Writing,Tattoo art, Day of Defeat, hip-hop, Bartending, Film, and genrally col' kickin' it live.
Rakim, KRS-ONE, The white stripes, Masta ACE, Del, Heiro, KISS, Ozzy, Motley Crue, Van Halen,VanCity Hip-Hop, Underground hip-hop.
1.Apocalypse Now. 2.The Celebration. 3. Pulp Fiction. 4. Leon. 5.The Pianist 6. La Femme Nakita 7. JFK 8. True romance. 9. Forrest Gump. 10. Overnight.
CSI, Survivor, 24,NBA, The Office(UK), LOST. The Score.
POWERS, Kingdom Of God (HST), 4 past midnight (KING) Bendis/Maleev Daredevil run. KINGDOM COME, BLACKSAD 1&2, BODYBAGS, THE DEATH OF JEAN DEWOLFE, KRAVEN'S LAST HUNT, ASH, BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE, anything Gordan Korman and Wizard Magazine.
Bill Kerasiotis