Ash profile picture



About Me

Hello my name is Ashen, I just turned two in April. My parents can't believe how big I've gotten. I was adopted by the best mommy and daddy in the world from a shelter in Lowell. I got really really sick a few days later, but my parent's love me sooo much they helped me get better. As you can see now I am definetly a healthy, if not slightly overweight, kitty. I live with my big brother Max, and I love to chase and terrorize him. I also have a new baby brother Marley, I can't wait to be able to play with him, he seems like he'll be a lot of fun.

My Interests

Eating, Sleeping, Terrorizing, Scratching walls and couches, Eating my toys, Chase bugs and eat them...mmmm..., Get my face rubbed
Myspace Cursors

I'd like to meet:

some cool cats and any other cool animalsMyspace Backgrounds


The music that my Mommy and Daddy listen to is the best. Mainstream SUCKS!!!!!


I love watching Mystery Science Theater 3K with my parents


I like watching Animal Planet


I don't know how to read I'm not even two!
I'm the Perfect Pet Survey
What kind of pet are you? Cat
What breed? Really White
Your Real Name: Ashen
Nicknames: Ash, Whitey, Whitey Bulger, Lengthy, Lil Terroist, Polar bear
Parents (owners) first names: Renay and John
Any Siblings (human or four legged)? Big brother Max (cat) and half sister Mav (cat)
Eye Color: yellow
Pointed or floppy ears? pointed
Short-hair or long-hair? short
Kind of Tail: looong
Are you loud or quiet? I am quiet as can be during the day, but at night I start talking;)
Food, Food and more Food!
Favorite brand/kind of food: Purina Indoor Formula and Iams Weight Control
Favorite Treats: Salmon and Tuna tarter control
Do you ever eat from parents plate? yes indeed
Favorite human food: i'm open
Are you picky? depends
How many times per day do you eat? it used to be whenever I wanted, now I'm on a diet
Which is your favorite or do you prefer
Cats or Dogs: cats
Mice or Birds: mice
Squirrels or Rabbits: bunnies
Indoors or Outdoors: indoors
Sleep or Exercise: sleeeep
Up High or on the Ground: the ground
More Questions
Where do you sleep? in my kitty bed, the couch, the bed, the rocking chair or the floor
What is your favorite toy? my giraffe squeaky dangle thing
Do you enjoy car rides? no
Do you like to swim? NO
Do you like to have company over? as long as they're nice, don't move around a lot (unless it's to give me treats) and rub my face
What is the worst trouble you ever got into? I broke a Tiffany's bowl that was an anniversary present
What is the best memory with your family? when they brought me home:)
What are your favorite activities? sleeping, eating, cleaning, attacking
What kind of Tricks can you do? I can run really fast and leap far distances
Say Goodbye: Meow!


my mommy, daddy and the vets for saving my life

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My Blog

Oh the Humiliation!

I'm not exactly sure what happened to me, Marley, today. My mom woke up and put me in this cage, which I didn't think was very nice, after all she didn't even feed me yet. We went outside and int...
Posted by Ash on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:22:00 PST

Marley's adventure

So as you know me and my brother are indoor only kitties, but not today...I escaped. Someone left the backdoor open a crack and it was really windy out so it flew open at some point this morning. My m...
Posted by Ash on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 08:25:00 PST

6 Things..... You've been Tagged!!

Hey guys,         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;  ...
Posted by Ash on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 09:42:00 PST

Marley- My New Family

Hi guys, I'm Marley and I've been living with my new family for a few weeks now. Ash and Maverick are my main playmates, they're alright I guess. I like to sniff them out, and chase them around, I don...
Posted by Ash on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:14:00 PST


So my new brother, Marley, came home on Thursday. He's so small, or maybe I'm just really big ;) Anyways he loves to run around and chase things, so I know that once he lets me play with him we're goi...
Posted by Ash on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 08:22:00 PST

the past week

I'm a pretty brave cat, I don't scare easy. My mommy and daddy have been having people over a lot lately. Now sometimes these people are loud and really big, but I check them out anyways, get a few fr...
Posted by Ash on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 01:47:00 PST