I'm a 12 year old big orange tabby named Andrew Warhola but everyone calls me Andy Cat. I have been on myspace since the Fourth of July 2007 and have made some wonderful furfriends.
My girlfriend is Leilani, she makes me so happy, I really love her alot. I think she is the most beautiful kitty in the world and I feel blessed that she loves me. Shandara is also very special to me too, she was PJ's baby sister and became mine also. My meowspace family has really grown, Sheeby is now my sissy too. Micino has become a big brother to all the girls so I guess he is mine too. I love Micino and Mac! Also of course, Princess Cassiecat and Lil' Phiney and Prince Jasper have been family since her and PJ's wedding. PJ was my best best sweetest buddy ever, he will always be in my heart and thoughts. He taught me so many lessons in friendship and love. I will never ever forget him.So many really good friends have passed, Angel Tweak, Tramp, PeeWee, Faygo, Jack Daniels, and one of my best doggie friends ever, Eddie, just passed....,When it's my time at that bridge, I'm gonna shatter all that quiet peacefulness up there! MOL! You'll know it's me cause I'm gonna be howling and purring and running at all my friends so fast and I'm gonna knock them all over like bowling pins with the hardest headbutts ever!!
This page is dedicated to all the variations of LOVE, friends here, friends passed, family, lovers, to all the ones we cherish. Love is one of the greatest things! Love is ALL!
Here are pics I did of my Leilani, she loves red, for Christmas she was beautiful in red and she loves red cars too.....she's my Rock and Roll Kitty!!
Shanny, me and PJ took each other on as family! Here we are being boys but we are secretly planning on stealing Shanny's teddy!!
Went car shopping at Gaupo's Garage. Love our new rides! Thanks Gaupo and Whisper!!
Some cool friends of mine, Micino, Rodger Bleu and Humphrey! We jam sometimes in Vegas!
Micino and Mac are two of my favorite buddies, they are in the UK, they are special, very talented and creative too! They live next door to each other and are always sending furfriends pics of them in their beautiful gardens. So I had to send them some pink plastic flamingos, what's a garden without them??
Bruce Bruce made this for me, it's one of my favs of me. My abs aren't this good looking, actually I don't think I have abs. This pic is sorta hot looking.. I'm lovable but sorta lukewarm looking....mol.
Shanny and me drove Casanova's Gumball 3000 Rally. We moved at a pretty slow pace and came in 11th. It was fun! This is one of my fav pics I did for it.
I got my Myspace layout from pYzam .