inTegrAtiOn oF minD & knOwledge, acsentIon, mUsic, pretEnding, resPectiNg eveRyOnes iNdividuAL capAcities, LaugHing, dRinx, hEaRt anD heAD aliGnment, ContamiNAting OurselVes, taKing thIngs too seRiOusly, tryIng nOt tO taKe thIngs sO seRiOusly...
***aLL Of yOu "em-efFerS"***,. YOuR aLL sO cUte witH yOur eyEs, aND brAiNs, and sO on... ( wiNk ) ;)
uBiqUitous synErgy sEekeR, silenT seymOre, kNosIS, beauTiful loserS, hUmAn kEbOb, prOpersterOus, ToybOx, UnseNsOred, kaMinAri, sPankdRivEn, naUtiLus, empTy chAmbeR, grOveR CLevelaNd, biL & i, ..Wana be paRt of the liSt..? iT gOes On, anD On anD oN...