DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm profile picture

DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm

"Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm"

About Me

~~I am probably one of the realest people you will meet on this earth. I am humble. I am loyal. I am honest (as much as humanly possible lol). I am observant. I listen. I get it . I don't judge. I understand you (yes, you too). I am quiet around most, but run my mouth around other quiet people.
I am pretty much an open book, once I am inspired to share. I love, learn and laugh whenever the opportunity presents itself. I am destined for great things, and more people see this than I would ever believe. If you are my friend, you are privileged....Trust me.
I know everything AND nothing at the same time.
~~I can hardly resist the opportunity to argue or flirt.
~~IRL, I say "nigga" A LOT (a whole lot). I cant help it. Outside of that, I really do have an awful cursing problem.
~~I am close with my family, especially my twin and younger brother.
~~I am IN LOVE with Erykah Badu.
I LOVE Girls who like Girls!!!
I am a freak and am very open about sex and sexuality. Get free like me, people.
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My Interests

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Observation, Scratching the Surface, Writing, Egyptian Musk, Incense and Burning Oils, Soul Music, Riding Shotgun, Meditation, Reese's Cups, Women, Listening and Recording, Black Art (including literature, music and film), the 90's, Tattoos and Piercings, Homemade Mixtapes, The Shooting Range, Spades, Uno, Sex, Baked Mac and Cheese from Ma Dukes, Dreams, Learning New Things, Crime and its Effects.....You, and all Your Business. ^_^

Movies and Music...for without these two things, I would not be able to keep my sanity.

I used to be heavy into weed but now I enjoy the occasional joint every now and again.

I'm a homebody. Not meaning I wont go out, but I just choose not to most of the time. I get out when I need to.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet a new person everyday til the day I leave this existence. I'd love to just surround myself with people like me, but I really want to meet people from all walks of life, with all types of backgrounds and ideals. People of substance. People who want to learn. People who want to pass on their experience.

Every person I have not met who resides in my top friends.

Also, someone who will drift with me when I feel it's time to go.

And These Folks:

....but most of all I would like to meet whoever runs this existence of ours and ask them a few questions...over a nicely rolled joint, hopefully ^_^


Soul, Blues, Funk, Jazz, REAL R&B, 90's RnB(deserves its own category IMO), Hip Hop, Neo Soul, Trip-Hop, Classic Rock...I pretty much listen to everything except country. But I'll listen to anything once.


Denzel Washington, Robert Deniro, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle, Johnny Depp, John Turturro, Spike Lee, Quentin Tarentino, Rusty Cundieff, Hype Williams, Ernest Dickerson, The Hughes Bros, The Cohen Bros, Bill Duke, John Singleton, Kevin Smith, Robert Rodriguez, Joe Carnahan, Tony Scott, Judd Apatow...many many more people and films.

I love to laugh and I can dig basically anything that can move me in anyway.


I don't Agree with too much Television, but I do enjoy: The Wire, OZ, Chappelle show, the Boondocks, the 4400, Daria, Family Guy, Reno 911!, The Simpsons, ATHF, Scrubs, Nip/Tuck, King of the Hill, Malcolm in the Middle, The First 48, The Colbert Report, PBS, Most News networks(I watch em all...I'm addicted), The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince, Jaime Foxx Show, all the short-lived black sitcoms...MOST OF these I watch on DvD


The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Manchild in the Promised Land , MILES,The 'From Niggas to Gods' series, 48 laws of Power , The Miseducation of the Negro, No Disrespect , The Kenyatta Trilogy, Black Girl Lost , Daddy Cool.

Dictionary and Thesaurus...if you have suggestions get at me


My mother, My cousin Drea, My Aunt Carrina and ALL of the women in my family that helped raised me: I Love You Crazy Ladies!!...the people regularly idolized as heroes tend to disappoint us because we build them up to be gods and such; So I consider anyone, who believes in something and follows through worthy of "hero" status in my book...I Greatly Admire Jack Johnson and Miles Davis, among others.

My Blog

PSA to you so called "thoro" "hard body" "go hard" "thug" "gutta" "gangsta" etc type niggas...

If you're a killer, then you dont need to say it verbally.  You just do it. Tatted tears dont mean shit either.  Gone head with that bullshit.  You dont intimidate or impress any REAL k...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 11:02:00 PST

On the Road again and other Random tid bits

I've been meaning to write this for a while so lets see if I can remember it all... First off, in a moment of extreme weakness, I broke my vow of abstinence--making it a clean 10 months.  I was g...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 04:34:00 PST

Dedicated to the Couples:I dont know about yall,but...

But I am Happy as FUCK I am single.  I never felt any bad way about being single, ever, but for the first time: I'm extremely, over the top, do-ing-fuck-ing-back-flips-happy to be single.  S...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 12:43:00 PST

"Myspace Time"

I lost my primary source for the interent for a while so I havent been on.  I have only been away from myspace for about a week and it feels like MONTHS.  Its so crazy.  It's like myspa...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 12:28:00 PST

Guess what happened today?

I guess its my fault. I left it out front of the building thinking maybe I could give the hood a chance.  Plus I see bikes outside of my building every day and they are still there when...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 10:46:00 PST

Jo Jo

There's this seemingly homeless guy that always walks by the shop.  I see on my way to work, on my way home, on my way to Farm Fresh, to the gas station across the street...all around this area.&...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 12:59:00 PST

July 4th weekend and other RanDom Shinanigans...

Unless you're blind or wasnt paying attention, I have started my road to locs, FINALLY! HOORAY FOR ME!! Been exercising and it feels great.  Lets hope I keep it up, been going on like 3 weeks sol...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 09:29:00 PST


Throughout my life, I realized that outside of when family was together reminiscing, I hardly give my father any real thought.  But this year alone, I've had 4 or 5 dreams about him, counting the...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Fri, 30 May 2008 11:00:00 PST

did you ever want to knoooowwww....

Did you ever want to know what I think about you?  LOL Not that anyone ever gave a damn anyway.  You fuckers read my damn blogs but I get NO comments, NO kudos, but for some reason I'll ge...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Wed, 28 May 2008 10:44:00 PST

Back to Black

I have buckled under the pressures of these stressful situaions and have gone back to smoking those terrible Black n Milds.  Once I start this fast, that'l be cut out, but for the time being...
Posted by DdotAdotTdot--Peace Amid the Storm on Sun, 25 May 2008 12:04:00 PST