What breed of Cat is ideal for you?
Sacred Cat of Burma(Birman)
Shy and docile, the Birman like peace and quiet.
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Genuine friends from all over the world to teach me about other cultures and ways of life. Men and women interested in a symbiotic relationship--give and take--no one using the other. I want to meet other genuinely nice people who can teach me. I hope they will be open to learning from the wisdom I have gained over the years, not just by text book teachings, but by the reality of the real world. I also want to meet other animal lovers. It is so hard to meet folks who feel all life is worthy and understand why I would never give up my cats for any human being. I have come to the realization that these people are extremely few and far between.
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MY KITTY BABY NEEDS PRAYERHi! I believe in the power of prayer so am writing this request to your, eyes still close I have a two year old cat who is dying from FIP. He is so precious and special to me as I raised him and his brother since they were about fur days old, eyes still closed. Over the past couple of days he has really begun to fill up with fluid in his abdomen. It has become too painful to pick him up, but he spends most of the day on my lap where he kneads on my abdomen. This makes him content and he even purrs. However, if any other cat comes near him, he growls. I love this little one so much and pray for a miracle. Thanks to you and all who remember Baby Blue, Aussie Oy My Buddy Boy in their prayers. You can read about him in my blog--the Boo Boo Babies. Please spread the word to all your friends. One can never have too many prayers.
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src="For most of my life I loved books. As a two year old I haad a whole collection of "Little Golden Books". I knew the stories by heart so if a grown-up tried to read fast forward style, i would promptly correct them.I did not like required reading during my school years. The only exception was "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", years before the film. The film was excellent but still did not live up to the novel.As a young adult, I read romances and medical suspense/mysteries such as those by Danielle Steele and Robin Cook.I did not have a lot of reading time while I was a single mother. Then, my reading went totally to the non-fiction genre. I would read maps, dictionaries, autobiographies and biographies, encyclopedias, medical books, animal books on breeds of cats and dogs and much more.Recently, I have lost too much of my vision which has made it hard to read anything. I do miss it. My friends who know me are kind enough to send me e-mails in large print. I am not a canidate for lasix as my eye problem is different from what that corrects. I have cataracts due to the medications I have been taking just to stay alive for my Addison's Disease/adreanal insufficiencey for the past 22 years. Medicine advances every day so I have not given up hope that I will once again be able to enjoy books. Now you all know the reason for my numerous typo errors. I cannot see what I type!Of all the things about becoming old--yes I am a member of the AARP--I miss my vision the most. quality="high" bgcolor="ffffff"