PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene profile picture

PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

AK Music Scene

AK Music Scene and The Pennsylvania Rock Show are quite simply, places for bands to promote themselves and find links to places that will help them promote themselves. We provide many free resources to help promote unsigned bands, including: The Pennsylvania Rock Show Calendar, a Banner Exchange, a Mailing List, PA Music Boards (forums), Links to industry resource pages, a Webring, a Band of the Month Award, and many more to come!

The Pennsylvania Rock Show

The Pennsylvania Rock Show is a live, 3 hour, weekly internet radio show that features a studio guest and is full of songs from the best unsigned bands Pennsylvania has to offer. It airs live every Friday, 8pm-11pm Eastern Standard Time (7pm-10pm Central Standard Time). The show is then rebroadcast on a growing number of stations every night of the week on some of the biggest internet radio stations out there, and is also available on demand on several sites as well. The show is DJ'ed by Bill Domiano of the Alle-Kiski Music Scene and runs commercial free. There are great interactive features with, a live webcam, chat, and they have just added a call-in line. A new weekly segment called "Get Outta Town", that plays 3 songs from bands outside of PA, proved the shows popularity, as bands from all over the world are submitting material and coming to town to be interviewed. Bill makes every effort possible to ensure every band is heard and feels right at home when they come to visit. As it is still becoming one of the fastest growing internet radio shows, it creates an avenue for world wide exposure for which otherwise bands would not have any outlets other than a local bar or party. the Pennsylvania Rock Show

Some of our Show's Accomplishments

Some bands that have played the show have been offered and/or signed production agreements with local producers. Some bands have been finalist to play the 2006 Rolling Rock Town Fair, after being contacted by them and asked to supply a list of bands to check out. Some of the musicians on the show, have been used as session players. Other live guests have also hooked up with similar bands on the playlist to play shows together. On many occasions, major record labels and signed artists to local radio stations and syndicated radio DJs have been tuned into the show. (see the Famous Listener page and the About the Show page) It takes many small steps to travel long distances, if PARS is one of those small steps, then great.

Show Accomplishments

  • Show and Venue networking
  • SickleEye signed a production agreement and publishing deal after being heard on our show
  • (kaj) and Big With Seed both got played on WDVE after we sent their information to the station
  • More coming shortly, I have a playoff hockey game to go win!
  • (kaj) got airplay on the Lex and Terry Show (FM Syndicated show) after being heard on PARS
  • Many Wild Mountain Radio listeners have stated that PARS is the #1 reason for listening!
  • Bringing together musicians to help raise money for the Leechburg Volunteer Firemen at Wildwater Motorcyclefest
  • Helping cancer victims by being a part of the Rock For Life, Inc annual concert committee

  • My Interests

    Computers, Unsigned Music, Sports, Website Design

    What does the head of A&R for Atlantic Records, mega producer John Alagia and the attorney for The Roots have to do with each other? They all want to hear your music, help you further your career AND want to unite with you for a great cause. CHECK IT OUT:

    AK Music Scene & The Pennsylvania Rock Show believe in the fight against cancer…so should you! Music Saving Lives….Your Music…..GET HEARD!

    **Did you know that 1 in 3 females and 1 in 2 males in the US will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime? Let your music make a change… **

    I'd like to meet:

    God, Peter Criss, Holly and Chris Hawthorne, Ty Conklin, & Record Executives so that our awesome unsigned bands in Pennsylvania could get the props that they deserve!


    Current "LIVE" PA Rock Show :






    Unsigned Musicians, Especially those in Pennsylvania - Supporting Local Music :: World Wide!


    Varsity Blues, Predator, Harry Potter, Rock Star, Almost Famous, The Quick and the Dead, Lord of the Rings, SPIDER-MAN!


    Hockey, Law and Order.. that's pretty much it


    Harry Potter Series, Tom Clancy Novels....


    Guido Frederick, Mario Lemieux, my brother

    My Blog

    Jeremiah Ostrosky is selling Ludwig Kit

    http://pittsburgh. craigslist. org/msg/632321611. htmlThis is my drum kit that is for sale. It is gently used (only a small amount of wear on the heads) and in very excellent condition. This kit retai...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:24:00 PST

    New Band Panel Feature!

    We have a new feature on our site called the Band Panel. This feature allows you to type in your band name and view how many times your songs have been played and how many times they have been request...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:47:00 PST


    I'm in search of live guests for my internet radio show/podcast! If you're interested, please take a look at,php and fill out the form there. The show is recorded/broadcaste...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 07:49:00 PST

    Photos of your band on the PA Rock Show

    If you have any photos of your band playing on the PA Rock Show, please e-mail them to me at [email protected] so that I can add them to the website. Thanks,- BillP.S. If you want to be a guest on ...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 09:45:00 PST

    In need of new music and live bands for world wide airplay!

    The Pennsylvania Rock Show is a live, 3 hour, weekly internet radio show that features a studio guest and is full of songs from the best unsigned bands Pennsylvania has to offer. It airs live every Fr...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:17:00 PST

    LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP FOR HALLOWEENBURG BATTLE OF THE HIGH SCHOOL BANDS Saturday 10/27 Leechburg Volunteer Firehall - Proceeds benefit Leechburg Area Community Association. PA will be provided. You must have at least one High School Aged musician in ...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 09:43:00 PST

    3 years! can you believe it?!

    The Pennsylvania Rock Show has been on the internet for 3 years... Rocking the world with the best unsigned rock that Pennsylvania has to offer!I want to take this moment to thank everyone, and I mea...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:43:00 PST

    Calling all bands! Live Appearances and Air play!

    The Pennsylvania Rock Show, is looking for new music and live bands to play the show. - About us, Testimonials, and Accomplishmentshttp://www.paro...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 10:08:00 PST

    High School aged bands needed for Battle of the Bands 10/27

    Halloweenburg High School Band - Battle of the BandsSaturday October 27, 2007 5pm-Midnight Cover Charge: $3/personWinners will be determined via the most audience votes. More details to follow.  ...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 09:51:00 PST

    Leechburg Volunteer Fire Co. & Community Freedom Festival -9/7-9/9

    The LVFC invites you and your organization to be part of our community celebration this Sept. 7,8 and 9 2007. This celebration is dedicated to the memory of the heroic and tragic events of 9/11 2001. ...
    Posted by PA Rock Show & AK Music Scene on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 09:03:00 PST