My main interests are: Comics, Drawing & bugging the hell outta new 'My Space' Friends I do all of my drawing in Illustrator with a Wacom Graphics Tablet
So many Comic Book writers & artists, that I couldn't list them all here. I have an 'unhealthy' Kelly Brook obsession.
Mostly Rock & Indie stuff, but will try most music once (except country!) At the moment, It's all about The Killers, Razorlight, Snow Patrol, Keane & The Foo Fighters
I collect most Superhero based movies on dvd (and now you know you wanna be my friend!) Just bought Daredevil Directors Cut, It's MUCH better than the theatrical release
Most TV programs are crap.... Loved Buffy & Firefly!! really enjoying Family Guy!, Heroes is Fantastic! Jekyll has been good recently!
Hmmm, books... aren't they those things with words but no pictures?!
My Little Girl, Tobi-Anna