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Tess Harrison

Suspense with a sexy edge

About Me

This is where I tell you all about Tess, huh? I've never been really good at talking about myself. But here goes anyway. Tess is an amateur sleuth, a princess and a woman on the run. She's also a space traveler, a futuristic warrior and an alien.
What? You don't believe me? It's true. I'm also a hobbit. A wizard. A vampire. And oh yeah... a mermaid.
I am all these things (and so much more), because I'm a writer and a reader. And when I'm lost in the story, I become those characters. Whether they're mine or someone else's. It doesn't matter.
Not enough? Ok, here's a little bit more.
I'm a wife and friend. I'm fierce about what I love and loyal to all who are dear to me. I worry too much over the little things, but I know how to laugh and enjoy doing it often. I've been told I'm weird and evil, but you know... it keeps life interesting so why not.
Anyway, if you want to know more about me, my books, anything at all, check out my website and daily blog at Tess Harrison.com .
Edge of Darkness
Available Now at Cobblestone Press !
Light of Day Available Now from Cobblestone Press!

My Interests

I love writing, but more than that I enjoy getting lost in the story. I read everything I can get my hands on and have many favorites. Way too many to list. Hiking, cooking, and knitting are favorite past times as well. So is listening to music and watching movies. Oh and I recently started taking belly dancing lessons. But lately bootcamp is taking up much of my spare time. I'm surprised at how much actually. Not that I'm complaining. I like it.

I kill plants. Seriously, don't ask me to take care of yours. At least not if you love them. One week with me and they will cease to be. I don't do it intentially. I just have this aura that kills them. So as you can imagine, I do not work in gardens or plant flowers. Even though I do love to receive them. . . flowers that is.

And I believe the best car ever made was the 68 Mustang Convertible. (I'll take that in candy apple red or black satin thankyouverymuch!)

Chocolate is a gift from God!

DRUMMERS! (Especially since I married one!)

I have a passion for Polish pottery. I think it's beautiful.

And I love watching ice hockey. I'm not a fanatic. I just enjoy watching. But I do know enough to understand the game, and I have quite the puck collection going on of pucks from our local minor league. Go Glads!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone! Come on, be my friend. You know you want too. . .


To name my favorite music would be impossible. My tastes are as varied as my moods. But I guess I could sum it up with this; I love music full of passion that speaks to me.

But to give you a sample of what music is speaking to me now, I've added the slide show below of a few of the artists shuffling in my iPod.

Check back, because these will probably change after a few days.

And even more listening... Shuffling in iTunes... And don't be too surprised if I'm deep in the writing/editing trenches that the music inspiring my latest book doesn't repeat its self often in this list. ;)


Again, I have so many favorites it'd be almost impossible to name them. But I will say that I can't say no to the following movies: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (The Return of the King is one of the best movies ever made!), To Kill A Mockingbird (I love Gregory Peck!), Pride and Prejudice, The Right Stuff, Ever After, Rebecca, Anything associated with Alfred Hitchcock, All of Christopher Guest's movies and the list goes on...



Hard to say. I don't really watch that much TV. But I'm a sucker for Ghost Hunters. I also enjoy the Food Network. Hey, I love to cook. What can I say. Oh and we mustn't forget the crime and forensic shows.


Waaay to many to list. But if you want to see a sampling of what's in my library. Check out my library at Library Thing by clicking HERE .


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My Blog

New Digs! Check It Out!

This has been a long time coming, but I finally took the plunge! I've moved over to Wordpress for my blog and website. A new blog, a new website and a new me. :D Just click the banner to come on over ...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Fri, 16 May 2008 03:38:00 PST

You May Have Noticed

My blog title may be a little deceiving because, well, I guess you may have noticed a lot of things.  However one thing that has to do with my My Space page.  And no, it's not the fact that ...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Thu, 01 May 2008 03:08:00 PST

Vampires by Jack Handy

..> "One thing vampire children have to be taught early on is, don't run with wooden stakes."  Jack Handy quotes..>...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 03:31:00 PST

He Put It In Front Of Me!

I've been writing away on this Urban Fantasy/Sci-Fi Fantasy story. And I'm really getting into it. Well, one of the heros (Yes, you read that right. One of the heros.) just put this song in my head an...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:32:00 PST

Plucking Away

I'm writing and it's feeling pretty great.  Just plucking away at this Urban Fantasy that popped into my head.  1,500 words last night.  800 so for tonight.  Who-Woo!   Gotta ...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:11:00 PST

I aint dead yet!

Life has a way of always throwing curve balls when you least expect them.  And let me tell you, I've been having more than my fair share these past several months.  However, with these curve...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 07:28:00 PST

One Colossal Read!

I'm totally thrilled. Light of Day got 5 out of 5 Angels from Fallen Angel Reviews. Linda L, the reviewer, called it "one colossal read not to be missed." How excited am I?! Here's the review! Light ...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:14:00 PST

One Colossal Read!

I'm totally thrilled. Light of Day got 5 out of 5 Angels from Fallen Angel Reviews. Linda L, the reviewer, called it "one colossal read not to be missed." How excited am I?! Here's the review! Light ...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:15:00 PST

What are you doing?

I'm sitting here drinking beer, eating pizza, baking cookies and listening to some damn good music.   What about you?
Posted by Tess Harrison on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 05:54:00 PST

Light of Day Now Available!!

I'm excited to announce that my new novel, Light of Day, is now available at Cobblestone Press!  Dusk til Dawn Book 2: Light of Day  Available now at Cobblestone Press: http://www.cobblest...
Posted by Tess Harrison on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 02:38:00 PST