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the whole movement of political correctness and modern psychology has trained so many of us to be afraid to say what we mean, or feel, in an honest way because we will ultimately offend somebody, somewhere...when i'm pissed, you'll know it! when i'm happy, i've been told i can light up a room...i don't like to sugar-coat my feelings with how i'm supposed to say things, or how i think you want to hear what i'm's a free-flow emotion, and that's what i think our natural state as humans is...when we think too much about everything, we lose our essence...our minds can be our worst enemies...zen calls it "monkey mind" can talk yourself into or out of just about anything! we can justify any evil or good, we can make an excuse for any action (almost) just depends on who we're talking to, i guess...
i try to be open to others in the same way that i expect them to be open to me...if you're angry, you have the right to express that anger, but don't start getting in my face or talking over me without giving me space to respond! a conversation, and communication, must be JUST THAT...two-way dialogue at all times...when you don't let me speak or you aren't TRULY hearing what i say, i'll yell or walk away! when you're ready to listen, i'll come back for a REAL conversation...
unfortunately, i've had to deal with a lot of shit in my semi-short life, and i've found that the best way to deal with B.S. is head-on, instead of dancing around the issues, playing games, bottling things up, and talking to everyone but the person i have an issue with...these are the ways of cowards and dysfunctional people, and of course most of us do this to some extent...but at least we should aspire not to, and work hard at facing the music instead of running away and shutting the door on the world...
ah, but when it comes to some of the tough times i've dealt with (or not), there have been many times that i wish i could just stay in a tiny corner and never move again...who needs this world, anyhow? well, we ALL do! we need each other more than we know...
every human on this planet needs every other human to start living a better, cleaner, happier, healthier life, or we will all perish in the misery we create many people have already given up (whether they see it that way or not), and this makes me wonder why we don't realize how many things we have to live for (both meanings are applicable here, too: we have many things to live for, and we HAVE TO live)...if you think you are already dying of cancer, or will eventually, so you just keep chain-smoking and eating shit food, then why not get it over with quicker? if you want to be on the fast track to a hospital bed or a coffin, save us all the worrying and JUST DO IT! what, you don't have the guts? be honest with DON'T REALLY WANT TO DIE, do you? so then make up your mind and live life honestly, for yourself! stop making excuses for your laziness and apathy...either you are truly suicidal or you want to live...make up your mind, and live with conviction for what you believe in...the future, or the past? hope, or fear? i am a very pessimistic optimist...i have hope, but sometimes i don't believe that others have enough hope to save us all...
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