Salvatore profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Don't like my flag, patriotism or heritage? Please dial 1 800 Go F*ck Yourself. If the line is busy, try 1 800 EAT SH*T. Sorry gals, I am only here for innocuous banter, mindless meandering, intellectual curiosity, and idealogical expansion. I am not looking for anyone.Anyways, loyalty, consideration, and respect are key to any relationship. The golden rule is not just a platitude, but should be a consistent way of thinking.Also, I am VERY selective of whom I choose to be on my friend list, so if I allow you the honor of being there, you may thank me with a payment of MY choosing.IMPORTANT!!!! I WILL ONLY ENTERTAIN THOSE FRIEND REQUESTS WHO SUBMIT MESSAGES IN WRITING FIRST!! Please include in the message your name, location, reason why you feel eligible to be on my friend list and two references. Those would be one personal reference and one financial reference. Just don't really need to send a personal reference. ALSO!! If you happen to splel lkie tihs, tehn plaese git a dikshunary.I guess you can say that on the ideological spectrum I am rather right of center. After high school I used to be one of those left wing, pot smoking, poetry reading misanthropes who would hang outside the coffee houses complaining that the government was not doing enough to help me make a living. A semester of macro and micro economics in college woke me up and I have been a Reagan conservative ever since. A comparison of how the state and local government responded after the Northridge earthquake in 1994 to how the Federal government responded to Katrina proved to me that you can NOT depend on the federal government for ANYTHING and so you can only rely on one person. Yourself. I was raised by parents who were democrats and left of center. Both had parents who had imigrated here. One side was legal and the other was not. I respect all points of view whether it be politcs or religion, but please don't try and persuade me that my beliefs are wrong and yours are right. I have found that a liberal's worst nightmare is to be confronted with facts and logic and once that happens, they resort to personal attacks and name calling which just means they lost the argument. But hey, some of my best friends are left wing, radical, liberal nut jobs, and if you can articulate a train of thought by using facts and logic, then we just may have a good conversation.

My Interests

Create or get your
very own MySpace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Those whom I find intellectually stimulating. But where I am from, I will settle for those with the capacity for abstract thought.




24 Kicks ass! Also, the Shield. Discovery Channel, History Channel, Prison Break, The Office, My Name is Earl.

My Blog

Just a test

Ok, this is a test of the emergency broadcast system.  This is only a test.
Posted by Salvatore on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 11:06:00 PST