Dan profile picture


Emerging Writers Network

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

As many members of the Emerging Writers Network as humanly possible as time goes forward


Replacements, Breech, Nellie Bly, White Stripes, many jazz artists and titles that I freely admit to not knowing, but love hearing on the radio, Duran Duran, Cure, New Order, Rainmakers, Run DMC, and I try my damndest to catch Dee Snider's two hour weekly show that plays nothing but 80's hair metal bands


Movies by Jim Jarmusch, David Lynch, Akira Kurosawa, Coen Brothers, Spike Lee, and Alfred Hitchcock probably top the list. Have to pick a favorite? Blood Simple.


Deadwood, Sopranos, loved Six Feet Under, Lost, Invasion, My Name is Earl, Sportscenter, Arrested Development, The Shield


A visit to www.emergingwriters.net or www.emergingwriters.typepad.com will give you the best idea for these