What about me? My name is Molly and I live in Detroit. Detoit and I have fabulous love/hate relationship that has lasted almost 6 years! My longest one ever...some days are good, some days are bad. Le sigh...what else? I am an actor. And I'm lucky enough to say that I'm a working actor, for now anyways. I love theatre and I love performing. I love creating. I apparently, I love using the word "love." In a utopian society, I would be able to spend my days creating and performing AND be able to support myself.But this is America.So of course, I have the day job. I was a server at a restaurant downtown for a long time. Now I work at a box office at a theatre downtown. After work, you might find me at a bar. I frequent bars but I am by no means a bar fly, because that has a bad connotation. I love music and I think my life would be incomplete without it. I like to write. I enjoy good company. My friends, family and all the other people close to me are critcal to making my existence a happy one.And those who know me well know I am a person of principles. What I believe in, I believe in strongly. Help the underdog. Don't take advantage of others. The eyes are the window to the soul. Egoism and pretentiousness are criminal. All of these beliefs influence the way I live out my life. I try to fight the good fight. I have strong opinions. I hate conflict.That's nice...but what about the real me? I hate being wrong. I can be overdramatic. I also have a tendency to hold grudges if I feel unapologetically betrayed. I allow myself to be overintimidated by authority. I talk the talk, but sometimes have trouble walking the walk. There are times when I spend to much time on others and not enough time on myself. But I'm getting better at that.What else?I've decided put up some information about things I find super important. There are many adoptable animals looking for homes. Could you be a future "forever" home for a pet? Check out the Michigan Humane Society for information on adopting an animal.http://www.michiganhumane.org/site/PageServer. Also, here's a link with a lot of information on animal-friendly responsible comsumerism, animal testing and yummy veggie recipes to try! http://www.peta.org/living/index.asp.