KeViN ScHaFeR profile picture


InVaSiOn FrOm pLaNeT k

About Me

Now playing: Kevin SchaferHowdy!!HOLY CRAP !! IT'S SUMMER!! Come join Planet K Sat AUG 2nd at 4:00 SHARP!! At The River Boat Grill, docked at Harriet Island. NO COVER, ALL AGES, GREAT FOOD and a beautiful setting across from downtown St Paul. In other news, My music video has hit the streets!! Plus new music right around the corner!! HOOOOORRRRAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ............................................................ ............................................................ ..........................." Not since the likes of a young Edward Van Halen and wired era Jeff Beck, has there been a more explosive guitar player. Without a doubt, Kevin Schafer and his Invasion from Planet K mates are the real deal. Folk's, rock guitar just got itself a swift kick in the ass."........................................ The groove stays cool & deep and the guitar work hot & flashy. Kevin Schafer has scored BIG, and fans of funky, fusionistic guitar rock score even bigger when they pick up this amazing disc. From the soaring harmonics & wide vibrato of "Sugar City" to the wah-warped rhythms & long bends of "Butter Face" to the climbing chromatics & swirling lines of "Sparkle Motion" to the easy release of "If Forever...", Kevin delivers in spades...................................................... ...... The 70s are without a doubt one of my biggest influences. You had Evel Knievel, jumping canyons, you had Muhammed Ali, whoopin ass and you had the best rock, funk and fusion going on. It was the style of this time that made music so colorful and explosive. As a guitarist, artists like Jeff Beck, Robin Trower, James Brown, Edward Van Halen, inspired me to get playing in the first place. I really miss the era of great guitar rock and hard, heavy funk. That 70s flavor has inspired me to get loud again. Invasion from Planet K is truly a return to this era of music. I have had over 74,000 hits on my website. I made their list of the best unsigned artists . I have also had four ..1 songs on the soundclick band charts. With nearly 200,000 registered bands and over 1,250,000 songs it is an accomplishment I am extremely proud of.................................. The live band is extremely dynamic, very improvisational and constantly jumping over the cliff. You won't hear us doing cookie cutter rehashes of the material. We really try and push ourselves which makes for a very exciting live show........................................................ ......... Guitar playing has just gotten LOUD and PROUD again. Invasion From Planet K is a return to the days 'gunslingin and head cuttin'. Hot guitar, at it's 70s finest!
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: The studio tracks feature Rikki Davenport on the drums. His talent and astounding playing truely took this music to a higher place. Peter Guertin lays down some amazing keys on 6 $$$ Trick. These guys make it easy for me to make the rest of 'da' noise....................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ .........................................Invasion From Planet K- The Live incarnation................................................K evin Schafer - Lead guitarNate Pate - Lead guitarPeter Gaard - DrumsWill Murphy - BassThese guys seriously play their asses off. Jumping off the cliff every gig, never been the same way twice....... Really make it a joy to play!!
Influences: Jeff Beck, Eddie Hazel, Eddie Van Halen, Pat Travers, Robin Trower, Allan Holdsworth, Miles Davis, James Brown, Early Prince, Jimi, The Who, P-funk,Tony Willams....... This list could go on and on!!
Sounds Like: Jeff Beck, Eddie Van Halen, Robin Trower, P-Funk, Alan Holdsworth, Pat Travers, Hendrix....
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Mysterious Professor Tweak - Invasion From Planet K Invasion from Planet K has finished their debut video!! Influenced by all things early 70s, in particular Toby Hooper, we are really happy with the...
Posted by KeViN ScHaFeR on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 03:57:00 PST

Evel dies, some kid memories burn stronger.....

One of the defining moments of my early childhood was growing up in Twin Falls Idaho and having Evel come to town to jump that big Snake River. My father, a civil engineer, worked extensively on the j...
Posted by KeViN ScHaFeR on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 09:18:00 PST

Invasion From Planet K - CD reviews and such....

Here are a couple review links for my latest and greatest. Invasion From Planet K...... You can also find out a bunch more Kevin Schafer tidbits, right here..... On to the reviews....  "The groo...
Posted by KeViN ScHaFeR on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:33:00 PST