The Past, the Future, and the Dreaming Moment in between...
High Heels, Pretty Girls, and Pretty Boys, Cross-Dressers, Latex, CBT, Bondage, Humiliation, Domination, Submission, Role-play, Sadism, Massochism...
And let's not forget...SEX...
Producers, Directors, and Photographers...Fellow friends in the industry...
Submissives, fetish freaks, those wanting to serve their Goddess, and anyone else interested in the fantastic world of BDSM...
LOVE hardcore punk rock!!-Strung Out, NOFX, Social D, Zebrahead, Bad Religion, Pennywise, etc. I also like Perfect Circle, Linkin Park, Kidney Thieves, TOOL, Snake River Conspiracy, Erasure, New Order, Information Society, Thompson Twins, Nirvana, Depeche Mode, Metallica, Pet Shop Boys, Pantera, Dope, Faith No More, Poe, Duran Duran, Enya, Chiamaira, Marilyn Manson, Hole, Type O, CKY, Alice In Chains, Lacuna Coil, Curve, Atreyu, Cold, etc, etc, etc...A bunch more that I can't think of right now, and all of the kick ass bands and artists in my friends list. I like alot of underground/newly developing artists. I respect and can dig all kinds of music but-I DO NOT care for country!
Mind benders....and P~O~R~N...
Bah! Of course, I suppose everyone needs a lil mindless entertainment, but I usually have one of my subs fill that need...;)
Horror, suspense, and true crime novels...
Bettie Page...and this guy~