Kai Piranha has been making music himself since 1980. At that time Kai tried out the harder edge of motion when joining a hard rock band as their lead singer. In 1990 the project Cosmoogony came to life with intention of producing deep, mysterious and inspiring ambient tunes,with that big flow indigenous to the 70s. In 1992 a short TV documentary about creating and performing techno music by Oliver Lieb (LSG) set the controls of Kai`s machines(at the time just one master keyboard and a four track machine) towards a new direction called trance.Since then Kai has produced lots of tracks, playing everything live, except for the rythm section, which was programmed (the use of samples was still lightyears away). In 1997 Kai started his own radio show at a local station
(Radio Flora 106,5 Mhz),called Deep Orbeat. In the show he soon introduced his own tracks, and later live appearances of him and other artists, particularly DJ Tom Chiron, with whom he founded the project FEU. This project was dedicated to experimental electronica and ambient vibes.FEU(Frequency Exploration Unit), starting off at the radio show soon became a live act,performing all over Germany.The next incisive development was the arrival of a PC in Kai´s sound laboratory in 1998. This opened an entire universe of possibilities for the creation of electronic music.In 1999 Kai started an additional career as a live DJ (Kai Piranha), not with the intention of becoming part of the scene but to have yet another opportunity to put an audience under his spell, as well as introducing his own deep tunes. His current solo projects COSMOZ and COSMOOGONY were strongly influenced by the groovy style of his DJ set, which is currently a rich blend of choice deep house and nu trance.
Since the year 2002 Kai did produce music of many different genres for film and TV and joined the Bonanza Music Library (http://www.bonanzamusiclibrary.com).In 2006 Kai studied at the S.A.E. Institute in Hamburg/Germany and graduated the electronic music producer (http://www.sae.edu)2007 was the year of practise,while he proved his skills in the Sun Creek Studio San Diego/USA,and got familiar with the "Pro Tools TDM mix plus" system.