MavisMartini profile picture


Nessun maggior dolore che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria. - Dante

About Me

Mavis Martini was Ava Gardner's childhood friend and first client, launching her career as "astrologer to the stars". As Ava's gal pal, Mavis met and began doing charts for Frank Sinatra, Shelley Winters, Montgomery Clift, Federico Fellini and Lorna Luft. Famed more for her famous friends than her talents as a star-gazer, Mavis became a fixture on the talk show circuit in the '60s and '70's as she gleefully recounted the debauched antics of her show biz cronies. "Time will tell" became her ubiquitous catchphrase when queried on some future event, and was the title of her 1988 memoir. The book was pulled from the shelves soon after publication after numerous threatened lawsuits from Jerry Lewis, Elizabeth Taylor, the family of Peter Lawford and Zsa Zsa Gabor.In the early '90's, Mavis claimed to be the long-lost child of comic duo, Jerry Stiller and Ann Meara, who had given up a child for adoption in the '50's as unwed teenagers. Ben Stiller launched an investigation and proved the claim false, and adding insult to injury, proclaimed Mavis's real birth year. A secret she had kept closely guarded for decades and was unquestiond due to her numerous plastic surgeries, Mavis eventually confessed that the date was accurate. She also divulged that the whole incident had been an elaborate publicity stunt designed to attract Stiller's attention who was then slated to direct "What Makes Sammy Run?".Mavis herself filed a lawsuit against the BBC when "Absolutely Fabulous" aired in the mid '90's claiming the show was an invasion of privacy and was a wholly accurate depiction of her life and that of her best friend, former starlet, Jayne International(tm). The suit was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum which allowed the plaintiff to retire to her childhood homestead in rural North Carolina. Leading a quiet life with her two miniature dachshunds, Klaus and Heino, Mavis occasionally makes a cameo appearance at awards shows and telethons. She has been known to spend her summers in Wales with one of her former lovers, Sir Tom Jones. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ********************************************************Dahl ings, I've been simply overwhelmed with the "Friend Requests" lately and have decided to initiate a screening process. PLEASE send me a li'l note beforehand so that I may decide whether we have any compatibility...otherwise, I must DENY or DISQUALIFY:"May I suggest Mr. Ray's Wig World?" Dead celebs and living kilt-wearing bass players automatically accepted! (Yes---I am serious. Please don't make me go "private"---so ELITIST!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Walter Neff*Clare Quilty*Big Daddy*Jim Halpert*Black Rod*THE TINGLER*atomicpaparazzo*Agent Dale Cooper*STAUNCH Characters*The Divine Edgar*Rupert Pole*007*DukesofStratosphere*Matt Helm*Simian Emperors*Kilted Highlanders*Bass Players*


Ciao, bambino! JohnWaters and my new favorite show, "Til death do us part"


(Aren't they ALL?)

My Blog

I can't blame it on the Bossa Nova...

..but I can blame it on Le Jazz Hot, and specifically THIS man, who has transformed my life: Duty calls, y'all, and when the producer/director/writer has an unlimi...
Posted by MavisMartini on Wed, 16 May 2007 06:00:00 PST

Craving something sweet...

Oh, my sweet tooth is just going mad, y'all....maybe I need a lollipop! This one is for HONEY! Lordy--I used to crank this one! Good golly, those 'dos! AND here's an oldie, but goo...
Posted by MavisMartini on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 05:55:00 PST

"Life of Reilly"!

RUN, don't walk to see this fabulous flick about my dear, dear friend, Charles Nelson Reilly! Not to be confused with my other triple-monikered friend, Harvey Sid Fisher: ...
Posted by MavisMartini on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 03:48:00 PST

Waiting for Godard...

A fellow cinemaphile celebrated his 50th birthday last weekend.  Several of us presented him with the simply incredible Janus Essential Art House collection  (50 movies, y'all!).  He wa...
Posted by MavisMartini on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 09:22:00 PST

Like, totally, Oh My Gawd!

Reliving my new wave youth a bit this week! Bopping around as a nymphette to these tunes rather mindlessly, little did I know they would resonate in my twilight years! Going out with the girls from ...
Posted by MavisMartini on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 05:34:00 PST

Freaky Freud-y!

So while I was Googling some banana images to assault the SkunkGoddess with, I came across this one:   Now, maybe I have a filthy mind--or just a potassium deficiency--but isn't this photo m...
Posted by MavisMartini on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 04:00:00 PST

What a difference a 'DO makes!

Well, darlings, I am proud to say that I practice what I preach!  After admonishing our lady astronut in yesterday's blog for her horrid appearance, I promptly sashayed into my local beauty shopp...
Posted by MavisMartini on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:38:00 PST

Space Capades!

Oh, by now I'm sure most of you darlings have read about that poor doll, Lisa Marie Nowak, aka the "astronut" as the media is dubbing her... Oh, honey!  If you're going to commit a high-profile ...
Posted by MavisMartini on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 09:20:00 PST

If you dig MIKA, you'll LUV Brett Smiley!

Nothing like a hot glam clip to warm my heart (and elsewhere) on a cold, rainy day. I did a Brett Smiley blog ages ago, but this clip is new to me! And I admit I am a terrible dirty old broad for lust...
Posted by MavisMartini on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 01:00:00 PST

I need to just say

Enough of these already... I need more of this: Shaken, stirred, straight-up...on the rocks!  I'm not too picky!  Just no more tropical (depression) bevs--they give me a headache!...
Posted by MavisMartini on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 04:42:00 PST