Warren Oates profile picture

Warren Oates

Look at my face, you sons-of-bitches. You're gonna remember this face....

About Me

You may know who I am or not, it really doesn't matter... if you don't, I guess you don't have a major credit card to get a video rental. I've ridden the high country, witnessed a shooting, and can't pass up a good cockfight when I find one. I was raised up on the whisky rivers of the Bluegrass State and went from one end of this country, bounced off like a rubber ball and rolled back to the other side. Live in L.A., but my heart is in Montana, where the mountains absorb confused, contemplative stares... Don't doubt for a minute though, that my boots have had more dust on them than that pack of Trojans in your glovebox. Via con dios to all those who know, who have ridden rough-shod with a wild bunch or two to their journey's end...sometimes with bullets, sometimes with laughter... but always with the name of the guy who brought you coffee in the credits. Made quite a few films to be proud of, some I'd rather not think about, but always gave it my all - even if I was mired in celluloid hogwash. ..

My Interests

Running from satanists, cockfighting, machine-gunning Mexican revolutionaries, gun-toting fishing guide, being unrecognized and underappreciated, robbing banks, cross-country road trips with disembodied heads, cross-country automobile races with folk singers, and eating eggs pickled in whiskey.

I'd like to meet:

Other deceased character actors, or anyone willing to buy me a drink.


The guitar stylings of Harry Dean Stanton. James Taylor gave me his record, but right now it's keepin' my coffee table level.


The Wild Bunch, Two Lane Blacktop, The Shooting, The Cockfighter, Race with the Devil, 92 in the Shade, Ride the High Country, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, Badlands, Dillinger, In the Heat of the Night....and other movies you weren't in.


You'd know me as..."third cowboy on the left" Just so you know Rod Serling's hands get to wanderin' after a few shots.


Workin' on my autobiography... "A Harvest of Oates" or "Drawlin' Made Easy."


Peckinpah, Monte Hellman, Harry Dean Santon, Ben Johnson, Dusty Bill Braddock, myself, and James Taylor.

My Blog

The times they are a' changin'....

You can bet your bottom dollar you've never seen a better cocksman than yours truly. That's why, when Kris Kristofferson was shootin' off his fool mouth about his chicken and what a spirited fighter i...
Posted by Warren Oates on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 08:58:00 PST

Varmint Trouble

My doctor says I gotta relax, so I recently took up building tiny ships in my empty whiskey bottles.  Was just about to raise the mast on the H.M.S. Michael Caine, when I hear...
Posted by Warren Oates on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 04:18:00 PST

If I had it my way...

Coming soon from Bandolier Productions... "Six Pesos for Senorita Rosita" Warren Oates sets fire to the screen as Logan Chawpocket - President Grant's unemployed brother-in-law - master of the bu...
Posted by Warren Oates on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 05:17:00 PST

An American Idol

Growin' up, I never missed a matinee. My young eyes were treated to a magnificent parade of cowboys, horses and scar-faced villians galloping across that great silver tapestry. It was an age...
Posted by Warren Oates on Thu, 18 May 2006 09:05:00 PST

Hard Truth Builds Character

Couple weeks ago some nerdy college kid come up to me with a script a' his and a few doodles on notebook paper. Says he wants to make some kinda space movie and I'd be perfect...
Posted by Warren Oates on Tue, 09 May 2006 08:38:00 PST


You all know me; I'm a good neighbor. I usually toss the morning paper over to the right yard and seldom open mail when it is incorrectly delivered to my address.... But that damned Kris Kristofferson...
Posted by Warren Oates on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 08:28:00 PST


Sometime in every life, one finds himself in a punctuated moment that questions whether he has made the best decisions in pursuit of a dream.... Mine came 50 feet in the air on nat...
Posted by Warren Oates on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 11:37:00 PST

Oscar Buzzed...

Seems, once again, my ticket... and nomination were lost in the mail..... I was determined not to get burned like I did last year by that damn scalper. No sir, this year Harry Dean and ...
Posted by Warren Oates on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 04:07:00 PST

Mr. Oates Goes to Washington....

Gettin' so that a man can't have his breathing room. Woke up to a little note on my door from our friendly local code enforcement folks. Seems some of my neighbors think that the rusty ...
Posted by Warren Oates on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 02:12:00 PST

Ya Gotta Keep Busy

The scripts have been a little thin lately, so I reluctantly jumped on an offer to host a local late-night radio talk show. I'm no stranger to the medium, having given a weekly "rooftop chat" via...
Posted by Warren Oates on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 04:22:00 PST