MT-TV profile picture


Women love want to be us...

About Me

All MT-TV video's have been made by BLACKWING FILMS. Great stuff, good people. Click here to go straight to their site, specially if you want a video!

Nine women. Eight English and one from Holland. With all the history of the British music scene behind us - but without replicating anything from the past. We left London to follow our American dream and are having the time of our lives trying to make it here.
Going beyond the simple playing of music on-stage into a multi-layered, multi-leveled conceptual and experiential punch in the frontal lobes. Don't know what that means? I'm not surprised! What I write is totally true - but we're all exposed to so much 'journalese' flowery language dedicated to describing differently whats already been done a million times before that when something utterly new comes along, the only thing that remains is to see it live. That's MT-TV. Our gigs veer towards the darker expression of the female experience - and we continually create new visions for our unique stage-show...Come see for yourself...
HEAR ME - NEW live montage

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Who does our music appeal to? Weirdly enough - it seems to be everyone... From Goths and metalheads to pop-fans and so-called 'normal' men and women of every age... For a start, half the planet are female, and women seem to relate to what we do and sing about, they love the music, and then sigh in relief that there are women out there who are more than just a 'girl-band'.The other half of the planet seem to be fairly interested in the first half, so we're pretty great for them too! We don't mind a certain amount of the 'eye-candy' factor going down, once we start to play, within minutes they all see further into our souls and standards.

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We look good and we're in love with life and music. We feel that because we are an all female band, we have the power to make some specific points relating to the female perspective and experience. A combination of spirituality, protest and the classic sheer essence of rock music - that un-nameable bit that really GETS you whoever the band are...combined with symbolic theatrics to accompany our more thematic lyrics. In plain and simple language - brilliant music with a live show that will blow you away.
I'll say it again as it is pretty damn impressive - there are nine women in MT-TV. We're not a 'girl-band', we're not a product, we're not teenagers, and our bolshiness and confidence and sheer GODDAMN LOOK AT THAT comes from having lived life rather than an image created and strapped on for the camera's. We have a big yellow school bus with bunks on it, and limited space needs maximum co-operation and friendship. We're not cat-fighting at each others throats (although we might indulge in private baby-oil wrestling from time to time...) LIE

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Member Since: 12/20/2005
Band Website:

Click on the image below to go direct to the MT-TV store on

So - here's how you know which name to shout out...who's who in MT-TV:

KROW: Our black feathered vocal power and songwriter. Her voice is really something else...Stunning range, enigmatic and powerful on-stage.
FUSE: Killer bass. A fretless Steinberger is her weapon of choice and she spanks that plank with unrelenting accuracy. Receiver of much professional acclaim...seriously, if you are a bassist you have to see this woman play before you quit in the face of her talent.
JO: Killer drums and percussion...metronome addict! No, not methadone METRONOME...! Another blazing talent with her personal growing fanbase of glassy-eyed drum afficionados.
ALEX: Lead guitarist, bold and brazen...nuff said.
BROOKE: Rhythm guitar beauty. Solid playing, solid abs.
NIKKI: Classically trained Faerie on Keyboards.
THE STEREOTYPES: Blonde, Brown and Black harmonizing and 'smack in the brain' visual projection. The suppliers of the interactive'll know what we're talking about when you come see us live...

..dd_favorite.gif" border="0" Create Your Own!
If you love us, come to a gig, buy the DVD, spread the word and slap up our banner on your page...if you really, REALLY love us - send us a donation!

This link will take you straight to the Official MT-TV website. Loads of details, background information on the band and each individual in it,Bio's, Pic's, updates and other stuff...if there's something you want to see or know - tell us! This is also a pretty good site with other pics and info about the band, I should know, I wrote it...

Get a scroller sign at!
MT-TV are endorsed by LINE 6 gear and are shit-hot happy about it! Those gorgeous blue-glowing chrome HD 147 heads that Brooke & Alex use to get their killer sounds, Brookes speaker stack and Fuse's rack-mounted amp simulator/effects unit are all LINE 6.
MT-TV got the factory tour and a great deal on this incredible gear. There is also a special page on the site with great pics of Brooke and Alex with their gear looking good as always...;)

Influences: Influences DOESN'T mean who we are trying to sound like! We are ORIGINAL original music, flavors of everything you like mixed into the best aural cake you ever tasted... With nine women in the band, there are a lot of varied tastes going around, this is what we LISTEN to NOT who we want to be...:

Rush, Pink Floyd, Rage Against the Machine, the Prodigy, Melissa Etheridge, Kate Bush, Led Zeppelin, Philip Glass, Arvo Part, Jon Tavener, David Darling, Pearl Jam, Shirley Bassey, Nina Simone, Lisa Ekdahl, Billie Holiday, Massive Attack, Underworld, Junkie XL, Air, Hawkwind, David Gilmour, George Michael, King Crimson, Cocteau Twins, Aretha Franklin, Queens of the Stone Age, The Rolling Stones, Vivaldi, Bach, Chopin, Leftfield, .....etcetc!

Sounds Like: Hot-shit music played by shit-hot women...
Record Label: Korvid Inc.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Fear & Loathing on the Internet....

Dear All,Great title hey? Sadly it all only relates to my utter loathing of the net...I'm only wigging out because I've been trapped on a computer for three days re-sizing pics, up-loading video's wri...
Posted by MT-TV on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:25:00 PST

Bared throats and open hearts...

Well, I promised a sloppy upkeep and slow replies! Here's a good example of my tardiness.FANS OF THE MONTH! November: The un-named and anonymous gentleman who bought three radio-mic head-sets for The ...
Posted by MT-TV on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 10:50:00 PST

Hello little kittens...

..that would be all of YOU, oh internetty ones. Let me explain. The MT-TV Myspace page is now being run by me, l'il ole me, moi - Alex.'What does this mean?', I hear three of you cry... It means that ...
Posted by MT-TV on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 02:53:00 PST


What a wonderful time was had by all!   Some fantastic costumes, a wonderful crowd and the hospitality as always was great!! The winners for the best costume contest were: BEST Dressed: Bradley -...
Posted by MT-TV on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:44:00 PST


DARIEL - Our knight in shining armour during last night's gig at the Village Idiot....: There we are, just kicked of the second set and crack!! Jo's. Drum. Pedal. Breaks. The techs are struggling to ...
Posted by MT-TV on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 10:31:00 PST


Just a quick heads up on what's cooking in MT-TV land.Sinners and Lie are recorded, time for post-production.Cold to the touch and Shane are being laid down as we speak, Alex has just had her turn.It ...
Posted by MT-TV on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 08:26:00 PST

MT-TV girls are being EVICTED!

What a shitty situation this is! Here's some history... In March this year Alex was made an offer by a friend of 9 years standing - to take posession of an unused Art centre rent-free up in Michigan....
Posted by MT-TV on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 02:18:00 PST

Dreamaremusic MT-TV Fansite!

Dear Maxxbob has created us a fanpage on his website:Thank you for your support, it's hugely appreciated!Visit the MT-TV fanpage
Posted by MT-TV on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:51:00 PST

New and Revamped!!!

The new and improved is now up and running!Go take look-see!...
Posted by MT-TV on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 05:42:00 PST


Many people have e-mailed us asking when the new album is coming out, so we thought to give you a little status-report:Yes, we're definately in the process of recording the new album, Sinners and Lie ...
Posted by MT-TV on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 09:30:00 PST