Cars, Country Music, Computer & Console Games, Professional Basketball (namely my team since 93' the Phoenix Suns)
Id like to meet someone who likes me for who i am, but so does everyone right? I dont know whom id like to meet, I guess when I have found the right girl I will know.
Country, Rap, Hip Hop, anything that i can sing to.
The matrix trilogy, back to the future, ok i guess i cant think of much more because im not much of a moviegoer either, i may have alot of catching up to do in this department.
Hmm lets see, i like to watch the show "Trucks" on Spike TV also like to watch Inside the NBA on TNT, the best hour on television (oh yeah Motor Trend Tv was good while that was still on). I dont really watch that much TV really.
Bhagavad Gita
My parents who raised me into who i am today. My mom for leaving her whole family behind in India and raising me and taking care of my dad, all without anyone from her family being in the US.