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Impale The Traitors

About Me

Living on the Thassos island of the one and real Makedonia (Hellas)...Basically I Like All Kinds Of Well Played Metal, But so far i find my self deep in SYMPHO-BLACK, MELODEATH-NWOSDM and EXTREME POWER METAL and offcource INSTRUMENTAL WORKS...I Love Guitarwork. George Lynch and Alexi Laiho are two of my favorite Axemen.(I cannot mention em all because it is a real Big list)...UNSIGNED BANDS are keeping alive the spirit of our Music, Lots of Metal Diamonds are out there without a Label, so i am searching of them and then spread their name and music to metal fans as far as i can. This is the reason i keep this page up...SUPPORT THE UNDERGROUND METAL!!!!!!!!!NO MORE WAYSTED BANDS!!!!!!!!...And For Some Unbelivable Stupid FAKE METAL Bands Who Trying To Steal The Greek History And Make Anti-Hellenic Propaganda I Have To Say This:...MAKEDONIA AND CYPRUS ARE HELLENIC, IT WAS LIKE THIS AND IT WILL BE LIKE THIS FOREVER, HISTORY CANNOT BE CHANGED!!!... PAOKARA ZOUME STHN POLH NA SE DOUME!!!»-(¯..v..¯)-» Design your MySpace with MyLook «-(¯..v..¯)-«

My Interests

PAOK FC, Cars, Metal, MMORGS

I'd like to meet:

Kovenant's Friends Space


Melodic Death,Black and Power Metal with amazing guitars, Children Of Bodom, Norther, Kalmah, Blood Stain Child, Naildown, Mors Principium Est, The Wake, Arch Enemy, Throne Of Chaos, Skyfire, Enforsaken, In Flames, Soilwork, Blinded Colony, The Duskfall, Nightrage, Wintersun, Raunchy, Darkkane, Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Old Man's Child, Kadenzza, Mensura, Imperanon, Into Eternity, Mercenary, Omnium Gatherum, Susperia, Nightwish, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, Warmen, Sinergy, Witchery, Firewind, Biomechanical and much more.....




MY PROMOTION VIDEO TO MY BROTHER NIKOS (Guitarist) ..Tooth and nail (+ intro ) - Dokken




ALEXANDER THE GREAT(THE GREATER OF ALL GREEKS EVER)ALEXANDER THE GREAT (356-323 B.C) (Harris).......“My son ask for thyself another Kingdom , for that which I leave is too small for thee” (King Philip of Macedonia - 339 B.C)........Near to the east In a part of ancient Greece In an ancient land called Macedonia Was born a son To Philip of Macedon The legend his name was Alexander........At the age of nineteen He became the Macedon king And he swore to free all of Asia minor By the Aegian Sea In 334 B.C. He utterly beat the armies of Persia........Alexander the Great His name struck fear into hearts of men Alexander the Great Became a legend ` mongst mortal men