NOTICE: dudes it's not my picture, im a man! i keep getting e-mails from lesbians and straight guys about this so i'm telling you, it's a picture of my favorite vocalist, Yammamoto Kyoko the J-Pop singer currently the lead vocalist for Japanese Avant-Garde group KoenjiHyakkei.
This has been a message from your friendly neighbourhood Haze of (h)Ash, if this had been an emergency a sci-fi erotica writer would have rained fireballs of fudge down on you from her soapbox of eroticism. But thankfully, I'm a man, not a female erotica writer. <,<
Notice Part Dous:
I was in a rock band some years back, people ask if i have any demos so here's the lo-down: yes, i was "in" the band during it's very early stage, we performed a bit. I met the synth/programmer, Mark, at a record store, and we started talking about all the music we had in common, and he asked if i would join Bastard (the Chico, California band, i wanted to call it Voided, like checks), i brought in more punk/alternative influences, and i was in the band six months, until i left because they wanted to streamline their sound more and i left. we never recorded anything, the only solo demos i have are all on cassette. I'll add some digital ones as soon as i record them, but I haven't found the time yet.
This has been a message from your friendly neighborhood Hash-Man, if this had been an emergency, some sci-fi erotica writer would have rained her fudge of doom on you from her soapbox of ideals. Lucky for you I'm no sci-fi erotica writer-girl. Wow talk about a close call eh? As the Police say to Johns trying to hook up with prostitutes, "Yeah, no boom-boom tonight Sicky".
(c)2008 hasheten/hart
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