Hi there! My name is Skinny. I'm an artist. I've been doing my artwork for several years now. And it has always been (and still is) nothing but self-amusement. Never willing to show off my stuff it was accidentally unveiled to the sight of several fellows who henceforth kept on telling me that I should show it to the rest of the world cause it's "kinda cool and freaky". I've never thought it could attract much attention (or ANY attention indeed). Apparently I was wrong.
People often call me an illustrator. I'm not really cool with this tag. I feel more comfortable illustrating the ideas of my own rather than client requests.
But despite the above-mentioned attitude of mine - I actually enjoy doing illustrations. I really do. As a challenge. Both client and myself are usually completely unaware of what to expect. Thus my mission is to make the result please both sides. Especially myself!
You are welcome to visit my website .Although all the new info and images will be uploaded only to my "Neverending Art Blogue" here. Why? It's much faster and easier!
The Brag Off
I'm proud to say that I did, do and will be doing illustrations for the following kickass magazines:
- Verbicide (USA)
- Kruger (UK)
- Bant (Turkey)
- L.A. Record (USA)
- Onion (Australia)
- Debris (USA)
- Traffic (UK)
- Beatroute (Canada)
- Mustard (UK)
- Exactly (USA)
- Stone (Germany)
- Kitschykoo! (Canada)
- Freeze (Greece)
- Bitchslap (Denmark)
- Contrast (UK)
- Lobster Quadrille (UK)
- 50's Brotherhood (Australia)
- HUSK (Germany)
- Blanket (UK)
- MungBeing (USA)
- Creative Heads (Austria)
- NoTxt (USA)
- Lonesome Town Press (USA)
- Carpal Tunnel (USA)
- Ether (Austria)
- Convention (USA)
- New York Review (USA)
... more stuff in progress