emerald installations profile picture

emerald installations

heART core

About Me

.....scott o`keefe created berkeley california based art collective emerald installations.
.....our intention is to use materials from nature and shape them into art that provides a creative bridge into a wholistic/symbiotic consciousness [where human beings see themselves as parts of each other]...to re-connect people with Mother Earth`s sacred seed of LOVE...the divine life force energy...that will unify the globe...and allow mankind to FLOWER.
.....we have been invited by various festivals and institutes throughout the united states, including bonnaroo, coachella, power to the peaceful, joshua tree, the university of california@berkeley, and the esalen institute in big sur, to co-create organic sculpture... spreading creativitiy, imagination, unity, light, and LOVE..................sponsored by the unincorporated unconditional LoVe of MaMa Gaia.
.....once inside nature`s sacred circle, one begins to connect with the invisible energy that unites all life.........................
L O V E V O L V E .
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