Speaking to my Pvce (Grandma), Etske (mother) and Itehas (dad), Going to reservations & workin with native youth while teaching dance, journaling/poetry and playin ball. Writing songs, poetry and doin spoken word live with instruments, playing my goodtar, of course basketball (a good game of pick up ball), a round of golf, Capoeira, Reading, Dancing (stomp dancing, fancy shawl, samba samba samba!!!!, bachata, cha cha, salsa, african, bellydancing, middle eastern, House, Freestyle, Old-skool hip hop, dance dance and more dance!!!) Acting out insanely crazy monologues with my friends and laughing my butt off, Shooting short films (now...), Actressing....lol!!, Designing things: jewelry, accessories, clothes and home decor, Watching old black and white movies where they act, sing and dance oh and Listening to live bands.
My Creator God, Esvketvmese.All the young native warriors who are out there living each day like it's their last. Choose happiness. Choose life........remember we ARE SURVIVORS!!!!. Oh and who else do I wanna meet? OH, MOS DEF (nuff said), Al Pacino (he's so talented) and anyone who is comfortable in their own skin, spiritual, cultured, humble, humorous, genuine genuine genuine, fearless, sincere, humorous, secure, positive positive positive, optimistic, ambitous, spontaneous, outgoing, has an imagination, selfless, kind and just off the wall goofy!!! yyyyyeeessss!!!! oh and did I mention genuine????? uhhhhh ya!
House, Gospel, Inspirational, Jazz, Folk, Conscious Hip Hop, Neo Soul, Old Skool, Funk, Afro-Brazilian Beats, Afro Salsa, Samba, Deep Soulful House grooves with vocals, R&B, Reggae, Latin, Classic Rock, Grungy Guitar Sum Native Headbanging music.....ehthang!
Rome Fell, 911, Himalaya, TIBET: Cry of the Snow Lion, Antarnajuat (The fast runner), Hotel Rwanda, The Secret, Rudy, To Kill a Mockingbird, One flew over the cuckoo's nest, AND 1 street-ball dvd's, Love and Basketball, 'Breakin', Beatstreet, Bruce Lee flicks, Kung fu, Last pero not least COMEDY Fliks!!!
Oprah & C.S.I Miami, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, American Choppers, Land of the Lost (old skool remember chaca?) oh and watching NBA and ESPN Sportscenter.
Proverbs 3 (on Wisdom)/Book of Job (the Bible), Left to Tell(by Rwandan Holocaust survivor Immaculee Ilibagiza), Anything on Natives, Purpose Driven Life, My Seminole Language book, The Four Agreements, All of the Women of the Bible, Prayer of Jabez, Poems by Maya Angelou & Pablo Neruda, My little green book of Seminole Spiritual Hymns, Webster's English/Spanish Dictionary, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, The Power of Positive Thinking, Bruce Lee the Artist of Life, Womens Bodies Women's Wisdom, One Day My Soul Opened Up, Every Day I Pray, The Lost Universe; Pawnee Life and Culture, The Ragamuffin Gospel, The Moments The Minutes The Hours by Jill Scott. etc, etc & the Bible.
Esvketvmese (GOD/CREATOR). All my ancestors who survived so that I could be here today and not just BREATHE but truly LIVE!!!!! ALL the YOUTH (hokte's and cvpon's) who step outside the box and leave fear behind (AND THAT TAKES ALOT OF COURAGE) Stay ALIVE, keep the FAITH and make your ancestors proud. aho!