I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello my furry friend. My name is Amber and I was born 7th February 1998.

I am a very loyal and loving companion to my Mummy Louise. She is very, very kind to me and she has looked after me very well over the past 10 years.

I was born in South Chessington in Surrey UK but I now live in London.

The ad in the paper said I was a Jack Russell and I sure did look like one when I was a pup...but my hair just grew and grew. All I know about my birth Mother is that she was brown and her name was Toffee and Daddy was a black doggie. But my adopted Mummy Louise calls me her hairy baby and I am very, very happy that she found me. I couldn't ask for a better Mum! Mamma has a part-time job caring for the old people who are unable to care for themselves.

I have a life-long friend an Irish Bitch called Sandie...she is 12, we never kiss though as she had bad breath! she had them cleaned and now she smells divine, but for how long?

Last year I made two new friends...two little pups... Betty and Shandie...they are very lively indeed!

My profile was customized using the Taming the MySpace Layout Generator

My Interests

Each week I choose my "Friend Of The Week" and Mamma will make them a cool painting like picture like the ones in the slideshow below.

We put anybody who requests ones name into a hat and pick out one a week and whore them during that week in bulletins.

My whore code

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whore by cooper
The Royal Princes' employ me as their nodding dog!

I enjoy it when my Mamma gets time off work tospend with me. Sometimes I get to ride on a double decker bus or go on the London Undergound... there are rats under the tracks!!! hehehe

Since January 2008 I have been a backing singer in Groovy Tater Bug's Band ... it's such fun!

I was gonna quit the band but Groovy gave me a raise! BOL!!! If I stay there will be trouble,if I leave there will be double!!!

I'm a wanna be Children's Book Star and Calender Girl.he he he

Mummy sometimes enters us in fun dog shows. Myself and Sandie were on the dogwalk at last years Wag and Bone Show in Windsor Great Park. Blimey that was a trek for poor little Sandie. They never told us it was a 5 mile hike from Windsor Castle...and no sign of the Queens Corgi's either!! Our legs were an inch shorter by the time we got back to London.


I'm certain all you Pedigree dog lovers will have heard of Cruffts well in Summer 2006 Mummy entered me in the Battersea Heat for Scruffts run by the Kennel Club you know. Mummy was so happy because I came 2nd place in the 'Golden Oldie' category. All I had to do was roll over and show the Judge my hairy black belly. I got to take home a posh rosette which everyone admired on the train back home.

I also took part in The Waggiest Tail Competition at Discover Dogs Exhibition at Earls Court 2 Exhibition Hall in November 2006 but as for the bitch that won; I am sure had a bad dose of fleas in her tail.

I received finalist rosette, certificate and a well stocked goodie bag of yummy treats!


I'd like to meet:

Bullet... my ultimate soulmate and toyboy from California...In my dreams he came to London and cocked his leg on a phone box hehehe...and dat aint rust from da rain...dats his natural fur colour hehehe and also my Guru, Groovy Tater Bug, he's from Kentucky but he sure aint no chicken!.

My Handsome Male Cousins Zac (a Jack) and Dexter (a Sexy Staff) from Woking in Surrey and Cousin Bailey...apparantly he is a cute litte Yorkie in a stripey jumper!!


I would also very much like to meet the lovely Jill Baby, my bestest friend from Texas.





Who let the dogs out ...Who? ...Who?

You aint nothing but a Hound Dog!

Snoop Doggie Dog


My Dog Skip

The Mask (the dog in that is the double of Sandie ha ha


It's me or the Dog



Veterinary Notes for Dog Owners by Trevor Turner BVet.Med,MRCVS




Staff at the R.S.P.C.A Animal Hospital Putney London SW15

My Blog

Chewing coat and licking paws.

Chewing coat and licking paws. Some dogs develop an unpleasant habit of chewing their coat, usually on the paws. Firstly,make sure that this is just a habit and is not done for any other reason, such...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 03:07:00 PST

Cars and car sickness

Cars: Hatchback ( Thanks to my model in this picture: "Groovy Tater Bug")   A lot of us carry dogs in the back of cars and this can actually be hazardous. You should always check the back interi...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 05:06:00 PST


Burns Minor burns and sunburn can be eased by any of the following natural remedies:   Add enough water to cornflower to make a paste and apply directly to the burn, leave until it falls off na...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:26:00 PST

Bruises and Sprains

Bruises and Sprains Rub a fresh witch hazel leaf onto the affected area to relieve the pain. Pick the whole plant, including the root, of a buttercup, use two plants and boil in a little water. ...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:58:00 PST

Boils and Cysts

Boils and Cysts A good natural poultice for cysts is to heat up some milk and crumble in some breadcrumbs. Apply onto the affected area for 5 minutes, twice a day until the cyst burst. When dogs suff...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:47:00 PST


Bloat Bloat is usually caused by a dog eating too fast; causing the stomach to swell with gasses. It is painful and can be serious. Encourage your dog to eat more slowly by giving frequent, smaller p...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:00:00 PST

AMBERS 10TH BIRTHDAY PARTY: 7th February 2008

Amber 10 today! Thursday 7th February 2008 WELCOME .... GLAD YOU COULD JOIN ME....   The pic below is me 10 years ago...oh how hairy I've become hehehe     I actually looked like ...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 03:01:00 PST

Black-faced dogs.

MODEL'S DUNDEE AND NESSIE FROM ROMA.   Black-faced dogs To freshen and clean black-faced dogs, or to smarten them before a show. rub with coconut oil soaked in cotton wool. love and anteseptic l...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 02:39:00 PST

Bathing : Soap Free Soap

  Bathing : Soap Free Soap If you need to wash your dog's face and you are fraid of using soap or shampoo, you can make up your own tearless substitute, which can clean just as well. Get some fi...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 02:22:00 PST


Barking   To stop a dog barking whenever someone arrives at the door or if they bark when you are about to leave the house, get an empty soft drinks can and place a few coins inside, then tape up...
Posted by AMBER ~ YOUR AUNTIE AMBER IN LONDON on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 01:10:00 PST