Member Since: 2/2/2007
Band Members: "Banginest little dude"!
Influences: WHITE HOUSE SPECIAL OLYMPICS BOWLING TEAM ROSTER: chrissy, harry, nancy, barney, timmy, and team captain "barry" under Grand Jury investigation, four tax evaders, a pornographer, assorted lobbyists with presidential exemptions, and a gaggle of cronies.
now that IS change.
hope is a TRILLION dollar political payback package and a $3.55 TRILLION spending free for all masquerading as a budget. somehow the fact that democrats forcing banks to loan money to people who had no business getting loans, which is the root cause of this "crisis", has become the model for all political and economic activity under this administration. if you are foolish enough to think that YOU got a tax cut, keep in mind that the tax increases on energy alone will increase the price of virtually everything you use or consume. it's an elaborate shell game, folks, and we are the I have this right? head of banking Dodd amends the budget (earmark) to protect the bonuses Timmy promised, and the admin (that would be Obama) says he didn't protect them enough ... then the bonuses get paid and they all pretend they didn't know what they promised, and create unconstitutional punitive tax legislation to recoup what is a relatively miniscule amount compared to the trillions wasted in their budget ... which (surprise surprise) turns out to be mistated by a trillion. or two. so they print an extra trillion to cover their borrowing.excuse me, wasn't loaning money to people who couldn't afford it what started this?? so now they are loaning even more to themselves when they can't afford it! this isn't special olympics, this is something far beyond limited capacity, this is travesty. the entire administration, and all but 6 democrats and 87 republicans should resign. the incompetence and duplicity is beyond comprehension. Make no mistake, the goal is, and has been, to dismantle America and replace it with something .... that many people have come to America to escape from."Well, just because I was opposed at the outset, it doesn't mean that I don't have now responsibilities to make sure we do things in a responsible fashion."
Obama in Turkey, regarding his adopting GWB's Iraq policies. Apparently as a senator and candidate he did not feel it necessary to behave responsibly.*** Celebrating and defining his first 100 days in office, Obama has an empty Air Force 1 flown to NYC for publicity photos.***if all that doesn't scare you, how about the ultimate political payback scheme- turning over ownership of chrysler to the workers collective (that killed the company in the first place) while giving the secured creditors zero - and offering an extra 10% to Fiat if they create a "peoples car".
Sounds Like: "LIVE FROM THE GLOBE OF DEATH" sounds like a guy killing a bass guitar at 4 am. recorded with the intention of redoing it with a different vocalist, guitar player & drummer. they vanished. "A COLLECTION OF FAVORITE SPANISH LOVE SONGS" is more civil, and includes some 8 string selections for greater frequency variation, as it wasn't recorded with the intention of redoing it. these discs were later released as a double solo bass set.***
"THE TOMB OF THE DEAF" is like a Vietnamese seafood buffet - lots of spice, lots of variety, and lots of big clams. ****it should sound like you are here, standing in front of the bass drum with a couple of big amps pointed at you, point blank. if it doesn't - turn it up.****
2008/09 "KILLING IT IN A BAD WAY" will be much the same - but with a bit more Nuoc Mam.
Record Label: Thanh Van Thi