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Madd Hattere

When we come to the edge of all the light we have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unk

About Me

Those that know everything, know nothing. Those that know nothing, know everything. He who becomes foolish, fools only those that are foolish. With that in mind, the question still sparks, about me? or Is that about you? I am nothing more than the grand make up of questions and purposes set into place so that I can feel like I am in control... But who is in Control? You, myself, the remote? Who is the one who can really fathom how far the I really travels and what it consists of? What is the I? What is Me? Or maybe you all really know the answer to this and I am the one who is still seeking the question. Looking to deal in Paradox... Humor... And Change... -HATTERE

My Interests

Photography, journalism, writing, drawing, attempting to melt down the MINDSPACE... MORE @ PHOTOS:

I'd like to meet:

Everyone, and anyone who holds strong to the beleif that this world has a little magic left in it. The other half of this gemini soul. A spiritual advisor, taught by the universe, to teach me to read the universe. Grey Fox, I miss her.


Look at your selection, I am sure most of them are on mine


Will this help people like me more?


Will this help people relate to the type of person I am?


Does this prove a presence of intelligence?


Those that are on my friends list. Or would you rather something more prolific like Albert Camus, James Maynard Keenan, Salvador Dali, and chuck palhniuk? Does any of this make me any likeable?

My Blog

An Illusion of an Argument.

An Illusion of an Argument. At best, the argument from illusion is only a set words created to explain a problem that seems to be rooted more in the head than the senses. "The primary purpose of th...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 06:18:00 PST

I know, I know, I too, hate it when people do this.

Idiots that post their weblinks on their blogs generally piss me off.But at the same time, I have been wanting to showcase some of my photography work to all my friends on MINDSPACE
Posted by Madd Hattere on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 06:19:00 PST

There are no money back guarantees for bad timing.

If only I could claim to be the brainchild who came up with that quote, perhaps I wouldn't be writing on MINDSPACE, and instead for publications. No, this genius of a line has been cast by a spiritu...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:17:00 PST

A process of Alchemy: through a personal experience

-58 Exchange Joined lakes in exchange. The noble one investigates and explains knowledge to friends. What if I told you -that is right, I mean you, each and every individual that reads this- tha...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:58:00 PST

'The Yin and Yang of writing'

    Dualities are always running at the most elaborate and primitive levels of everything that exists within our realities. Turning on a light switch will shut off a resisting functio...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 04:44:00 PST

A fallen angle makes an awkward shape.

This is dedicated to a great teacher and friend of mine, John Blois, anyone who wishes to send him energy, say a few words for him in their prayers, light a candle, shit on the wrong side of the pot, ...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:27:00 PST

Aspartame and Ataraxia: What do you worry about?

People are becoming worried... It is becoming a world wide pandemic: worry. Well; most of us westerners are becoming afflicted by it. But closer to home, people are becoming worried; what they...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:19:00 PST

Dear John letter to our beloved Mother Earth

Dear Mother Earth: It has come to our attention that the relationship between us has crumbled to a point where we cannot bare to witness any further the harm we do onto you, and we must apologize ...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 08:59:00 PST

Five years today, all these moments....

Five years can holds the infinite potential energy of a universe filled with living matter on the verge of an orgasm, billions and billions of atoms vibrating to a release of ecstatic energy, all hang...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 07:27:00 PST

Yes Virgina there really is a Zanta, carrying a bag of preconceived notions and judgment of him

Yes Virgina, there really is a Zanta, and he carries a bag of preconceived notions and judgments for others to place upon him. Outside, it cannot be any warmer than five degrees, and that is being...
Posted by Madd Hattere on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 03:13:00 PST