Robb profile picture


I got plans mostly just to hang around.

About Me

My name is Robert.

And no matter how many times I rewrite this section, I always think I would have been better off leaving it blank.

My Interests

movies, poetry, cooking, writing, mindless chatter, and pretty much anything that makes me smile.

I'd like to meet:

It changes from day to day, but I always seem to be more worried about keeping the people that are already in my life.


The goth kids say I'm too EMO, the EMO kids say I'm too indie, the indie kids say I'm too gangster, and the gangsters just call me white. Either way I'm always caught in the middle.


Comedy, Action, Romantic-comedy, indie, foreign, etc.


MTV: true life Adult Swim


I am an Ever-consuming pool of knowledge.


The only person I've ever looked up to was my mother, but I wouldn't ever admit it. (She read that statement and laughed.)

My Blog


I want to hide behind glasses with lenses so dark I'm blinded To never have to face the world To never see the path ahead Roaming endlessly with no home with no fear, with no restrictions I want to gr...
Posted by Robb on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:32:00 PST

playing with matches

Simpley put I'm alone in this roomThe walls close in around mebut it'll all be over soon My eyes fixate on shadowsnothing tangableI'd burn the flesh right off my bonesIf it would get me close to you S...
Posted by Robb on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 04:44:00 PST

two new

+unknown+ No I'm not the kind of man to obcess over a heart but if me is what your aiming for then I'm sure you hit your mark   I dont care about your feelings and I sure as hell don't cry well y...
Posted by Robb on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 04:37:00 PST

The Elements Align

I am the wind.   I am that whisper in the dead of night. I am always with you but out of sight. I am what calms your restless heart. I am what brings your ships to port.   I am the Earth &nb...
Posted by Robb on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 03:36:00 PST


My heart is sore from puncture woundsand all these battles I always loseYour eyes see something that might lastthough your heart still lingers in the pastand all I can do is be by your side.tell ...
Posted by Robb on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:01:00 PST

I wanted to be a phantom

I Take my feelings Put them to rythem and hope you misunderstand me.   I trace my heart to wax paper stincils and piece it back together.   I cry my tears face down in a pillows and smile wh...
Posted by Robb on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:56:00 PST

Secret that is best kept to yourself.

A resurgence of old emotions like de ja vus. Midday Crisies Cross my mind making it wander. Always "how coulds" or "what shoulds." Never knowing the big picture is more picturesce.   I Hide...
Posted by Robb on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 04:32:00 PST

Beats Arrange to the Rythme of my Heart

All we hear is the "tick-tock" as the hands on the clock draw closer to the moment where time has stopped   And again, once more as you walk out the door But I would never listen when you said yo...
Posted by Robb on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:05:00 PST

The hooker and the handbag

  Close your eyes and blanket your lips and I will consume you with this kiss.   This tapistry we've woven today Shall not untwine or to that I pray.   My world once lost was found in y...
Posted by Robb on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 02:14:00 PST

Of all the stars...

Your Fallen Star Misses Home I fnd myself staring up at the night sky again. With hands raised toward the heavens and an empty heart. Are the stars shining just for me? Or maybe it's just the hope tha...
Posted by Robb on Tue, 29 May 2007 12:38:00 PST