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I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

♥ I am one of the Dr.Pepper FAN!!!!! ♥ and I like Music^^the best is Punk. I can..t speak English well↓↓, but Im trying ~~ And I like used clothing so I often go to Harajuku!!! Punk×3 Recently I started to practice sk8 riding!! and I ride PISTA BIKEEEEEEEE<<<<3 i'm a FIXIE Freak^^

I wanna work on Berry Button !!!! I love JP@@@
★My favorite bands !!!★

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like to hang out with my friends!!!!!!
so play with me & skate boarding with me ,,,,play SEX with me@@@@@@
,,,,,mmmmmmmmmm....I wanna a lot of friends living all over the worLd and Punx. And Im so Leftover Crack Fan!!I wanna know u more<<<<3 please tell me about u^0^ well,,,,ah my extra curricular is Fencing ,and recently it gets more and more harder >0< wanna quit it help me :::::::

Who likes vivennne !!♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣
Sturgeon no Stizzla!!! please come to my space!!!!!!!!

(Morning Glory / Gimme Heroin)

i'm puttin the hero back in heroin cuz i'm happier walkin dead stickin it in i never grew up and i'm sure i never will and i'm sure that what i'm sayin is irresponsible but i'm never havin kids and i'm never gettin hitched cuz i'm already married like a scratch to the itch they tried to tell me in school i'm a thug i said fuck this piece of shit school cuz i'm on the drug

gimme heroin jackin up again gimme heroin under my skin gimme heroin 'cuz i'll never win so gimme heroin

graduate to I.V. league steppin up from pills intentional overdose- or just for thrills? everyone is sayin that i'm just bones and skin but it really is my soul that's coming thread bare and thin i'm feelin the sickness i can't hold it down it's been too long with but without it i'm down i don't wanna live cuz i'm fed up with it but i blame the CIA for importing this shit

gimme heroin jackin up again gimme heroin under my skin gimme heroin 'cuz i'll never win so gimme heroin Social Sin

i feel the warmth of the after glow a thoudsand years drift by but i don't know the land of nod knocks on the door and offers up just a little more... H-E-R-O-I-N!

gimme heroin jackin up again gimme heroin under my skin gimme heroin 'cuz i'll never win so gimme heroin evils begin

heroin jackin' up again gimme heroin its under my skin gimme heroin 'cuz i'll never win so gimme heroin

My Blog

It feels like Jesus on the Crossssss,<<<<3

ÑtOòn.^L cfM_W Dd‚oGRINDSKApcKŠtDf‹nk ÑoSKA‚tOkotO Qiªüëɹ¯üëÒÃ×ÛÃ×nMC LARS’xô£üíüÆ“ /^tDffO`UD H«Ã³¤¤gY ]ŒK‰SnMRqkB‹Spiral MarketLcfM~W_>> ]Skor c_ѨLBcf1Žko«Õ§LBŠ~Y ÑÞ¹­ó°Æü×’...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 13:46:00 GMT

For F**king coooooooooool Misa, Sae , Ryouko , Akiko , Conyon , Arisa , Confy ,

Today I backed from "Korea" and I never  forget  to spend such a FUCKING COoooooL  days!!!!!!!!!!!! I really love u GUYS!!!!!!!
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 05:29:00 GMT