The Crack Rock Steady Siete profile picture

The Crack Rock Steady Siete

That Crack Rock Steady Beat.....

About Me

Choking Victim surgio en en New York en 1993 tras la transformacion de una banda llamanda "No Commercial Value" que fue formada por "Stza" y "Alec" en 1990.


-Crack Rock Steady - 1994 - EP

-Squatta's Paradise - 1995 - EP

-Victim Comes Alive - 1997 - EP

-No Gods / No Managers - 1999 - CD,LP,CS Hellcat R

-Crack Rock Steady Demo - 2000 - CD

-Crack Rock Steady EP / Squatta's Paradise - 2000 CD

Leftover Crack se formo en abril del 2000 tras la separacion de Choking Victim...


-Rock The 40 Oz. - 2000 - EP

-Mediocre Generica - 2001 - CD, LP Hellcat

-Fuck World Trade - 2004 - CD, LP Alternative

-Rock The 40 Oz: - Reloaded 2004 - CD

-Dead Line - 2007 - Split CD with Citizen Fish

"Stza Crack" toca canciones de "Choking Victim" y "Leftover Crack" en Mexico D.F. acompanado del "Crack Rock Steady Seven" de Mexico, que son miembros de una banda del D.F. llamada Nino Zombi

Shows en Marzo 2006

Las canciones en el reproductor son canciones que han sido escritas durante los ensayos principalmente por Dan y Stza y grabadas durante el tiempo que Stza ha estado en Mexico D.F.

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

"Stza Crack" plays "Choking Victim" & "Leftover Crack" songs in Mexico City with the mexican "Crack Rocksteady Seven", they are members of Nino Zombi.

The Songs on the Music Player are Songs that have been written during the practices mainly by DaN and Stza and recorded during the time Stza has been in Mexico City

Shows en Febrero 2007:Niño Zombi's album "Sembrando el Terror" is now available at "Interpunk",you can get it by going to this link:

My Interests


Member Since: 1/16/2006
Band Members:

Stza: Voz & Guitarra

DaN Zombie : Guitarra & Coros

Ben Zombi : Bajo & Coros

Izmael Peralta: Bateria & Coros(on The CRS7mx theme song)

Gonz Zombi: Bateria

Cheko Zombi : Trompeta & Coros

Crizz Zombi: Trombon & Coros

Influences: Choking Victim & Leftover Crack
Sounds Like: Choking Victim & Leftover Crack with Horns
Type of Label: None

My Blog

We need help with booking for US West Coast Tour in Summer 2008

hey Zombies,Promoters,Bands,Friends,crackes: We are planing a US Tour for the Summer 2008, it would be in the west coast. we don't  know dates for now, but we'll let you know soon. so, if somebod...
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 02:34:00 PST

Buy Niño Zombi CD at

hey zombiecrackers, our first album "Sembrando el terror" wich has Stza Crack as Special Guest,  is now available at Interpunk, just go to this link and buy it.. you'll need a credit card Buy it ...
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 03:40:00 PST

New song /// Nueva cancion

hey friends we just recorded a new song , its in the mixing and mastering process.. so soon it will be up.....wait for it     hey amigos,. acabamos de grabar una nueva cancion, esta en el pr...
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 10:32:00 PST

Theme Song Ready

ok people here's the theme song...wehope  you enjoy it as we do....we did the best...   ok gente, aqui esta el tema, esperamos que lo disfruten como nosotros... hicimos lo mejor..  ...
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:57:00 PST

almost ready!!!!!!

The recording of the CR7mx Theme song its over, so in this week the song will be uploaded... for now we are mixing it.....thanx   hey,  ya terminamos de grabar el theme song, por ahora lo es...
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 08:40:00 PST

Grabando!!! el Theme Song de TCR7

hey, ya estamos grabando el Theme Song de TCR7mx.... pronto la subiremos al reproductor...   hey we are curently recording the  TCR7mx  Theme Song so you can heart it soon...than...
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 09:33:00 PST

New Pics||||Nuevas Fotos!! Foro Alicia Show

go to view more pics..and check it out   ve a "view more pics" y checalas
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 09:31:00 PST

New Pics||||Nuevas Fotos!!

new pics from the show at  " el Chopo" on Saturday March 11th 2006.....   Nuevas fotos del show en "el chopo" el Sabado 11 Marzo 2006  
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:58:00 PST


en los proximos 2 shows en Mexico D.F. y ecatepec habra venta de playeras,stickers y parches... para que lleven DINERO!!  
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 09:36:00 PST

Puebla Show!!!

atencion, si quieren ver el flyer , esta la seccion de fotos "View more pics" 
Posted by The Crack Rock Steady Siete on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 11:15:00 PST