Iz profile picture


About Me

I'm an English bird who emigrated across the border to marry The (Welsh) One.Obsessed with weddings, comic books and shoes.I pretty much think everything and anything is groovy except arrogance and celery - not neccessarily at the same time.If I won the lottery I'd buy an airline service and a big island to put all my friends on coz I never see/ talk to them enough.

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

(In the context of going down the pub): Kathy Burke, Lee Evans, Mike Peters, John Waters, Luc Besson, Stephen Lynch, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Alan Cumming, Charlotte Church, Jennifer Tilly, Lauren Laverne, Tim Roth, Eddie Izzard, Roman Dirge, Christopher Guest, Gary Oldman, Michael Sheen, Bill Bailey, Dave Grohl, Robert Kirkman, and Garth Ennis

My Blog

Virtual friends

I used to think that web forums were a bit......special, so I never really bothered with them.  When I did use them I quickly got peed off because of a bunch of posters who weren't able to self-c...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 00:07:00 GMT

It's official - Ana Matronic is the new god

So I went to the awesome Scissor Sisters gig last night in Cardiff   Danced my a*se off and sung myself hoarse - all without the aid of my friend Mr Beer, which is quite a new experience for...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 01:37:00 GMT

Halloween - and how you might celebrate it when you get to be an old fart

So i just got back from visiting my in-laws who were having my (nearly) 4 yr old neice + 2 yr old nephew over for a sleepover for Halloween. I can't and won't stress enough how much ALL my neices &...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 16:52:00 GMT

I'm getting old.....

I know no-one will ever read these blogs, so I reckon it's a good opportunity to have a rant about...well, anything really...... so I was just watching Kerrang TV (yeah I know, I should be watching an...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 15:47:00 GMT