Member Since: 2/3/2006
Band Members: Ms. Ariana! van Gelder - Production, Composition, Art Direction...
Stivan Widick - Essential Support, Undying Love...
Influences: Dadaist Failures, Dreams, Magick, Cut-ups, Emergence Theory, Cognitive Science, Physics(theoretical or otherwise)...
Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart and Milos Forman for enchanting me into a world of music
Alejandrina de la Torre de Sanabria for all her love and teaching me to draw swans from the number 2
My Imagintion, Flights of Fancy, Giant Daydreams, and Even Bigger Realizations
My Toils, Terrors, Catharses, and Triumphs
Jhonn Balance and COIL
Nikola Tesla and his brilliance
Salvador Dali and his complete genius and mastery
David Lynch and his oddity
William S. Burroughs and Naked Lunch
Marcel Duchamp and his beautiful records
Olivier Messiaen and his strange rhythms
Siouxsie Sioux, her voice, and fabulousness
Peter Murphy's Eyes and little singing orgasms on recording
Albert Einstein's insight and sensitivity
Jeff Buckley's passionate and unfortunately dead voice
Genesis P-Orridge's pioneering and rebellion
Aleister Crowley for the introduction into hidden spiritualities
Ayn Rand's manner of thinking and analysis
Danny Elfman's prolific success
New Orleans for bringing me home
New York for its opportunity and novelty
London for the snow just for me in April...and for making me cry in the rain as I said goodbye
Charlie Chaplin for making films and making me laugh
Bela Lugosi for being the best pepper-man in the world
My dad for trying to teach me how to sail even though there was no wind and blindingly hot, burning sun
Milan Kundera for making life so beautiful...
Sounds Like: 24 Years of Hard Work
...and sometimes...
A stuttering pile of trash can lids as played by Dennis Hopper in a Luis Buñuel flick.
A hundred year old piano.
English as spoken through music analog.
Grind wheels on record players.
Little animals in the grass sounding chaotic, but playing a trick on you.
Mandolin Pedals.
Type of Label: None