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♥ Kimber ♥

I'll see you at Convergence 13!!! www.convergence13.com

About Me

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
~Dr. Seuss

CURRENT MOON moon phase info

♥ Click Here to see my baby girl in the Oct. 3, 2006 issue of Thrive ~ her modeling debut!!! ♥

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My Interests

Clicky for more InfoTODAY!
"The poor car, all Sad and Alone." Not for long, Amanda! ♥

***BACKSTABBER: Dresden Dolls VS Panic! At The Disco***

'Life is no cabaret...We're inviting you anyway!'

PLEASE CLICK ON ALL IMAGES...most of them have surprises!

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~Please have a ♥ & watch these videos!~

Please watch this movie: EARTHLINGS



You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?



Obviously I have many other interests as well, but for now this is all I have time to get into. Or that I feel like sharing! ;-)

I'd like to meet:

Interesting, open-minded, compassionate people, of course.
People that have Lupus, Vasculitis or Muscular Dystrophy (My flavour is Dermatomyositis, what's Yours?).
And members of bands that I like.
And cool non-human animals I suppose. ;-)



♥ The Dresden Dolls ♥

“half jack”
for my father
half underwater i'm half my mother's daughter a fraction's left up to dispute the whole collection half off the price they're asking in the halfway house of ill repute half accidental half pain full instrumental i have a lot to think about you think they're joking? you have to go provoke him... i guess it's high time you found out it's half biology and half corrective surgery gone wrong you'll notice something funny if you hang around here for too long ago in some black hole before they had these pills to take it back i'm half jill and half jack two halves are equal a cross between two evils it's not an enviable lot but if you listen you'll learn to hear the difference between the halfs and the half nots and when i let him in i feel my stitches getting sicker i try to wash him out but like she said:the blood is thicker i see my mother in my face but only when i travel i run as fast as i can run but jack comes tumbling after.... and when i'm brave enough and find a clever way to kick him out and i'm so high not even you and all your love could bring me down on 83rd he never found the magic words to change this fact: i'm half jill and half jack i'm halfway home now half hoping for a showdown cause i'm not big enough to house this crowd it might destroy me but i'd sacrifice my body if it meant i'd get the jack part OUT see jack run.....
copyright 2002 amanda palmer

“Necessary Evil”
Let's get lost Fingers crossed It is an ordinary evening I am broadcasting are you receivingSick sick sound All fall down It is a necessary evil Just like highway gas stations and peopleI remember golden days when all this was a mystery And you could write a letter then or god forbid come visit me And if you find yourself without me Can you find yourself without me Can you find yourself without me Can you find your self without meHi i'm fine You are saying nothing but your tongue is getting blacker all the time It is a measurable feeling Seven on a scale from dead to breathing I've connected speakers to my suitors at the discotheques And they don't know the difference Are they men or are they Memorex? And if you find yourself without me If you find yourself without me C'mon find yourself without me C'mon c'mon c'mon And take your Listerine I remember golden days when all this was a mystery And you could write a letter then or god forbid come visit me I remember golden days when all this was a mystery And you could write a letter then or god forbid come visit meAnd if you find yourself without me If you find yourself without me C'mon find yourself without me C'mon c'mon c'mon And take your Listerine

“bad habit”
biting keeps your words at bay tending to the sores that stay happiness is just a gash away when i open a familiar scar pain goes shooting like a star comfort hasn't failed to follow so far... and you might say it's self-indulgent you might say its self-destructive but, you see, it's more productive than if i were to be healthy & pens and penknives take the blame crane my neck & scratch my name but the ugly marks are worth the momentary gain... when i jab a sharpened object in choirs of angels seem to sing hymns of hate in memorandum and you might say it's self-indulgent and you might say it's self-destructive but, you see, it's more productive than if i were to be happy and sappy songs about sex and cheating bland accounts of two lovers meeting make me want to give mankind a beating and you might say it's self-destructive but, you see, i'd kick the bucket sixty times before i'd kick the habit and as the skin rips off i cherish the revolting thought that even if i quit there's not a chance in hell i'd stop and anyone can see the signs mittens in the summertime thank you for your pity, you are too kind and you might say its self-inflicted but you see that's contradictive why on earth would anyone practice self destruction? and pain opinions are sitcom feeding they dont know that their minds are teething makes me want to give mankind a beating i'm tried bandages and sinking i've tried gloves and even thinking i've tried vaseline i've tried everything and no-one cares if your back is bleeding they're concerned with their hair receding looking back it was all maltreating every thought that occurred misleading makes me want to give myself a beating....
copyright 2002 amanda palmer

“Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner”
He told me that I knew what to laugh at And I wanted to but I just couldn't ask if he would take it back so I could know for certain So on the bench I watched his left hand crossing While doubling entendres with the voicings He said "O darling, you're charming Please don't find it alarming if I pull this stop out to free up a hand for heavy petting"Now there there I'm a friendly man I joke about sex because it's funny when you're frightenedSo silently I sat and turned the pages Recalculating our respective ages Over my shoulder, he muttered, "If I get any older You can hack my wrists off with your choice of objects No, I'm kidding"Don't be scared I'm a friendly man I joke about death because it's funny when you're frightenedThis is as far as I could get He jabbed a needle in my neck Erasing all the evidence But there were matchsticks in my pants And if a rock should hit my head And I remember what he did You'll be the very first to know Maybe I'll find out why this damn thing won't stop bleedingHe told me that I showed a great potential That given I turned heads and pages Fame would be a piece of cake But practice was essential So like a stupid child I believed it And golly who would had agreed if I had been Schubert or Mozart Devoted to the fine art of perfecting absolutely everything inconsequentialDon't be sad I'll come back again I joke about trash 'cause it takes class to be enlightenedSo several decades have gone by I am still sitting by his side I turn the pages faithfully He turns his head and smiles at me And with a wink he says, "I doubt We would be anywhere without Your gift for keeping truth and consequence from meeting"

“the time has come”
the time has come to speak of many things of jacks and queens and kings i bared my wrists and promised to begin but you cut the blade straight in the time has come: let's play find the missing song there is something very wrong try hard my love do you hear the distant strings please remember what this means did i come back for all of this? it seems absurd somehow... with one well-placed flick of the wrist you've really done it now... (all of my blind ambition left me deaf with perfect vision) the time has come for things to come undone that we should not have begun at last i felt a numbness overcome and now you turn and run... the time has come to take me in your arms and touch these fragile scars you have the choice now so decide if you want in or out there is too much left for us to try you cant just give up now the time has come to speak of many things of jacks and queens and kings it took that cut to bring me back to life theyre bleeding and theyre frightened still i hold out both my hands: no one in the world will ever touch me there again.
copyright 2002 amanda palmer

"Dirty Business"
Raise your glass We have incorporated Place your bets We're all so sick of waiting Queen takes jack You got me this time but i'll get you back So pick a numberTo all the ones who tried the most was i supposed to cheer your efforts Sorry that i chose so poorly Golly gee am i the poster girlShe's the kind of girl who looks for love in all the lonely places The kind who comes to poker pockets stuffed with kings and aces She's the kind of girl who only asks you over when its raining Just to make you lie there catching water dripping from the ceilingLift your hats Off to the checkout girls with tattooed backs They'd make an angels skin crawl If you ask them for assistance There's an even chance You'll get a numberTo all the girls at pearl the surly boys who get to masticate them I've a prize for each and every one of you so just be patientTo all the ones that hated me the most a toast You really had me Going for a second i was nervous Boy am i the poster girlShe's the kind of girl who gets her slings and arrows from the dumpster The kind who tell you she's bipolar just to make you trust her She's the kind of girl who leaves out condoms on the bedroom dresser Just to make you jealous of the men she fucked before you met herTo all the ones who thought they knew me best a test to prove your prowess Who was mine in '99 i want last names and current status To all the ones who hated me the most a toast you really had me going for second I was nervous boy am i the poster girl For some suburban sickness Better keep a healthy distance Now its up to you know what to do It's pretty dirty business
[Thanks to Laura ([email protected]) for these lyrics]

“thirty whacks”
thirty licks with a belt - playing tricks on myself and i wonder if everyone else is this way a succession of tests a triumphant success each time it’s still intact at the end of the day thirty drops in a glass - keep my temper and pass with my breath held you bastards i’ll get you! but then - its not really so bad, there’s still mom there’s still damage to do before they wrest the axe from my heads its no mystery: you should obviously go before i break everything you’re always telling me that youre dying to know but you’re not really listening how do i manage to station myself in harms way and only get hit with a ticket for loitering that i have no means to pay - and no strength to argue the voices are infesting up through the floorboards and they’re murmuring murder me if i could shut them out just for an hour i swear i could stop this catastrophe thirty day guarantee but that can’t include me after all i’m at home in this childproof world no sharp corners or glass no small objects or plastic bags please, these are death to a delicate girl its no mystery - you should obviously know that i’ll destroy everything so dont keep telling me that youre dying to know cause you’ll get what youre asking for how can it be that i still put myself in harms way and only get hit with a ticket for loitering that i have no means to pay - what kind of place is this? now all the voices are screaming this just isnt fair but i’ve got a fool proof plan if i can get them alone for an hour i swear it’ll look like an accident i could be decent yet i’ll make up for everything i could be president....
copyright 2002 amanda palmer

“good day”
so you dont want to hear about my good song? and you dont want to hear about how i am getting on with all the things that i can get done the sun is in the sky & i am by my lonesome so you don't want to hear about my good day? you have better things to do than to hear me say god its been a lovely day! everything is going my way i took out the trash today and i'm on fire... so you don't want to hear about my good friends? you dont have the guts to take the truth or consequence success is in the eye of the beholder and its looking even better over your cold shoulder i'm not suggesting you up and line me up for questioning but jesus think about the bridges you are burning and i'm betting that even though you knew it from the start you'd rather be a bitch than be an ordinary broken heart so go ahead and talk about your bad day... i want all the details of the pain and misery that you are inflicting on the others i consider them my sisters and i'd like their numbers god its been a lovely day! everything is going my way i took up croquet today and i'm on fire i picked up the pieces of my broken ego i have finally made my peace as far as you and me go but i'd love to have you up to see the place & i'd like to do more than survive i'd like to rub it in your face..... hey! its been a lovely day! everything is going my way i had so much fun today and i'm on fire god it's been a lovely day everything's been going my way ever since you went away hey i'm on fire..... i'm on fire... i'm on fire... so you dont want to hear about my good day?
copyright 2002 amanda palmer

the record goes from blue to gold so thank you for all your help I know you want to jump around but try to contain yourself you always struck me as the type to take it lightly but now you’re gonna have to shut your mouth or fight me…backstabber, backstabber….you’re all alone you’re all over the popular magazines will never care what do you care you’re down with the japanese but you’ve got no right to sit there saying I abuse it when you only sleep with girls who say they like your musicbackstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabberbackstabber! hope grabber! greedy little fit haver! god, I feel for you, fool….. shit lover! off brusher! jaded bitter joy crusher! failure has made you so cruel….rotten to the core rotten to the corerotten like a crackwhore backing out out the backdoor show us what you’re good for stick it to the noise board come on join the bloodsport show us some support, still working at the drugstore is it because you’re A FUCKINGbackstabber! hope grabber! greedy little fit haver! god, I feel for you, fool….. shit lover! off brusher! jaded bitter joy crusher! failure has made you so cruel…. so don’t tell me what to write and don’t tell me that I’m wrong…… and don’t tell me not to reference my songs within my songsso here we go the open road is covered with taco stands and you can stop we’ll drop you off and write to you when we landbackstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabberbackstabber! backstabber!backstabber! hope grabber! greedy fucking fit haver! BACKSTABBER!
copyright 2002 amanda palmer

There is this thing that's like touching except you don't touch Back in the day it just went without saying at all All the world's history gradually dying of shock There is thing that's like talking except you don't talk You sing You singSing for the bartender sing for the janitor sing Sing for the cameras sing for the animals sing Sing for the children shooting the children sing Sing for the teachers who told you that you couldn't sing Just singThere is thing keeping everyone's lungs and lips locked It is called fear and it's seeing a great renaissance After the show you can not sing wherever you want But for now lets all pretend that we're gonna get bombed So singSing cause its obvious sing for the astronauts sing Sing for the president sing for the terrorists sing Sing for the soccer team sing for the janjaweed sing Sing for the kid with the phone who refuses to sing Just singLife is no cabaret We don't care what you say We're inviting you anyway You motherfuckers you'll sing someday...
[Thanks to Laura ([email protected]) for these lyrics][Thanks to [email protected], [email protected] for correcting these lyrics]

♥ The Dolls - "Coin Operated Boy" ♥

♥ The Dolls - "Sing" ♥


Sin from The Revolting Cocks ~ May 14, 2006

I LOVE music. ALL genres - just has to be good! NAMES IN BOLD REPRESENT ARTISTS I HAVE HAD THE GOOD FORTUNE TO SEE LIVE. This doesn't mean I like these bands better - it just means I have not been lucky enough to see everyone I want to! But I'm working on it! ;-)
Because I have very ecclectic taste in music, the following are truly just a few examples of artists I love:
Adam & The Ants/Adam Ant; Air; Alien Sex Fiend; Lily Allen; Tori Amos; Laurie Anderson; Animal Collective; Aphex Twin; Attrition; ASP; B-52's; Bachelorette; Big Audio Dynamite; Joan Baez; Bauhaus; The Beatles; Beck; Bee Gees; Björk; Black Flag; Boomtown Rats; David Bowie; Billy Bragg; Bronski Beat; The Bubblemen; Built to Spill; Kate Bush; Cansei de Ser Sexy/CSS; Johnny Cash; The Chemical Brothers; Christian Death; Meg Christian; Cibo Matto; The Clash; Patsy Cline; Cocteau Twins; Coil; Consolidated; Alice Cooper; Elvis Costello; The Cure; Current 93; Daft Punk; Dalis Car; De La Soul; Dead Can Dance; The Dead Kennedys - with Jello Biafra; Dead Milkmen; dead prez; Dead Voices on Air; Death in June; The Decemberists; Depeche Mode; Devotchka; Dimmer; The Dirt Fishermen; Discoma; the ditty bops; The Doors; Download; The Dresden Dolls; Bob Dylan; The Eels; Einsturzende Neubauten; Electric Hellfire Club; English Beat; Brian Eno; Erasure; FadGadget; Fatboy Slim; Fleetwood Mac; Flesh for Lulu; Franz Ferdinand; Foetus, Foetus, Inc., Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel, (and other projects); Foreskin 500; Front 242; Front Line Assembly; Fugazi; Peter Gabriel; Gang of Four; Gaye Bykers on Acid; Genitorturers; German Shepherds; Stan Getz; Godspeed You Black Emperor; Goldfinger; Gorillaz; The Grateful Dead; Nina Hagen; Hanzel und Gretyl; George Harrison; PJ Harvey; Imogen Heap; Robyn Hitchcock; The Human League; HUMANWINE; Icehouse; Indigo Girls; David J; The Jam; Jane's Addiction; Jean Michael Jarre/Zoolook; The Jesus and Mary Chain; Elton John; Jack Johnson; Japan; Joy Division; Zoë Keating; Kraftwerk; KMFDM; King Missile; The Kinks; L7; Ladytron; k.d. Lang; Cyndi Lauper; Leæther Strip; Legendary Pink Dots; John Lennon; Live; Lords of Acid; Love & Rockets; Lene Lovich; Marilyn Manson; Bob Marley; Massive Attack; Matisyahu; Meat Beat Manifesto; Mindless Self Indulgence; Ministry; Joni Mitchell; MDM; Moody Blues; Morrissey; Peter Murphy; My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult; Neutral Milk Hotel; New Order; Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds; Nickel Creek; NIN; Nirvana; Noisebox; Nurse with Wound; Laura Nyro; 1000 Homo DJ's; Paul Oakenfold; The Orb; Dolly Parton; Peaches; Phranc; Pink Floyd; The Pixies; Iggy Pop; Primus/Les Claypool; Princess Tinymeat; Propagandhi; Psychedelic Furs; Psychic TV; Psychopomps; PIL; Queen; Rage Against the Machine; Ramones; The Red Paintings; R.E.M.; Reverend Horton Heat; Revolting Cocks; Secret Chiefs 3; The Scarring Party; Sex Pistols; She Wants Revenge; The Shins; SJD; Sxip Shirey; Shriekback; Sigur Ros; Sinister Ducks; Siouxsie & The Banshees; Sisters of Mercy; Skinny Puppy; Sleepytime Gorilla Museum; The Smiths; So So Modern; Soft Cell; Specials; Specimen; Regina Spektor; Split Enz; Squeeze; System of a Down; Talking Heads; The The; They Might Be Giants; This Mortal Coil; Thompson Twins; Throbbing Gristle; Tiësto; Tom Tom Club; Tones on Tail; Richard Thompson; Tool; Trio; Velvet Acid Christ; Velvet Underground; Violent Femmes; Virgin Prunes; Tom Waits; Walter Sickert & THe ARmy of BRoken TOys; Warlock Pinchers; Jason Webley; Ween; wumpscut; X; Yaz; Zappa; Rob Zombie...The list goes on forever it seems - I can't possibly include all the current music I love, let alone all the 60's, 70's, 80's, ETC. music that I love... but this short list gives you an idea...

Concerts I Have Been to in 2006:

Sisters of Mercy - Seattle - 3/25/06

Coachella - Indio, CA - 4/29 - 4/30

Sigur Ros - Big Easy - 5/5

Ministry and The Revolting Cocks - Magna, UT - 5/14/06 Sunday

ABC - Blues Bouquet - 5/19/06 Friday

Bauhuas and NIN - Idaho Event Centre - 5/28/06

(God)des & She - Big Easy - 6/9/06 Friday

Hot Buttered Rum String Band - Alive After Five - 7/5/06 Wednesday

Mindless Self Indulgence - Big Easy - 7/6/06 Thursday

Reverend Horton Heat - Big Easy - 7/18/06 Tuesday

Dresden Dolls and Panic At the Disco - Big Easy - 7/25/06 Tuesday

Ween - Big Easy - 7/26 Wednesday

F*ck The Backrow! - Capitol Hill Arts Center - Seattle, WA - 7/28 Friday

DeVotchKa - Neurolux - 8/10 Thursday

Cherry Bombs - Carnavale - The Bouquet - 8/12 Saturday

Concerts coming up (click the links to explore the artists and/or buy tickets):

Attrition - no venue yet - no date yet

Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven - Big Easy - 8/23/06 Wednesday

ABC & English Beat & Naked Eyes - Spring Acres Arts Park, Springville, UT - 8/26/06 Saturday

Human League - Aladdin Theatre , Portland - 9/16/06 Saturday

Elton John - BSU Pavilion - 9/20/06 Wednesday

Rob Zombie - Big Easy - 9/26/06 Tuesday

KMFDM - Avalon Theatre , Salt Lake City - 9/27/06 Wednesday

Ladytron - The Depot , Salt Lake City - 10/10/06 Tuesday

Petshop Boys - ECenter , Salt Lake City - 11/3/06 Friday

Rolling Stones - Idaho Centre - 11/14/06 Tuesday

Joan Baez - The Egyptian - 11/17/06 Friday

The Roches - Moore Theatre , Seattle - 12/15/06 Friday


Favorite genre - probably Horror and Dark Comedies. Depends on my mood. As with Music, I like a bit of everything and there are too many to list. Here's a few: The Three Women; Man Bites Dog; Blue Velvet; Wild at Heart; Eraserhead; Brazil; Liquid Sky; Cremaster Series by Matthew Barney; Life is Beautiful; Clerks; The Princess Bride; The Jerk; The Man with Two Brains; All of Me; L.A. Story; Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert; Hedwig and the Angry Inch; River's Edge; The Village; Serial Mom; Earth Girls Are Easy; Reform School Girls; Kill Bill 1&2; Sex, Lies & Videotape; Young Frankenstein; Blazing Saddles; Harold & Maude; Clockwork Orange; Death Race 2000; Fantastic Planet; Soylent Green; Fahrenheit 451; Barbarella; Rosemary's Baby; Trash (Warhol); Bad (Warhol); Hellraiser Series; Evil Dead Series; Return of the Living Dead Series; Night of the Living Dead; Dawn of the Dead (both); Day of the Dead; Land of the Dead; Shaun of the Dead; 28 Days Later; Resident Evil; Saw 1, 2 & 3; Hostel; The Exorcist; The Shining; They Live; Pulp Fiction; Cemetery Man; The Hitcher; Killer Klowns From Outer Space; Ice Cream Man; Nightmare Before Christmas; Love at First Bite; From Dusk Till Dawn; Seven; An American Werewolf in London; Psycho Series; Creepshow; Twilight Zone-the Movie; Reservoir Dogs; Natural Born Killers; Blade Runner; Invasion of the Bodysnatchers; The Dead Zone; Brainstorm; Angel Heart; Donnie Darko; Lord of the Rings Trilogy; Star Wars; Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (and new one); The Crow; Farewell My Concubine; Blues Brothers; Quadrophenia; Tommy; My Own Private Idaho; Dogfight; Running on Empty; Desert Hearts; Salmonberries; Go Fish; Moonstruck; After Hours; High Strung; Naked Lunch; The War of the Roses; A Fish Called Wanda; Tank Girl; Hairspray; Terms of Endearment; Breakfast Club; Heathers; She's Having a Baby; Eating Raoul; Napoleon Dynamite; Tokyo Decadence; Decline of Western Civilization/punk; D.O.A./punk; Koyaanisqatsi; Akira; Tetsuo-the Iron Man; all Monty Python; Being John Malkovich; Time After Time; It's A Wonderful Life; Night Shift; The Usual Suspects; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Vanilla Sky; The Sound of Music; My Fair Lady; Gigi; Wizard of Oz; Grease; Westworld; Swamp Thing; Birdy; Priest; Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Star Trek; Close Encounters; Matrix; Labrynth; Chronicles of Narnia; Pee-Wee's Big Adventure; Bettie Page in Bondage..... Again, too many to list...


Although I generally think "Unplug the Drug", like almost everyone (even those that swear they hate t.v. - those with their big DVD collections instead - Helloooo, that is still t.v., just at your convenience!), I have a fondness for certain shows. Dead Like Me; Six Feet Under; Curb Your Enthusiasm; The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; The Colbert Report; Mr. Show; The Tick; South Park; Futurama; Sealab 2021; NCIS; Lost; Medium; Grey's Anatomy; The Twilight Zone; Ellen Degeneres... It's hard finding time to watch them, but I do enjoy them when I can... I prefer to see them on DVD.


Books I recommend:

Authors I like:
Laura Antoniou
Anne Rice {including the Beauty series}
Steven King
Dean Koontz
Gertrude Stein


MYSELF - I am a good, cool person & an honest, loyal friend.
MY MOM - I LOVE YOU mom!!! Rest In Peace...
MY GRAM - You are a second mother to me... I love you so much!!!
DANIEL - You are WONDERFUL and the love of my life!!!
HONEST PEOPLE - There seem to be so few...

My Blog

Meow! My first blog...

So.  Well, I'm really not sure what to say here.  This is actually the first blog I've ever written, and I am sitting here in the Auckland airport, fairly loopy from lack of sleep, excitemen...
Posted by ♥ Kimber ♥ on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 04:24:00 PST