Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten profile picture

Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten

Thank You Fur Being Part Of My Bouquet of Furriends!!

About Me

I post alot of bulletins to help save those less fortunate than those of us who have loving parents. These pets have been abandoned, abused and overbred! They need to find furrever homes and if I can help by posting something about them, then that is what I'm gonna do! If you can't handle this, then please don't ask to be my furriend.... If you are a HUMAN and want to be my friend, please go to my other page PURRFRIENDS and request to be friends there. My Mommy does NOT allow me to be friends with humans we do not personally know. Nothing against no furry friends, but Mommy says that's the way it is! Plus we do great things at PURRFRIENDS and if you love the kitties and doggies, you'll want to be part of it!!
My name is Molly and I am currently in need of treatment for my Nip and Kitty Treat addictions! I have admitted I am powerless over Nip and treats (that's the first step of C.N.A.~ CAT NIP ANONYMOUS ~) but I am heavily into my addictions.
I bug my Mom for hours for treats and will ignore everything and everyone when there is fresh nip around. I know when Mom brings home treats from the store, I can smell them as she's pulling in the driveway and I go searching for them in the grocery bags, drag them out and meow until she opens a bag for me. I don't like the nip from the store, I want the home grown fresh stuff that you have to dry yourself, and sometimes I just pull it out of the flowerpot because I can't wait anymore!! And DON'T try to take it away from me because I will tear you to shreds with my razor sharp claws or bite you till I draw blood!!! Yes, I AM A KITTY CAT!!! And I'm beautiful!! No!! I AM NOT A SMELLY CAT, I SMELL VERY PRETTY!!! My Mom just thinks that song is funny.I am a Turkish Angora....My fur is white and long, and I have gorgeous green/yellow eyes!! My Mom rescued me from an adoption agency that I lived in for 3 long months in a cage!! I am 5 years old now and have lived with my Mom since I was 5 months old.I am the Purrsident of MOLLY's CATWALK ~^..^~ A Modeling Agency
(If you want to be a furry model go to
and I have many wonderful furriends on myspace!!

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WOW Holiday MySpace Graphics and Valentine MySpace Backgrounds

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WOW Holiday MySpace Graphics and Easter MySpace Layouts

Get cool, free Holiday MySpace Layouts

WOW Holiday MySpace Graphics and Easter MySpace Banners

My Interests

My Furriends Are the BEST IN THE WORLD!!! Please check out all the wonderful things they have made fur me in my pictures!! And leave some comments fur the ones you like, I am sure they would appreciate the glory they deserve fur their talents, and fur the love they show by making them just fur me!! I love them all so much!!

My furriend, Pepper sent me this beautious poem and my I'm on the walk of fame in Hollyweird!! Thank you so much!!
I Found A Star I found a star up in the sky, And named it after you. It watches over every night, And listens closely too.It waits to hear your secret dreams, Your thoughts and wishes true. It won't ever tell a soul, It's there from me to you.I hope it guides you safely, With its glowing light. Through the nights black darkness, Until the morning bright.So when you look up in the sky, And see your shining star. Know that I am wishing too, From not so very far.~ by karin collinsWell it may not be a star in the sky...but it is on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame so it's easier to find!!!
Fur all my Furriends that have gone to Rainbow Bridge~ I will miss you very much. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Keep each other company until I get to Rainbow Bridge too, and we wait fur our parents to join us.

Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent, the eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster. YOU have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress her beloved head and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.Then you pass over Rainbow Bridge together....

Please have your Mom or Dad go to and post you as missing ASAP and they can also search the found pets area for you, the site will give you other places to search in your area as well!!This is a great tool! (thank you Spookie for passing on this info!!) and if you should find a pet, please take a picture of them and post them as found with as much detail as possible (ie color, gender, species, breed and any other info such as location found, collar/tags, etc.)I hope that this helps at least one pet find their way home, if not all of you who have gone missing (especially my furriends who have gone missing Leo, Capitain Zeke, Ziggy and Baxter....go home guys, we miss you!!!!)


Kitty Treats
Get One Now

Napping, beating up the cat upstairs (male cats are worthless, especially this wimp!), bugging my Mom for tablespoons of cat food every 30 minutes, going into everyone's apartments and checking them out (they must have kitty treats hidden in those cabinets!! I know they do!! One day I will find them all!!) and being adored by my fans (everyone loves me!!).

I'd like to meet:

Come see my picture on Pet Colony!

I can't seem to dial this phone number to get the help I need.....




Animal Planet!!


The Butt Hello, Psycho Cats


These people are my HEROES~

Morris the cat (even if he is a male cat, he is treated properly....adored and pampered)
Oh and this cat.....amazing!!

And I'd love to meet these kitties, they look like they would be lots of fun to play with...

My Blog

Father's Day Weekend Late Night Purrsentation

The Mommy and I would like to wish all the Daddy's out there a purry Happy Father's Day!! And to help you celebrate with your Daddy, we are showing some Late Night Purrsentations fur this weekend! We...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:20:00 PST

Belated Mother's Day Late Night Purrsentation Fur Da Mommies!

Happy Mother's Day!!Sorry fur being so late in posting this fur da Mommy's. My Mommy has been purry busy wiff the Purrfriends stuff. But we hope that you enjoy these features with the handsome Super H...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:01:00 PST

What You Should Know About Traveling With Your Pet

What You Should Know About Traveling With Your Pet Planning and Preparation Planning and preparation are necessary when traveling with family pets. Consider whether your pet is comfortable when travel...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:55:00 PST

Earth Day Late Night Purrsentation ~ Chilly Willy!

Chilly Willy in ELECTRIC WILLY (hmmm, I wonder if dis is how global warming got started!! MOL) ...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 02:50:00 PST

A Late Night Purrsention Fur My Furriend Shoez

Mommy couldn't find alot of Rocky & Bullwinkle and none were complete cartoons, just bits and pieces of 'em.  But she did find these episodes that were featured on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Sh...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 02:21:00 PST

Easter Late Night Purrsentation!!

Super Chicken ~ Easter Bunny ...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:05:00 PST

An Ode To Baxter

May your journey to Rainbow Bridge in Angels arms be swift and peaceful. May the sunlight always shine warm upon your face, and the grass be soft upon your paws. May you always hear laughter and purrs...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 01:42:00 PST

Who Would Have Figured A Little White Cat........

Who would have figured a little white cat named Molly would be so loved by so many on MySpace???Thank you everypawdy fur being my furriends!!! And thank you all fur the lovely comments you have sent t...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:44:00 PST

Late Night Purrsentation Encore of EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS

Get your own Menorah at ChaiSpace!If you have missed any of the previous episodes of EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS, or just want to see them again, here they are fur you to enjoy at your leisure!!Happy Hannukah ...
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 09:16:00 PST

It's A Charlie Brown Christmas

I hope you all enjoy watchingIT'S A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS!! Myspace Codes:
Posted by Molly~^..^~Friends Are Missed, But Never Furgotten on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 12:25:00 PST