From widely differing musical backgrounds Cava combine a wide range of ideas to create a musical synergy that is truly unique in identity. Like most successful equations, it is the broad scope of influences that lies behind the bands strong musical blue-print.
To fully appreciate the Cava experience it is imperative to see them live, as it is onstage that they really thrive. The band are experienced live performers, having toured extensively in Europe and the U.S.
Jim Rainey sums it up thus;"We’ve always felt that we were very definitely a live band. Our goal was always to produce music to be performed for audiences, and recording, while certainly very satisfying in itself, is for us a way to get ourselves performing in front of a wider audience."
At the present time Cava are currently putting the finishing touches to their debut album, titled Sunrise, which is due to go to print at the end of this month. The album launch is scheduled to take place on March the 6th, 2008 in the Kings Head. Hope to see you there!
"Cava simply sound like themselves. They’ve found their style and their niche, and they’re instantly recognisable."...FASTFUDE.COM
" is put in mind of various US bands (Counting Crows, Matchbox 20, Dave Matthews Band). Tempting as comparisons may be such associations go a long way to undermine what is essentially, an inimitable style. .their sound is such it will make radio playlists the country over. .I like Cava. More promisingly, I know people who will love this band."...N.I.STUDENT.COM
"Dave Matthews meets the Hothouse Flowers, sophisticated yet restrained musicianship.. you are going to hear a lot more from these guys."...SUNDAYLIFE
"..the band have drawn comparisons to Joni Mitchell amongst others with Jims vocals being compared to vocalists such as Paul Rodgers and Brian Kennedy. However, comparisons are hard things to make where Cava are concerned simply this is sophisticated rock with an esoteric edge, which marks Cava out as one of the most talented bands in Northern Ireland at the minute."...BIG BUZZ IRELAND
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