Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary profile picture

Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary


About Me

I feed stray cats in a small town in southern Chile where there are a lot of homeless, hungry & sick cats. Most people don't spay or neuter so a lot of them run wild without food, shelter, medical care or anything else. When they show up at my house I feed them, doctor their injuries if they'll let me & take them to the vet if I can when they really need help. I treat a lot of injuries, abscesses, mange & earmites myself. I've got a few strays who have come for years, who started out feral & have learned to trust me plus a lot of others who come, eat & leave. I keep bowls of dry food & fresh water out for them & hear little people eating but many times if I open the door or they see me, they take off out of fear. Sometimes all I get is a little glimpse of a tail. Right now among the strays I care for I've got my 3 old timers, 1 male tuxedo who lives in the back yard plus 2 more just like him who are feral & only come to eat. In the front I have 2 spayed females & various little ferals who are too frightened to stay around for longer than it takes to grab a few bites of food & run. Among the front yard group I've caught glimpses of a few all white ones, 2 calicos & 2 or 3 more tuxedos. I don't really know for sure how many come to eat but the neighbors tell me there are "many".I've found homes for a lot of abandoned or rescued kittens & keep the babies nobody wants or who have special needs. I've got 6 of my own now, one of which was left in my mailbox as an orphaned new born, a few deaf ones who couldn't survive on the street, a FELV+ little guy & another recent arrival who is FIV+ & came here as a beat up little teenager who doesn't know how to defend himself from the bigger Toms. I also feed a group of strays who live beside the school where I work & a large family at the nearby cemetary plus I always carry a bag of crunchies in my purse for others I see, usually starving & desperate on the street or digging in piles of garbage. I try to build up trust so they'll let me help them & do everything I can for them. When they show up here if they're in the back they sit on my fence & watch, they see me putting down food & finally build up confidence to jump down to join the others who have come. Some learn it's safe here, they can get help & love here & stay for a long time, others come then simply disappear. The ones who come to the front yard fight traffic on a busy street & people who throw rocks at them or chase them away. I do my best to feed all of them but I don't earn enough to feed them so I ask for help from donations. I need help to buy antibiotic cream, iodine, bleach, mange soap, ringworm treatment, laundry detergent for washing blankets & towels, plus the on going daily expense of food & cat litter for mine plus any sick or injured ones I have in my spare room. Without donations it's not even possible to feed them all, let alone buy the supplies I use. There are no shelters or humane societies here, there's no where for these strays to go, all they can do is fight to survive on their own & it's a hard, cold life for them. If you'd be able to help me, to contribute a small amount it would be so much help & I would be so grateful. Nothing that comes in goes for anything but feeding & caring for the cats,I'm not asking anything for my own gain. Please help if you can. If you would like to contribute please click the donation button to use PayPal, use the e mail [email protected] or message me for more information. And thank you for caring.
If the paypal button doesn't work you can go directly to Paypal & [email protected]

My Interests

Helping hurt, scared, hungry & homeless cats.

I try to imagine humanity as a warm, safe, welcoming light, opening our arms & hearts to all the homeless babies who are out there in the world, their scared little bodies & damaged souls silently pleading for someone to offer them just a little kindness. I try to put this energy into the area around me so hopefully, it will be felt & will lead them to a small sanctuary from fear & hunger.

Giving to Those in Need

May I become at all times, both now and forever
A protector for those without protection
A guide for those who have lost their way
A ship for those with oceans to cross
A bridge for those with rivers to cross
A sanctuary for those in danger
A lamp for those without light
A place of refuge for those who lack shelter
And a servant to all in need.

>- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

I saw a little boy today, soft, creamy orange hair
by the side of the road where people hurried by, licking the dirt where something was spilled
He would have had long hair if he were a little healthier
He could have been beautiful if somebody loved him
Instead he was covered with open sores
and patches of missing hair
His skin hung on bones, his sides collapsed over emptiness
I opened my purse & emptied my bag of crunchies on the ground in front of him
he came to me, purring, growling, choking from eating so fast
when I reached out my hand to touch him He arched his back to greet my touch
He looked up at me revealing one eye covered with blue scar tissue, blind
I wanted to pick him up, bring him home with me, love him
but all I could do was walk away and pray he would be there tomorrow so I could feed him again
and pray he knows that somebody loves him
even if only for the few minutes I was there

I'd like to meet:

People who are concerned about the treatment of animals, specifically cats, people who are trying to make a difference in the world by somehow trying to improve the lives of animals who are abandoned, homeless, unloved, unwanted or just plain hungry. Rescuers, care givers,even people who simply care, are who we want for friends.

The Miracle of Prayer

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Loved cats are happy cats!!



A Cat’s Prayer
I ask for the privilege of not being born - - not to be born until you can assure me of a home and a master to protect me, and the right to live as long as I am physically able to enjoy life - - not to be born until my body is precious, and men have ceased to exploit it because it is cheap and plentiful.
A Prayer/Wish for Healing
by Raven
Great Love of the World that lives in all of us, Please surround all of the animals that need healing with comfort and love. Speed their recovery and restore their health so that they may continue to be the bringers of joy to all who love them so dearly. And for those animals, who suffer alone, please Great Love, comfort them and lead them to the arms of angels, be they human or heavenly, let them find love. With all my heart, I send out all the love that I am, to help, heal and comfort all that need healing. I see every animal whole healthy and loved





The Kitten's Cry
translated by Paqari

Help! Help! I'm scared! Help me!
Somebody? Anybody?
Can't you see me? Am I too small?
Is my voice not loud enough?..
I'm scared, everything is so big & loud!
I'm hungry & I'm cold & I'm oh so scared.
I think I'm all alone out here & I don't know why.
Doesn't anybody want me? Can't anybody see me?
What did I do wrong? I don't understand.
Oh, God, I'm so scared, I'm so cold. I'm so hungry.
But most of all, I'm so scared.
Help! Help! Please, somebody! Help!

Will you be the person that hears the cry?

My Blog

update on the little girl

The little girl came back last night as I figured & hoped she would. I'd gotten as many inside as I could so she wouldn't be attacked or frightened then sat down to wait. It was several hours &...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Sat, 08 Nov 2008 12:04:00 PST

Oh, boy, here I go again. One of the strays

Last night I heard a scuffle on the front porch & then a dog barking so ran over & opened the door to see what was going on. A dog had apparently chased a cat who ran into my yard for protecti...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 01:09:00 PST

A wonderful day & feeling grateful

When I go to the grocery store I always feel as if all my little fur friend's energies are with me so I have all these little people there with me. It makes it quite an exciting little excursion when...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 02:04:00 PST

just life

On Wednesday I saw my doctor about the final results on all my exams. They discovered in September that I have a congenital heart defect  & it appeared from the angiogram that one o...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 04:10:00 PST

Brigada Ecológica Capítulo 14 Temuco, niños de tan sólo cuatro años han formado un verdadero ejército a favor del medioambiente. Respeto y amor por la naturaleza son algunos de los valo...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:11:00 PST

I did a funny!!

ok, so I know I can be pretty dumn sometimes & I've got this thing I do, when there's a fight or a baby crying I go out, scoop them up then put them in some available room either until t...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 04:01:00 PST

Mommy´s Dream

Mom works at a school. All the way around the school there's a big high cement wall & in the front there's a big high fence & inside the fence is a beautiful garden area with lots of tree...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 03:01:00 PST

guitarron chileno I've seen this guitar played a few times & have been trying to track down what it's called for several years. It's got 25 strings & the tone simply...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 03:38:00 PST

The kids

Duh, Mums forgot to mention the kids! Paqari is freaked & really upset with Mom for leaving him but finally came out from under the couch & is gradually returning to his post on top of the ref...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 05:11:00 PST

A very interesting experience indeed

It all started out pretty good but it was really hard to leave everybody. All the kids were in their appointed safe places, the spare room was ready & made safe for everybody & the house was s...
Posted by Paqaris Safe Place Cat Sanctuary on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 01:37:00 PST