Family, friends, food, music, skateboarding, shreddin, jammin, cookin, lovin, swimmin, stella, vodka, wine, Jd, grappa and more music, then a cafe correcto and a cig to round it out.
Rabbits and Wolves
All sorts. I don't discriminate. If you make music, I'll give it the respect it deserves.
Casino, Training Day, Platoon, Gladiator, Colors, Red Dawn, Chopper, City of God, Belly, The Big Lebowski, Raging Bull to name a few. I like alot of old horrors and comedies too.
Iron Chef, Iron Chef America, Pilot Guides, TPB's, NFL, Sopranos, Danger Bay, Good rockin tonight, MacGyver, 21 Jump, The Nature of Things, The Beachcombers.
My sisters, my mom, and my dad who is the greatest samurai in the empire. He was also the sho guns decapitator. He cut off the heads of 131 lords.