wh'I'M (whoever I AM) profile picture

wh'I'M (whoever I AM)

Comfort The Disturbed...Disturb The Comfortable.

About Me

LIFE IS A TEST...BUT I HAVE CLIFF NOTES. Next step you ask??? OFF THE CLIFF. LOSE FAITH. GAIN CERTAINTY. Time has been "taking" us for years...and ITS OWN time has finally come once again...OUR TIME HAS ARRIVED....IT IS HERE...For we are truly in the midst of Uncommon hOURS....It is inDEED time to TAKE time BACK. For InDEED we trust. MODspeed. GOD SPEED. I occasionally bite my fingernails out of a semi-conscious desire to remind myself of the impermanence of the flesh and every morning I wake up and shave with a straight razor soley for the purpose of getting to then make the "conscious" decision of whether or not I'm going to slit my own throat. Life seems so much more vibrant to me this way. I'm totally approachable but clinically unreachable. I tend to get strange looks when I cut the grass....perhaps something to do with the scythe that I'm wielding. I slice my morning grapefruit with a miter saw. The only thing I keep near the piano that could even be remotely considered sheet music is a first edition copy of Charles Bukowski's "Play the Piano Drunk, Like a Percussion Instrument, Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit." I've been known to chase a Tai-Chi class with an 8-ball of cocaine solely for the purpose of casting off the rather overwhelming and oft times unsettling feelings of peace and well being the discipline often leaves me with...howEVER, as "IT" states IN the Bible, specifically, in the book of Mark chapter 7 verse 15 of the KING JAMES VERSION: "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man." In truth, it's probably less the actual drug and more the process of "chopping up and cutting out lines" that appeals to my meticulous nature....looking foward to crushing up and snorting Geritol in my twilight years. I'm probably the only person in the history of Las Vegas to ever come to Sin City with the intention of cleaning up and drying out...it is the desert afterall. And you know what they say, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I generally like to keep mine right under my nose...except for the times when they're actually up it....I enjoy acting on occasion...most recently I have reprised my breakthrough role as "an upstanding pillar of society" for the highly revered Outagamie County Judicial System for a limited engagement run...as it appeared the state of Wisconsin was taking a vested interest in my driving privileges...consequently I have decided to be proactive and take countermeasures...I am now in the process of procuring my pilot's license...see you on the tarmac!!! I have an appreciation for sarcasm & metaphor. Over the course of my professional career I have had the great pleasure of working under the auspices of/collaborating directly with not a few of our generations most impacting & influential theatrical/cinematic/artistic/musical visionaries in the business...A BIG THANKS, to every crew member, cast member, artist, mad man/woman and musician I have ever shared a stage, gallery or arena with....along the way, I've also worked with a few other individuals of note including but not limited to: Susan Stroman, Lynn Taylor Corbitt, Jerry Zaks, Twyla Tharp, Harold Prince, and most recently for Chris, Matt & Phil of BLUE MAN GROUP...though in regards to the "boys in blue, " it didn't take me too long to come to the grave realization that THEY DO NOT IN FACT employ chorus girls in ANY of their productions and I'm afraid (so much better than being a fraud) that I was quite simply no longer able to sit idly by bearing witness to this heinous, brazen travesty....this blatant disregard for the deterioration of American theatre as I see it...;^) Consequently, I ended up working on the largest and most awe inspiring production show in existence on the planet today...Cirque Du Soleil's KA @ The MGM GRAND. Strange though...despite it being perhaps THE COOLEST show I've seen to date, it was oddly enough perhaps the most UNinspiring gig I've ever had...so I moved on yet again. Still, you truly have to see KA to believe it....it truly is a spectacle to behold....and I dear friends am a spectacle to be held...ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!!! LOL!!! Needless to say I tend to date younger women.....they typically have much less shit to move...though their stories are generally, necessarily shorter, they are no less relevant....and though many have ridiculed me on occasion because I AM generally twice as old as the majority of women in my life, in my defense I'm not HALF as mature as they are and I am merely trying to bring a little balance to the universe. At the end of the day I'm looking for someone specific to accompany me...to journey with me as I help myself...to keep myself alive...to perhaps nurse me along in the, once again, Geritol induced stupor of my twilight years...that or simply & humanely put me in an early grave...they both hold their own unique appeals. Afterall, the goal of life is not to arrive calmly and peacefully at one's grave in some well preserved, manicured corpse, but rather to sort of skid into it sideways, screaming in horrified, unencumbered ecstacy at the sheer overwhelming brilliance of the ride. Andre Gide once wrote that "It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not." Timothy Leary once said that we should "Celebrate our victories in life with funeral rites for our slain illusions....to wear some black on our wedding day." And though I rarely put faith in most people things say...ESPecially myself, results are a difficult thing to deny.Trust those who seek the truth, but be wary of those who find it. Personally, I can't think of anything more rude than for one person to allow another person to get "familiar with," "used to," or "comfortable with" another...Such things merely lend themselves to feelings of complacency and ill conceived perceptions that one fully "understands" another and that there is nothing more to know or "remember" about them...no more mysteries lying deeper within. I leave you with one last thought that I love from Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."Alright, maybe just one more...."The measure of our ignorance is the depth of our belief in injustice and tragedy." -Richard Bach (Yeah, balls on with that one in my book.CHECK THE VIDEO BELOW FOR A LITTLE SOMETHING TO ASPIRE TO:

My Interests

Click here for an easy and free way to help feed those in need at The Hunger Site! Though I AM intrigued by a great number of things as the following shall undoubtedly bear witness to, I'll say "HEAR" for the record that I AM "interested" in nothing less than affecting a massive, shift change in consciousness within myself. ALLOWING THE ABSOLUTE ORIGINAL MOVEMENT OF BEING. INDIGOS. VIOLETS. CRYSTALS. I AM INTERESTED IN RECOVERING....Discovering IS AN ILLUSION...FUCK DISCOVERY. (Not the network mind you.) DECEMBER 21st, 2012, 11:11, The Mayan Calendar, ALL BELIEFS. Also I AM interested in things which seem to have no apparent meaning or good, "earthly" purpose, Nova Pro Light & Sound machines (I like to refer to mine as the M3: The Mediocre Mind Manipulator), Transcendental meditation (CHECK OUT www.tm.org), VEDIC SCIENCE, SACRED GEOMETRY, LOVE, BILL THE CAT, Horses. Animals. Pianos, Remembering Our Truth, Mad PoeTREE, Box Burning, " Righting" poetry, Fashion design, Cats in general, Bushido, Guitars, Lilacs, Lexicology, Divine Conduction, Tai-Chi, Sailing, Dragonflies, Psychosophy, violins, SCRAT, French cuffs, Grapefruit, Syncing Lips, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Conversational Apache, dill pickles, Samurai swords, ANIMAL, Living UNCOMFORTABLY, Medit8ing, Reson8ing, Qi-Gong, Creation, Wandering, Wondering, Writing poeTREE, Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Indulging My Paranoia, Bill Nighy, Ghosts, Lucid Dreaming, Loosing My Mind, Slitting My Risks, MUSEic, signed first editions, Astral Projection, thin crust pizza, Remote Viewing, Hypnosis for Fun and Profit, Practical Intuition, Miracles & Wonderstorms, All things ART ie: ALL THINGS ie: ALL.ACCORDING TO THE M.B.T.I (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) I AM an I.N.F.P.The following film, EARTHLINGS, is, regardless of your position on the matter, certainly worthy of your consideration...or REconsideration as the case may be.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

I'd like to meet:

you....and um....these guys: NEOTERIC.NET

OF oriGINs...& TONIC...& prophetic"


KIN, Grace Sims, Magic Box, +- Somniative, Patty Griffin, Amber Rubarth, Sun Kill Moon, Ryan Adams, David Gray, Ray LaMontagne, IAMB, Sarah McLachlan, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, The Counting Crows, Willie Nelson, ColdPlay, Anton Chico, Bei Bei, Nick Drake, DUMAS, Neal Young, Mindy Smith, The Doors, Gillian Welch, Ani Difranco, SIA, The Bulgarian Women's Choir/Angelite, Tweaker, The Dixie Chicks, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Old Crow Medicine Show, Iron & Wine, Flight of the ConChords, Gary Jules, Van Morrison, Tom Waits, Alanis Morisette, Five For Fighting, Joni Mitchell, Rusted Root, Johnny Cash, Robert Johnson, Anna Nalick, Jennifer Warnes, Sarah Harmer, Violent Femmes, Daniel Powter, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, RUSH, Guns 'N' Roses, Metallica, AC/DC, Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, The Preservation Hall Jazz Band....typically draw the line at most sub-par polkas (NOT BASED ON VALIDITY OR CONTENT, MIND YOU, BUT MERELY UPON PERSONAL FLAVOR OF APPEAL.)
Your Life Path Number is 7
Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning

You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life.
You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories and insights.
A life of solitude is perfect for you. You need time to think and do things your way.

In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit.

While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme.
You can become too isolated, shutting out loved ones and friends.
Express yourself a little bit more, and you'll be surprised where it takes you! What Is Your Life Path Number?


Alright, so if I owned a video store and called it ONLY GREAT MOVIES, the following would definitely be on the shelves in no particular order: THE FOUNTAIN, Peaceful Warrior, American Beauty, Braveheart, Rob Roy, The House of Yes, The Shape of Things, Donnie Darko, Pollock, Basquiat, The Illusionist, Thank You for Smoking, Trainspotting, O Brother Where Art Thou, Off The Map, A River Runs Through It, Legends of the Fall, The Prestige, The Bridges of Madison County, Fried Green Tomatoes, Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show, Animal House, Stripes, Caddyshack, American Grafitti, Grumpy Old Men, Grumpier Old Men,True Romance, Waking Life, A Scanner Darkly, Fierce Grace, Mindwalk, Fargo, Capote, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, GO, Point Break,The Wizard of OZ, Love Actually, Apocalypse Now, American History X, The Doors, Kalifornia, JAWS, First Blood, What Dreams May Come, Finding Forrester, Identity, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Young Frankenstein, Austin Powers films, Ghost, Hook, The Notebook, Shawshank Redemption, On Golden Pond, Fight Club, Four Rooms, Reservoir Dogs, The Abyss, Cecil B. Demented, City of Lost Children,The Usual Suspects, Monster, Girl Interrupted, Million Dollar Baby, Leaving Las Vegas, Still Crazy, Garden State, Twelve Monkies, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Fire Walk With Me, The Professional, Unforgiven, Tombstone, Wyatt Earp, Drunks, Pulp Fiction, Poltergeist, Thirteen, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, White Oleander, The Goonies, Halloween, Frailty, Snow White (not the animated one..the authentic version with Sigourney), Gandhi, Eyes Wide Shut, The Mothman Prophecies, Fire in the Sky, 40 Year Old Virgin, The Pirates of The Caribbean, Interview with the Vampire, Uncommon Valor, The Ring, Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan, The Anniversary Party, Powder, Phenomenon, PI, Scream, The Lost Boys, Almost Famous, Nosferatu, Stand By Me, JFK, SAW, The Fog of War, Sicko, Lost in Translation, Young Guns I & II, Dead Poets Society, Casino, Blow, Good Fellas, Heat, A Love Song for Bobby Long, The Price of Milk, Clue, High Art, Shine, Shakespeare in Love, Quills, Born Into This.


Watch occasionally, but generally avoid...it's no coincidence they refer to it as "programming." Seinfeld, Will & Grace, Friends, Sex & The City, The X Files, Twin Peaks, Boston Legal, Weeds, House.


A Course in Miracles, The Book of Urantia, Graduation, The Holographic Universe, pretty much anything by Dan Riley Boesch, M.atthew A.ugust P.etti, Bukowski, Hafiz, Celine, Camus, Kahlil Gibran, Kerouac, Vonnegut, Palahniuk, Spalding Gray, Hunter S. Thompson, Andre Gide, Eric Bogosian, David Sedaris, Victor Frankl,Peter Mayle, Virginia Wolfe, Richard Bach, John Fante, Paulo Coelho, Rainer Maria Rilke, Thoreau, Goethe, Thich Nhat Hanh, Hakim Bey, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, Mencken, Anais Nin, Geoffrey Lake, The Dalai Lama, Jimmy Buffett...so sue me that I want to live on island time , Reg Hartt, Carlos Castaneda, Dan Millman, Black Elk....The Prophet, The Gift, Notes from Underground, The Science of Mind, Japanese Death Poems, ILLUSIONS: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, Science & Health, Consciously Creating Circumstance, Peace is Every Step, Jitterbug Perfume, The AntiChrist, The I Ching, Letters from the Earth, The Power of Now, Conversations with God, DSM-IV-TR ( I like to have a grasp of my options.) The Thirsty Muse, Hunger, Being and Nothingness, Grandfather, Witness to the Fire, An Unquiet Mind, The VanGogh Blues, The Power of Intention, Messiah's Handbook, The Bible.


"They'll never let you down just as long as they stay dead."

My Blog

EARTHLINGS (A documentary worth watching)

..TR style="BORDER-RIGHT: 69c 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: 69c 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: 69c 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: 69c 1px solid; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse"> The following film, EARTHLINGS, is, regardl...
Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Tue, 27 May 2008 04:25:00 PST


THE END OF AMERICA:Letter of Warning to a Young Patriotby: Naomi WolfAnd then if you need a chaser, might I recommend PEACE IS EVERY STEP by: Thich Nhat Hanh.Balance is key....
Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 11:00:00 PST


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: universåL¤Vîsîôñ§Date: Aug 4, 2007 6:26 AMRAISING YOUR VIBRATIONAL RATEby Marie SouthernSince we know that all creation is manifest from Divin...
Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 07:49:00 PST

More on Aliens and The Bible...

God, The ExtraterrestrialGod, The Extraterrestrial"So, who was YHVH?Was He one of them? Was He an extraterrestrial?"....The question and its implied answer, indeed, arise inevitably. That the biblical...
Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 12:35:00 PST


FROM DISTANT TULAN ... 0. An indubitably Mayan codexOriginal Introduction by Giordano Rodriguez(Published by Gente Nueva, Habana Cuba, March, 1978, "Año del XI Festival")Not without profound concern d...
Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:32:00 PST

Save the whales. Save the planet. SAVE THE DATE 12/21/12

December 21, 2012...11:11.REMEMBER the world IS NOT ENDING...(well, maybe just a little...at least as far as we currently kNOw it.)TIME TO PREPARE....TO READY OURSELVES...and you know, BAKE CAKES!!! B...
Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 07:28:00 PST


Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 08:52:00 PST


Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Online Videos by Veoh.com...
Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:41:00 PST


Check out the following blog from my friend Elaine...Thanks Elaine...& everyone!!!21 Jun 07 Thursdayhttp://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.vi ew&friendID=138199917&blogID=278775427&indicate=...
Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:35:00 PST


Posted by wh'I'M (whoever I AM) on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:45:00 PST