The guys here at Shocker Rugby would like to thank anyone who supports us and play with us. Being that we are a summer side, you can understand that this s our slowest time of the year. Don't get us wrong, we are still playing for our local side The Stanislaus Harlots, but we are always thinking about ways to make the next year better than the last one. Its gonna be tough, but we have some ideas. One of them is more road trips, possibly to other states, for obvious reasons states connected to California. And possibly setting up touring sides with players from all over the area. We will have more contests, one being a plane ticket to next years Harlotfest, run by the Stanislaus Rugby Football Club. And we are in the works for the new design for next years jerseys as well as T-shirts for the spring and summer.If you have any ideas that you would like to share, drop me a message, and I will get back to you.
In case you haven't heard, Chuck Norris called me the other day and told me that i was the person he would like to meet. The only down side is that it might be for a roundhouse kick to the face. But I am going to meet up with him anyways, what he doesn't know is that I learned from the best. Have you ever seen Roadhouse??? Patrick Swayze or better know as Jack Dalton, gave me the confidence to calm down any situation I might have with Mr. Norris. And if its gets rough, take the fight out side...vez
We don't like music, we love it. and we make love to it. Its a proven fact that Joey actually fucked his Guitar.....