Aphrodite profile picture


I'm cooked.

About Me

Once upon a time, in a quiet little Connecticut town, there was a quiet little house whose inhabitants believed in one thing: cleanliness. If you lived in this house, you understood what was expected of you. You knew your place in the scheme of things. And if you happened to forget... Well you just might get swept away on a flood of romanticism, humor, and unexpected beauty. In this Susan Smith Blackburn Award-winner, a doctor, her husband, his lover and their maid's tidy lives change forever when one stops cleaning, one starts cleaning and two find the love of their lives. A magical and exotic romantic comedy that begins with a punchline and ends with a joke.

My Interests

Film:March/April 2007: Wayne State University.February 2007: "Sarajevo," Lucky Airlines/Cinemapanopticon.December 2006: "Whispers," Cedar Entertainment. (in pre-production)December/November 2006: Wayne State University.November 2006: "Ocean of Pearls," Lightpost Pictures.August 2006: "Beyond the Pale," Spleen Productions.June 2006: "Story Time," Grand Valley Productions.February 2006: "A Rake Tenor," Detroit Experimental.Sept 2005: "Bedtime Stories," Therapize.August 2005: "Crossover," Hoop Productions.June 2004: "Carbon Copy," Aphtic.June 2003: "Crazy Luck," In Time Productions.November 2003: "Secrets of Fenville," Devonshire.Theater:April 2008: "Growing Pretty," at The Purple Rose.September 2007: "A Clean House," at The Performance Network.April 2007: "Amadeus," at The Performance Network.January 2007: "Language Lessons," at The Performance Network"October 2006: "Frankenstein," at Meadowbrook.March 2006: "Devour the Snow," at Meadowbrook.February 2006: "Night Blooming," at The Blackbird Theatre.December 2005: "Laundry and Bourbon," at Planet Ant. (Festival of One Acts).November 2005: "Sez She," at UDM.September 2005: "Ice Glen," at The Performance Network. (Assistant Director).August 2005: "Linda Her," at Planet Ant. (Pandora's Box Festival).June 2005: "The World Over," at The Blackbird Theatre.April 2005: "The Metamorphosis," at The Abreact Performance Space.January 2005: "Untitled Parts I & II: The Architect and The Storyteller," at Planet Ant.October 2004: "Entertainer Zero Machine," at Hastings Street Ballroom.


Mozart, Beethoven, Motley Crue, Faster Pussycat, Poison, LA Guns, Guns N' Roses, Faith No More, Queen, Maschina, The Monkees, Beach Boys, AC/DC, Journey, Boston, Air, Bowie, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, KISS, Bob Dylan, Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynne, Patsy Cline, Duran Duran, Talking Heads, The Cars, Interpol, The Police, The Beatles, The Who, Madonna, Blanche, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Heart, Pink Floyd, Jeff Buckley, Television, Temper Temper, The Bravery, The Killers, Quiet Riot, Alice Cooper, Ozzy, Alice In Chains, Emmy Lou Harris, Joy Division, Depeche Mode, T Rex, New York Dolls, Hanoi Rocks, Taylor Hollingsworth, The Tough and Lovely, Phillip Glass, Franz Ferdinand, The Black Angels, The Mooney Suzuki, The Everyothers, The Starlite Desperation, MUSE.


FILM THIS MONTH: Little Children, TRANSFORMERS, Spider Man 3, The Virgin Suicides, Evening, Sling Blade.THEATER THIS MONTH: "Flap" at Williamston, "Sea of Fools" at Purple Rose and "Dirty Blonde" at The Performance Network.


The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Twin Peaks, Entourage, Sex in the City, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Inside the Actor's Studio, The Monkees, Headbanger's Ball (old school), Rome, The Wonder Years, Grey's Anatomy and PBS ..aries.


I don't have any heroes, just people who have influenced my life in a positive way like James Dean, Vivien Leigh, Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, Al Pacino, Merill Streep, Katherine Hepburn, Gary Oldman, Toni Collette, Nikki Sixx, Sean Penn, my family, my friends, my mentors and anyone who follows his or her instincts in making life choices.

My Blog

gave someone a flat tire today

and made an acquaintace.
Posted by Aphrodite on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 09:58:00 PST

i'll see you in another life, when we are both cats.

another dream ... i wake up in bed with a guy in the middle of a theater, can't remember who the guy is. people filter into the theater. one of these people, an actor from around town, asks me i...
Posted by Aphrodite on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 08:48:00 PST

a dream ... what could it mean???

i dreamt that i had a frozen puppy in my freezer. it was a puppy i was taking care of and someone put in my freezer. there is a little hole in this freezer where this puppy likes to sit, apparently. i...
Posted by Aphrodite on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:13:00 PST

this is "about me"

trouble. with a T. i have been called this by many. i like to think of myself as tricky. i like to laugh. at myself. at you. at things that make sense to no one but me. my imagination likes to run wil...
Posted by Aphrodite on Thu, 31 May 2007 12:09:00 PST

I like to archive "About Me" to see how my personality changes

i started out as a scientist. now i am an actor. i don't like playing it safe. that's boring. i get bored very easily. boring people bore me. boring people like boring things. i am tempted to trick fa...
Posted by Aphrodite on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 02:59:00 PST

Big Boy

I had visions of Big Boy in a dream last night. Big Boy looked thinner than usual, he was sitting on a truck, and I was really excited and wanted to take a picture of him to show to the other team mem...
Posted by Aphrodite on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 06:33:00 PST

It's beginning to look like an archive ...

I am very intuitive about people and life in general. I am tricky but simple. I fall apart easily, but am unbreakable. Falling in love is easy for me but falling out of it is just as simple. My goal i...
Posted by Aphrodite on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 04:28:00 PST

AOL icons are like real people

it takes a while to sign on when you have a dial up modem. i was trying to get on the internet today and it took so long that I zoned off gazing at the aol sign in screen as my computer dialed in. fou...
Posted by Aphrodite on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 10:37:00 PST

Also About Me ... God, I'm an egoist

I was born again today, Wednesday, February 9, 2005 and I have a confession to make. I have stolen things, mostly inanimate objects, some hearts, and a few sleeves. It started in 7th grade, when I beg...
Posted by Aphrodite on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

About me ... possibly

I like long walks on the beach, running my fingers and toes through the sand and watching the patterns as I create them in conjunction with my environment. Water. Wind. Time. What do the patterns repr...
Posted by Aphrodite on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST