Member Since: 1/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Maxe Axelsson - President and founder for Pama music group and Records /
Mankan Sedenberg - Producer, Engineer /
Johan Glössner - Producer, Engineer /
Thomas "TK" Karlsson - songwriter, MD for Max music Scandianvia /
Fredrik Jansson - Engineer, Producer
Influences: We are a label that mostly works with Pop and Rock in first case, but some reggae and dance will popup too, my collegue Mankan are handling the heavier side, Hardrock, Metal ....
see his profile:
Sounds Like: Some artist we have been working with are: Justin Hopkins US, SUZY K US, Vicky Hamilton US, Mikeyla SE, Ida Sundelius SE, Caj Karlsson SE, Sofia Loell SE, Charizma SE, Mikael Wiehe SE, Nina n Kim SE, Lars Demian SE, PAY TV SE, Jack Vreesvijk SE, CaraCola SE, Mary Griffin US, Peps Persson SE, Smoke 2 Seven UK, Randy Brecker US, Sven Zetterberg SE, Leni Stern US, Cajsa-Stina Åkerström SE, Popshop SE, Peter Glyt SE, Camilla Lindén SE, The Bones SE, The Flower Kings SE, Silver Seraph SE, Lisa Miskovsky SE, Sanna Nielsen SE, Doundosy Africa, Carolina Miskovsky SE, Mitchel Forman US, Tim Hagans US, UNIT SE, Brolle JR SE, Jesper Thilo DK, Häjkån Bäjkån SE, Eddie Medusa SE
Record Label: PAMA RECORDS
Type of Label: Indie