PROMETHEAN MNEMONICS The matter of the newer physics is not the matter of Newton, but is something quite as remote as the anthropomorphising desires of the vitalists. The chance of the quantum-theoretician is not the ethical freedom of the Augustinian and Tyche is as relentless a mistress as Ananke.
__+880_________________________+++ __+888________________________+888 __++880______________________+888_ __++888_____+++88__________+++8__ __++8888__+++8880++88____+++88___ __+++8888+++8880++8888__++888____ ___++888++8888+++888888++888_____ ___++88++8888++8888888++888______ ___++++++888888888888888888______ ____++++++88888888888888888______ ____++++++++000888888888888______ _____+++++++000088888888888______ ______+++++++00088888888888______ _______+++++++088888888888_______ _______+++++++088888888888_______ ________+++++++8888888888________ ________+++++++0088888888________ ________++++++0088888888_________________________ The number 666 is a simple sum and difference of the first three 6th powers: 666 = 1^6 - 2^6 + 3^6.________________________________ It is also equal to the sum of its digits plus the cubes of its digits: 666 = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6³ + 6³ + 6³. There are only five other positive integers with this property. Find 'EM! prove they are unique! You found ME: how HARD could I BE? 666 is related to (6² + n²) in the following interesting ways: 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) .. (6² + 1²) 666 = 6! .. (6² + 1²) / (6² + 2²) ________________________________ The sum of the squares of the first 7 primes is 666: 666 = 2² + 3² + 5² + 7² + 11² + 13² + 17² ________________________________ There are exactly TWO WAYS to INSERT '+' signs INTO HER sequence 123456789 to make the sum 666, and exactly one way for the sequence 987654321: 666 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 567 + 89 = 123 + 456 + 78 + 9 666 = 9 + 87 + 6 + 543 + 21 ________________________________ A standard function in number theory is phi(n), which is the number of integers smaller than n and relatively prime to n. Remarkably, phi(666) = 6..6..6. ________________________________ The nth triangular number is given by the formula T(n) = (n)(n+1)/2. 666 is the 36th triangular number - in other words, T(6..6) = 666. ________________________________ Define pi(n,d) as the d consecutive digits of pi starting at the nth digit after the decimal point. Then WE can make the following DOPE statement:pi(666,3) = 7..7..7. ________________________________ as well as this bad boy, which contains nothing but 6's and 3's (plus two 666's):pi(666*3.663663663...,3) = 666. ________________________________ If the letter A is defined to be equal to 36 (=6..6), B=37, C=38, and so on, then: The sum of the letters in the word SUPERSTITIOUS is 666 888888888888888888888888888888888 88888___88888888888888888___88888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____88____888____88_____8888 8888_____8______8______8_____8888 8888_____8______8______8_____8888 8888_____8______8______8_____8888 8888_____8______8______8_____8888 8888_____8____8888888888888888888 8888_____8___88_____________88888 8888_____8__88_______________8888 8888______888_________________888 8888________88_________________88 8888__________88_______________88 8888____________88_____________88 8888_____________88___________888 8888______________8___________888 8888_______________8__________888 8888_______________8_________8888 88888_______________________88888 888888_____________________888888 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8 and BY THE WAY any metalhead who has EVER said "...they shouldn't take it too seriously" about DEATHMETAL is in THE WRONG KIND OF MUSIC. Below is live in San Francisco: The VVARVOLK shirts are 20$. I almost don't want to sell them. Bruno got one and he's MENTHOL. Order 'em from me here. YOU CAN BUY the VVARVOLK album here: