Hi, I am Lindsey Whitfield, 17 years old, from Easley SC, and a student at Easley High School, which I might add is GREAT!!! YEAH!!! ha ha. My favorite class is Government and I love Calculus.. im a math dork... School is a major part in my life and I have to keep my studies up or mom won't let me do anything, even go to competitions. I love to sing... thats obvious. I also love to play football with my friends and I am a major supporter of the University of South Carolina... Go Gamecocks!!! I am working on my first album right now with the worlds most amazing producer, LEO ADAMS, and I'm really excited about that. Add a note here to my friends that my music is my job. IF I ever have any spare time I love to go shopping and go downtown and get coffee (Coffee is wonderful by the way and I would not survive without it... I was most likely born with a coffee cup in my hand. Ha ha! Jp.) Now on to my crazy world, as my "old" friends already know, remember George, my brother Zach told the world mom and I would probably be electrocuted trying to put a heater in the pool for George, we find peacocks, deer and cows quiet frequently. There is always something going on in my family so be sure to add yourself to my friends and read my bulletins. You have to have a sense of humor to be around this family.Tell everyone you guys can about my music, I love you guys!Love,
Lindsey Whitfield