Beautiful, Smart, Accomplished, and Classy. Rice.
History of Illegal immigration: STOP THEM
Paranormal: Is it possible?
Art and Cultures From Around The World
Elizabeth I
If I could meet Elizabeth I, I most likely, even though I would want to, I wouldn't ask her one question. She ruled with a mandate from God and family.
She was strong and let no one become her equal. She would not lower herself to the whims of a King; nor did she take her family for granted; as in the case of Mary Queen of Scots. She is amazing. She is beautiful strong and powerful. Her trust in God and her ability to bounce back from anything is a trait I want to emulate.
I have always been attracted to understanding how women manage power, love, money, and family. Cleopatra is the perfect example of how to mess all of that up in one snake bite. She should of noted her hedonism and understood her fatal-flaw was her inability to put her country, not her rule, first. She was still an interesting figure; from her raise to the throne, to being with another ruler, from Rome, to being with Marc Antony, and her noble death in the face of Octavian's humiliating proposal. She would sooner die than to have Egypt, which she embodied, be marched in the middle of the country that had just defeated them. Cleopatra showed what it meant to be a Goddess/ Ruler by her final act of suicide. Nobility doesn't bow down to anyone in any circumstance.
By far the most beautiful woman on this planet. She is so beautiful, smart, stylish, classy, and accomplished; I would be in awe of her if I had to chance to meet her. One day I am going to meet her and tell her what she has meant to me. She is the reason why I want to work in the state department one day. She inspires me to want to help others in poverty (without having to get $400 haircuts[John Edwards]) in other countries selflessly.
She is not ashamed of where she came from, but she doesn't see the need to regress or play like that she did not move on. She goes forward no matter what life gives her. She will not take anyone taking away her honesty, dignity, or her work ethic. She demands respect where ever she goes, not because she says it, it is because she has earned it. She is Amazing.
Marie Antoinette
Little Mermaid
Hannity and Colmes
Bill O'
South Park
Family Guy
Lucy: My Hero..
Its pretty good. The bad seed.
..The American Solider..