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Mauntebanks-Promo Demo E-P-M-Master
-Mauntebanks-LP E-P-M-Master
-Method 51-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Methods 51-EP E-P-M-Master
-Method 51-Demo ..2 E-P-M-Master
-The Mile After-EP E-P-M-Master
-Mindprint-Demo M-Master
-Mimic-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Mimic-EP E-P-M-Master
-Minus The Glory-EP Master
-Mod Flanders Conspiracy-LP E-P-M-Master
-Monday in London-EP E-P-M-Master
-Monday in Lodon-Samper (Inianola Records) E-P-M-Master
-Monday in Lodon-LP (Inianola Records) E-P-M-Master
-Monday in Lodon-MCD E-P-M-Master
-Monday in Lodon-EP E-P-M-Master
-The Morning Of-LP M-Master
-My Children My Bride-MCD E-P-M-Master
-My Dearest Enemy -EP Master
-My Hero Is Me-EP (Tragic Hero Records) M-Master
-My Hero Is Me-LP (Tragic Hero Records) CoE-CoP-M-Master
-Narian-EP E-P-M-Master
-The Necessary-LP (Forsaken Records) E-P-M-Master
-Nema-LP ()E-P-M-Master
-Nephilym-LP E-P-M-Master
-Nephilym-LP 2 E-P-M-Master
-Network of Terror-LP E-P-M-Master
-New Republic-LP Master
-Nosebleed-Demo E-P-M-Master
-No Sleep Record Compilation Master
-Nothing But Heroes EP Master
-No Refuge-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Once Nothing-LP (Solid State Records) E-P-M-Master
-On Solid Ground-EP Master
-One Six Conspiracy-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-One Way-EP E-P-M-Master
-Otherside of Fear-EP E-P-M-Master
-Over and Out-MCD E-P-M-Master
-Over and Out-EP E-P-M-Master
-Over and Out-Comp E-P-M-Master
-Painted Soul-LP M-Master
-Pain After Death-EP Master
-Pathogen-LP E-P-M-Master
-Philmont-EP Master
-Piano Rose-Demo E-M-Master
-Plague Thy Child-EP E-P-M-Master
-Plug-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Plug-EP E-P-M-Master
-Purity-EP E-P-M-Master
-Pussknuckle-Demo Master
-Pull Of Gravity Demo Master
-Prayer for Cleansing-LP (Tribunal Records) Re-mix-Master
-Qwell-EP E-P-M-Master
-Qwell-LP (Goodfellow) E-P
-Rapture Caberet Demo Master
-Red I Flight-LP (Victory Records) E-P-M-Master
-Red Letter Philosophy-EP E-P-M-Master
-Red Letter Philosophy-LP M-Master
-Red Orchestra Radio-EP E-P-M-Master
-Red Sun-EP E-P-M-Master
-Rifles at Recess-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-Righteous Wisdom-LP CoM-Master
-The Riot and the Trauma-EP Master
-The Robot Revolt-EP CoE-P-M-Master
-Sargant Fury LPs Re-master
-S.C.A.N.-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Scapegoat-LP E-P-M-Master
-Scapegoat-LP 2 (Tragic Hero) CoE-CoP-CoM-Master
-Scapegoat-LP 3 (Tragic Hero)CoE-CoP-CoM-Master
-Scarlet Undercover-EP E-P-M-Master
-School for Heroes-LP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-School for Heroes-LP 2 (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-School for Heroes-EP P
-Scribe-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Secret Lives of the Free Masons-EP (Divisional Media) E-P-M-Master
-Secret Lives of the Free Masons-LP (Victory Records) E-P-M-Master
-Sect. 9-LP E-P-M-Master
-Section 8-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Section 8-LP E-P-M-Master
-Seneca-LP (Divisional Media) E-P-M-Master
-Self Portrait-EP (Tribunal Records) E-P-M-Master
-The Seven Method-LP (MD Records) E-P-M-Master
-Seven Percent Mind Usage-EP M-Master
-Seven Percent Mind Usage-LP M-Master
-Sever The Tie EP E-P-M-Master
-Shadows Within-LP E-P-M-Master
-Shadows Within-LP 2 E-P-M-Master
-She Came From Above-Demo Master
-She Is a Liar-MCD E-P-M-Master
-Shock's Treat Demo E-P-M-Master
-Shock's Treat Demo ..2 E-P-M-Master
-The Silver Screen-EP E-P-M-Master
-A Skylit Drive EP (Tragic Hero) M-Master
-A Skylit Drive LP (Tragic Hero) Co E, Co M, Master
-Skywire-EP E-P-M-Master
-Skywire-LP E-P-M-Master
-Slushie-LP E-P-M-Master
-Slowmotion Apocalypse-LP (Tribunal) Master
-Societal Dropout-LP E-P-M-Master
-Social Outcast UB-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Social Outcast UB-Demo ..2 E-P-M-Master
-Social Outcast UB-Demo ..3 E-P-M-Master
-Social Outcast UB-EP E-P-M-Master
-Sometime Never-LP Master
-Somewhere in Between-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Sonoma Aero-EP Master
-A Stained Glass Romance-LP (Torque Records) E-P-M-Master
-Step 13-EP E-P-M-Master
-Step 13-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Steryle EP E-P-M-Master
-Stickboy-LP (Gig Records) E-P-M-Master
-Stiph-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Stiph-Sampler E-P-M-Master
-Stuckshot-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Stuckshot-LP E-P-M-Master
-Subtotal-LP E-P-M-Master
-Sugar Glyder EP M-Master
-Sugar Glyder LP Master
-Sullivan-MCD E-P-M-Master
-Sunday Moring Ritual-EP M-Master
-Sunday Moring Ritual-EP 2 E-P-M-Master
-A Stained Glass Romance-LP E-P-M-Master
-Sypherow-Demo E-M-Master
-System Burned LP E-P-M-Master
-Swift-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Swift-"Thoughts are Thought" (Tribunal Records) EP E-P-M-Master
-Swift-"Waging War" LP (Tribunal Records) E -P-M-Master
-Swift-A Communication Manual EP (Tribunal Rocords) E-P-M-Master
-Swift-The Absolute Uncontrollable LP (Tribunal Rocords) E-P-M-Master
-Ten Missing Days- EP E-P-M-Master
-10 Sec. Rule-Demo E-P-M-Master
-10 Sec. Rule-Demo ..2 E-P-M-Master
-10 Sec. Rule-EP E-P-M-Master
-Ten Twenty Sampler Master
-Third World Luxury-LP E-P-M-Master
-This Day an Age-LP E-P-M-Master
-This Present Darkness-Demo (Seventh Dagger) E-P-M-Master
-This Very Day-LP Master
-3 Quarters Dead-LP (Blackbird Productions) E-P-M-Master
-Three Stars Left-Sampler E-P-M-Master
-13 Columns-LP E-P-M-Master
-13 Columns-LP 2 E-P-M-Master
-Tim Hooker-EP E-P-M-Master
-Timid-EP Master
-This Waking Moment-EP Master
-A Thousand Times Repent-EP (Tribunal) E-P-M-Master
-Through the Eyes of the Dead-EP (Lovelost Records)E-P-M-Master
-Through the Eyes of the Dead- Knife Trade Split (Lovelost Records) E-P-M-Master
-Through the Eyes of the Dead-Bloodlust LP (Prosthetic Records) E-P-M
-Torn From 6-EP E-P-M-Master
-Torn From 6-EP ..2 E-P-M-Master
-Tragic Hero Compilation Master
-Tragic Seasons EP E-P-M-Master
-Transgression-EP E-P-M-Master
-Tribunal Records Compilation Master
-Tripp-LP Master
-Trip Six-EP E-P-M-Master
-Truth Decay-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Tsavo-MCD E-P-M-Master
-T.V.I.C.D.-EP E-P-M-Master
-Underneath Everything-LP E-P-M-Master
-Undying-Demo E-M-Master
-Unscathed-EP E-P-M-Master
-Upside--LP Master
-The Varsity-Industry Demos E-P-M-Master
-Vencava-EP E-P-M-Master
-Veneer-EP E-P-M-Master
-The Verdict-LP E-P-M-Master
-The Verdict-Demo Master
-Viewpoint-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Viewpoint-LP E-P-M-Master
-A Vision Grotesqe-EP Master
-Paul Waggoner-Boot Dagger Boogie E-P-M-Master
-Waiting for Wednesday-Demo E-P-M-Master
-Waiting for Wednesday-EP E-P-M-Master
-Waiting for Wednesday-LP E-P-M-Master
-Wake the Fallen-EP Master
-Watch The Sky-Demo Master
-We Are Masked-LP Master
-What’s He Building In There-EP Master
-Whisteria Cottage-MCD E-P-M-Master
-White Chapel Massacre-MCD E-P-M-Master
-With Faith or Flames-LP E-P-M-Master
-Woe Of Tyrants LP (Tribunal Records) M-Master
-Worst Case Scenario-Sampler E-P-M-Master
-Written In Blood-Demo Master
-Written In Blood-EP E-P-M-Master
-Written In Blood-MCD E-P-M-Master
-Yearling LP (Tragic Hero) Master
-Year Of Desolation (Prosthetic Records) E-P-M-Master
-Your Name In Vain (Tragic Hero) Master
-Yosemite Mudflap (Tragic Hero) M-Master .... make
MySpace Editor