Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Surfing, Scuba, Video Games, DDR ,My secret surf spots,TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL
some one who can give me a new body . fuck ill take a couple of knees a back , neck , left foot and ankle just for now ill abuse them just like i did the other ones hahaha
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Fu Manchu, Mason Jennings, The Detroit Cobras, Reverand Horton Heat (sorry about stopping your show when I threw that shirt at you), The Gories, The Laughing Hyenas, Mudhoney, Rocket 455, Pitbull (DETROIT HARDCORE), The Vertical Pillows, Hot Footin' Puddin' Pie, and any band that Lenny Pops/Larry Friedman is in. Kid Rock (NOT...remember when 655 whooped their asses?...that was beautiful). The Donnas (cause they take it off). The soundtrack for DDR.Hank williams 3.
"Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in Action- The Original"
"City of God"- made me want to buy a gun.
"Amores Perros"- Love's a bitch
"Rat Boy" Not the one from detroit, the one from santa cruz.
"These Colors Taste Like Music" Nathan Fletcher boosts air.
"5'5" x 19 1/4" Lost Surfboards.
"49 Degrees", If you haven't seen it, you should. Surf Canada-don't forget your took, Napolian Dynamite Great Reno Balloon Race
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The Sopranos, UFC (every day), The Ultimate Fighter, Dog the bounty hunter, Iditarod (The Last Race on Earth), Intervention it's good and bad at the same time, PRIDE Fighting. All kinds of news. What kind of f'ing chaos is going on today? I almost forgot saturday morning cartoons and beer
Lost.. Across America Vol.3
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Who didn't know that James Frey was lying. Give me a break.
"Idiot's Guide to Kickboxing" " Coloring Books "dosent matter i just like to color.
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My plants, Rey Diogo BJJ
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