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About Me

Christian Myspace Layouts - Church MySpace Layouts Christian Myspace LayoutsToday, in America I see the disattachment between the people and their representitives. Things like "American Idol" are bound to be a bigger topic of discussion rather than the sort of representation the people have or what our government is doing. People ABSOLUTELY NEED to get involved with their representitives. WE are the ONLY check against bad government. This is what the founding fathers warned us about! We, The People, have to do our jobs as well if government is going to serve us and NOT the other way around! GET INVOLVED! You have a voice and a means to use it!!!!****************************************************** ***************************************************** So What's Next For The RNC? More of what we just went through? Deficits? Unresolved eminent domain? Spending sprees? More drunken Rome policies? This certainly was NOT a conservative Republican government. Had enough? Personally I think the RNC needs to start reaching out to it's grassroots now. Not in a year, not a few months before the '08 election. NOW. If they continue to listen to politicos and not the voices of those they represent at the voter base they'll make similar mistakes next time around. It's time that they started listening to what Republican voters have to say about all the issues. Contact your state chairperson and get involved! Another good option is to call, fax or write the RNC headquarters and register your complaint or idea. Republican National Committee | 310 First Street, SE | Washington, D.C. 20003 p: 202.863.8500 | f: 202.863.8820 | e: [email protected] So get yourselves involved. Make your voice heard.

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Meet "NEW Hickory": who wishes a return to traditional Republican values. Congress is a separate branch from the Judicial and Executive branches. No matter which party holds the other two, Congress absolutely needs to do that for which they were created for, which they HAVE NOT been doing for years now. Simply handing congressional powers to the President is NOT tolerable and IS unConstitutional. In the same instance, the President has a RIGHT to veto bills that come before his desk which threaten instability within the country. The President should NOT be a rubber stamp for every bill that Congress sends to him. The Supreme Court must also be aware of the Constitutional powers that are given it and where those laws are obviously being ignored, be a voice and rule in accordance with those words contained within the Constitution so that the other two branches DO NOT become one. Each branch of the government was created so that an empirical atmosphere does not permeate within our government. This was why we had the American Revolution! You MUST demand from your representitives that they act in accordance with Constitutional law when fufilling their roles in government. If "We The People" fail in our duty as the "check" against bad government then we give up our right to honest representation.





My Blog

Fr Gobbi Marian Movement of Priests

The Fatima Crusader does not, by reporting the following event, wish to prejudge the decision of the Church regarding Father Gobbi's locutions but, at the same time, notes that Father Gobbi is known t...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Sat, 31 May 2008 05:24:00 PST

Fatima Part IV

1991 - Present May 13, 1991 - Sister Lucy declines to go to Fatima during the Pope's visit but is commanded to do so under holy obedience. Pope John Paul II visits Fatima for the second time, and has ...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Sat, 31 May 2008 04:52:00 PST

Fatima Part III

In the portion of the text of the interview photographically reproduced above, the Cardinal says that the Third Secret contains "religious prophecy" which cannot be revealed "to prevent [its] being mi...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Sat, 31 May 2008 04:50:00 PST

Fatima Part II

1965 - 1983 December 8, 1965 - The Second Vatican Council closes. 1966 - In the aftermath of Vatican II, the Bishop of Fatima, Mgr. John Venancio, comes to understand the necessity and urgency of defe...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Sat, 31 May 2008 04:48:00 PST


..TR> A brief history of the interventions of Our Lady of Fatima to bring real peace to all mankind and the ongoing campaign to thwart, silence, falsify and obstruct Her message of peace, hope, joy...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Sat, 31 May 2008 04:46:00 PST

Fatima; The 3rd Secret Vision Explained

Following is an edited transcript of an interview with Father Nicholas Gruner by Tom Masset, host of 'Heaven's Peace Plan' Radio Program. For ease of reading, the interviewer questions are in italic. ...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Sat, 31 May 2008 03:56:00 PST

Fatima; Sister Lucy Interview

Silencing of the Messengers: Father Fuentes (1959 - 1965) Interview with Sister Lucy         On December 26, 1957 Father Augustin Fuentes, who was preparing to becom...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Sat, 31 May 2008 03:32:00 PST

Our Lady Of Guadalupe To The Aztecs And Beyond

Aztec CalanderThe Aztecs excelled in astronomy. Their 26 ton circular stone calendar was a version of the Mayan calendar, the most accurate calendar produced up to that time. The Aztec calendar was di...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Thu, 29 May 2008 12:26:00 PST


Mary's mediation derives from Christ's 1. Among the titles attributed to Mary in the Church's devotion, chapter eight of Lumen gentium recalls that of "Mediatrix". Although some Council Fathers did n...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Mon, 26 May 2008 05:50:00 PST

APPENDIX From the Acts of the Council*

'NOTIFICATIONES' GIVEN BY THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE COUNCIL AT THE 123rd GENERAL CONGREGATION,NOVEMBER 16, 1964 A question has arisen regarding the precise theological note which should be attach...
Posted by Republicans4Integrity on Mon, 26 May 2008 05:47:00 PST